Let's not talk about Zhou Yi's forbidden status.

As a member of the Guangming Empire, how could it be possible not to know about the Dragon of Time and Space?

The Demon God of Time, who has recovered from the years, controls the power of time.

In order to prevent the time dragon from endangering the rule of the Guangming Empire, the Guangming Emperor led his army to fight against the ancient real dragon clan.

The fight was earth-shattering, and even the taboo was personally shot.

At the end of the fight, one point of the masters of the Guangming Empire was directly defeated.

If it wasn't for that big fight.

Today's Guangming Empire will only be stronger, but it also allows the Guangming Empire to secure its position as the uncrowned king.

Someone told her now that the space-time dragon is not dead?

This kind of thing is scary to think about.

"Impossible, you absolutely cannot be the Dragon of Time, the Dragon of Time has never appeared before.

Even the one from back then is nothing more than a corpse that has died for countless years.

It is also because of this that it looks terrible.

How strong would a living dragon of time be? It's hard to imagine.

"Hehe, yes, but how can you be sure that what you killed was a corpse?"

Chu Qiao didn't answer.

Because she wasn't the one who killed him back then, even the royal family has changed in the past thousand years.

But she had learned that history.

16 No one knows the status of the old dragon, but this is not important, what is important is that the dragon corpse will threaten the rule of the Guangming Empire.

So the guardian beast took action to destroy him.

It's that simple.

You may be a threat to me, so I will kill you.

The taboo of the 144 region is an exception.

If they knew in advance that there was a taboo in it, then the Guangming Empire would definitely spare no effort to forcefully break through the area's protective barrier and kill him when the taboo was weak.

Facing the indifferent Long Chen, Chu Qiao raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and said with incomparable certainty:

"But you dare not kill me. If you kill me, Lord Guangming will come to kill you. Your life is worth more than mine.

Everyone in the world loves life, covets life and fears death.

As a princess of a country, she has seen too many people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. Even the emperor Guangming would show timidity when he died.

So she's betting.

Betting that Long Chen would obediently let her go when faced with death threats.

But Long Chen didn't answer.

She just slowly walked past Chu Qiao.

Chu Qiao's body froze instantly, her face became extremely frightened, and she raised her hand in disbelief.

The palm that was originally fair and delicate like a baby, in just ten seconds, seemed to have experienced vicissitudes.

Become extremely old, like the skin of an eighty-year-old lady.

It seems to have thought of something.

Chu Qiao touched her face in horror, there was no delicate face like jade, only a series of greasy wrinkles, it felt like she had grabbed a handful of chopped fat.

The power of time!

Really the power of time.

Zhou Yi was also amazed to see it, directly turning the human body into an old age state, this kind of power is indeed terrifying.

Nobody likes getting old, getting old means dying.

However, he had never seen Long Chen use this skill in the dungeon of the city of the sea before, presumably it was water.

But even if it is used, it is useless.

He has an immortal body and an immortal soul, and his body is always at its peak, unafraid of the erosion of time.

Chu Qiao reluctantly took out a mirror.

But also completely desperate.

In the mirror is no longer the face that overwhelms the country and the city, but an old face that looks like a monster.

Ugly, unsightly, and disgusting to look at.

"Ahh, Long Chen, you bastard, I curse you, you will be hacked into pieces by Lord Guangming, and then stepped into the deep sea again.

Long Chen didn't answer, but just took out a drop of wine from the jug.

Chu Qiao suddenly panicked.

Seeing this, Zhou Yi hurriedly said, "Wait a minute.

Long Chen was slightly taken aback, tilting his head and looking at Zhou Yi curiously.

She didn't think Zhou Yi was scared.

How could a person who dared to kill the Guangming State Master and rob the Guangming Empire's thousand-year heritage be afraid?

But Chu Qiao smiled.

She thought Zhou Yi was scared.

A smug smile immediately appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said unceremoniously to Long Chen: "You see, your taboo has already been opened, quickly restore me to my original state.

Then obediently kowtow to me three times, I may spare you from death. "

After saying this, Zhou Yi froze in place on the spot.

What hasn't he said yet? When did he become cowardly?

"Does this woman have no brains?" Zhou Yi couldn't help asking Long Chen.

Long Chen spread his hands and was speechless: "I'm not the roundworm in her stomach, you ask me, how do I know?

But then again, what's the matter with you asking me to save her life?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yi directly took out the death soldier.

"I have a mission to kill three professional gods, I just read it, she is a professional god.

That's for sure.

After all, Chu Qiao is the eldest princess of the Guangming Empire, her noble status also represents the face of the Guangming Empire.

Her profession must be that of a god.

Chu Qiao was dumbfounded on the spot.

How is this different from what you imagined?

Zhou Yi continued: "Actually, I also want to see what Guangming looks like. If he can come out from the Guangming Empire to find me, it would be perfect."

For the taboo boss Guangming, Zhou Yi doesn't have much awe, everyone is a taboo profession.

But his strength doesn't just depend on forbidden professions.

God's hand steals everything, God's parry blocks all attacks, and the immortal body is eternal.

In a real fight, Zhou Yi could kill him even if he took his life.

There is a saying that goes well, I can die ten times, and I can die a hundred times.

But in the face of real damage, how many attacks can Taboo withstand?

"Okay, don't say much, let's go straight to the road, my movements are very fast, and it won't hurt.

After hearing this, Chu Qiao quickly said: "Wait, don't kill me, I still have value to use.

At this moment, Chu Qiao realized that she was also a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

But Zhou Yi ignored it, stood up at 403, and the Death Daoist pulled out brazenly.

Eternal Burial summoned the realm of nothingness to spread out like flowing water, engulfing Chu Qiao and the twelve great knights of light behind him.

The world was instantly quiet.

After doing all this, Zhou Yi turned his head to look at Baron, the blacksmith of the Titans.

But seeing the blacksmith's face showing a look of horror.

Barron said in shock, "You're hurting, aren't you?"

Not only is it wrong, it is simply outrageous.

The Great Knight of Light has more than 3 billion health points, even if it is him, he can only deal 100 million damage at most.

As a result, with a single swing of the sword, everything was lost in seconds?

Zhou Yi shook his head: "Your focus is too strange, shouldn't you ask what we are here for?"

Barron shrugged nonchalantly.

"An old friend who hasn't seen you for 800 years suddenly brings someone to you, what else can you do?

Either come to me for a drink, or let me build weapons. Since I brought people here this time, I feel that the latter is more.

Zhou Yi took a breath.

This old man is not bad, he has seen much more thoroughly than the arrogant princess just now.

Barron smiled, turned and walked towards the other side of the lava lake, where there was a huge cave.

Looking in from the outside, you can also see a huge steel furnace.

"Okay, come with me, you saved the old man's life, so the old man is naturally willing to build a top-level weapon for you."

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