"Forget it, don't worry about it, let's go home and have a look.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Yi stopped thinking about it.

It's been so long since I've been out, I should go home, otherwise my sister will be worried.

Might have started to worry.

Zhou Yi stood up, took out a friend's business card from his backpack and handed it to Barron.

"This is thanks to senior Barron, here is a business card for you, I will not leave a mark.

If someone threatens your safety again, you can contact me directly through this business card, and I will send it directly. "

Barron quickly took it with a smile.

This is not a business card, this is a life-saving talisman.

There is a taboo that is more powerful than light to protect him, let's see who dares to attack him in the future.

Barron laughed and said, "You're out of touch now, come here when you're free."

Zhou Yi smiled, then grabbed Long Chen, activated the Yin-Yang Shuttle and teleported directly back to Xingyou Town.

Feeling the familiar atmosphere, Zhou Yi couldn't help sighing:

"The taboo item that the teacher gave me is really useful, but the imprint is a little less, and I have to upgrade it if I have a chance."

If Zhou Yi didn't have this yin-yang fortune bracelet, if he wanted to come back, he would have to fly to the nearby main city with Long Chen, and then teleport back through the teleportation array.

Then Zhou Yi opened the door of the house.

As soon as he opened the door, Zhou Yi froze, the inside was full of strange faces.

And it's not yet a human being from the Federation.

There are angels with wings and generals in golden armor.

There are also demons burning with flames, and even more outrageous are mummies, vampires, zombies...

957 Immortals and gods gathered together and danced wildly with demons.

Zhou subconsciously took two steps back to the street, and then glanced at the house number.

Yes, this is his home.

But what's the situation?

Could it be that during the time he left, Xingyou Town was occupied by someone?

There is no reason.

If it wasn't for the same taboo, who would dare to attack a taboo lair head-on, unless he was impatient.

"What's the situation with this kid? Are you sleepy?" A burly demon with horns couldn't help asking.

Then snap.

The angel who was wearing a pink dress beside him, with white wings on his back, and an angel halo on his head, knocked him down.

"If you can't speak, please speak less, no one will treat you as dumb.

Zhou Yi nodded.

The EQ of this demon is a bit low.

And at this moment, three women, Zhou Xingyu, Jiang Xiaoyue, and Qingyou, came out with food.

Seeing Zhou Yi standing there in a daze, Jiang Xiaoyu burst out laughing.

"You are right, this is indeed your home, but there are guests at home."

As soon as Zhou Yi said this, Zhou Yi didn't feel anything, but the eyes of the guests in the room suddenly changed.

your home?

Isn’t this the forbidden house? (bgcj) So the boy in front of me is the taboo Death Star?

The horned demon even took a deep breath.

I feel that I have never been so excited in my life. He must have gone crazy just now, and he was stupefied when he said that Taboo fell asleep.

Zhou Yi walked into the room and said with a smile: "Well, it seems that during my absence, a lot of things happened at home."

Zhou Xingyi looked at Zhou Yi and rolled his eyes.

He couldn't help being angry and said: "You still have the nerve to say, didn't you just go out to do a mission, why did you kill Guangming again?

Do you know how worried I am about you? What if I haven't been hit, what if the root cause of the disease is left?"

This tone reminded Zhou Yi of his adoptive mother. He used to fight with his classmates, and when he came back, his adoptive mother also criticized him in this tone.

I'm afraid that he will be hurt by someone, leaving a wound that can never be healed.

Zhou Yi shrugged innocently, and said with a look of grievance: "It's not that I took the initiative to find fault, I was there to build the equipment.

He suddenly brought someone to kill him, and he still has to fight me, what choice do I have?"

Zhou Xingyu stared, but it was nothing.

But the momentum is obvious, it means that someone is present, so to save face, if there is no one, hum!

Jiang Xiaoyu enjoyed watching the fun.

At the critical moment, she smiled quietly and said: "Okay, stop arguing with your siblings, and let me introduce you, these are my former classmates."

Zhou Yi was taken aback for a moment, then asked in surprise, "Are you still in school?"

Qingyou is the authentic Black Moon Princess, with a noble status, she should be taught by Empress Qu Black Moon herself.

How is it possible to go to college like everyone else?

Anyway, Zhou Yi thought so.

Qingyou shook her head: "Learning is endless, before I get omniscience, I also need the teacher's teaching to acquire knowledge.

Zhou Yi was stunned, and then his eyes became vigilant: "Okay, now there is a problem.

After graduation, everyone will kill each other [unless there are special circumstances.

So they won't come to play the autumn wind because they see you are prosperous?"

su: "..."

The scene suddenly became very awkward.

A group of people couldn't sit still.

Being suspicious of a taboo is not a good thing.

Zhou Xingyu was unable to support his forehead, and even Jiang Xiaoyu couldn't help complaining: "You are really rude in what you said. Fortunately, you are strong, otherwise you might be beaten to death."

Zhou Xingyu frowned and asked, "Who did you learn this from?"

This doesn't seem like something my younger brother can say. Could it be that my younger brother has been taught badly?

Zhou Yi spread his hands together: "The truth, isn't everyone like this?"

Qingyou frowned, and had to admit that what Zhou Yi said was the truth.

After most of the students leave the campus, they will enter the point where they will never communicate with each other.

This kind of thing is not just in the Federation.

Even in schools of foreign races.

Qingyou rubbed her eyebrows and explained: "They are my classmates, they are all taught by the same tutor, so our relationship is pretty good.

And they came here this time to find me on business, which has something to do with you.

Hearing this, Zhou Yi nodded and finally walked into the room, pulled a random chair and sat down.

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't look at the young man who is harmless to humans and animals, and can be reprimanded by his sister, but it is taboo after all.

Dawn is currently known to be the strongest profession, a terrifying creature capable of destroying a country alone.

The gap is too big.

After entering the room, Zhou Yi discovered that not only these guests, but also high-level officials from the Federation had also arrived.

It's just that they are in the innermost place, and the quiet classmate is sitting near the door, so I didn't see them just now.

Xu Biao sat in the deepest place, saw Zhou Yi coming in, and made a face at Zhou Yi.

And Zhou Yi responded with a middle finger unceremoniously.

Then the two laughed together.

This scene also stunned other people, especially those aliens couldn't help muttering in their hearts.

Is this Taboo so kind?

It's completely different from what I imagined.

As for the taboo, one should stand high and ignore all sentient beings.

But the one in front of him looked like an ordinary boy no matter how he looked.

Finally Zhou Yi sat next to Xu Biao, and couldn't help asking: "What's going on? Is something wrong?"

Xu Biao shook his head: "Don't ask me, I don't know, we also came to your house for a meeting after receiving the invitation from Princess Qingyou, not long ago."

At this moment, Qingyou knocked on the table, attracting everyone's attention.

Then the first sentence of the mouth is:

"Thousands of years have passed, and a new war of gods is about to begin. I wonder if you are ready?"

Zhou Yi narrowed his eyes, "God Zhan?"

He had indeed heard this word before, in Xuanyuan Ba's mouth.

Xuanyuanba once said that the battle of gods is cruel, and Qingyou was the final winner of the last battle of gods. .

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