National Awakening: My Damage Is As High As 100,000,000 Points

Chapter 377: A Lucky Woman Who Was Saw By Taboo

"Did you underestimate the great Abyss Demon God?"

Xuan Tiance said suddenly, the sarcasm that had seen through everything was revealed in his eyes.

"Tell you, Lord Demon God has the power of the abyss, he can distort all things, and then pull them into the abyss.

Shout, the power of the abyss is beyond what you and other juniors can imagine, prepare to witness the horror of the abyss.

Zhou Yi clicked his ears.

Without any anger, on the contrary very interested,

These days, it is rare to see such a brain-dead young man.

Then Zhou Yi stretched out his hand and activated the soul lock, and the sound of the chain rattling sounded.

A beautiful puppet wearing a maid outfit with big waves stepped out of the air, holding a plate in his hand.

It was Xiaoqi.

When Xiaoqi came out, Xuan Tiance was stunned on the spot.

The others were also horrified.

This puppet is really beautiful, it looks like a human being, just an ordinary maid puppet.

But everyone felt the power of the abyss from Xiao Qi.

Distorted, depraved, desperate, disillusioned......

After watching for a long time, I even feel that my soul will fall into the abyss.

Pure power of the abyss.

Many strong men even retreated in fright.

The abyss has the power of erosion, which can distort people's hearts and spirits. Even a strong person at level 200 would not dare 070 to be contaminated with the power of the abyss rashly.

Whether you can beat it is another story.

Just like poison, although you can guarantee that you will not be poisoned to death, would you drink poison?

And the power of the abyss is more terrifying than poison.

Zhou Yi smiled and said, "The power of the abyss? Do you feel that she has the power of the abyss? And it's more pure than the counterfeit on you.

Although the abyss has been betrayed.

But Xiao Qi is still the purest abyssal boss, with the purest abyssal breath on his body.

Xuan Tiance didn't answer, but just stared blankly at Xiao Qi, a little unbelievable.

All this seemed to be beyond his cognition.

Zhou Yi said indifferently: "The power of the abyss is very strong to you, but to me, that's all.

By the way, where is Mingyuexin?

Call it over to search for its soul, and I will see how brave it is to dare to make trouble in my hometown. "

In fact, he wanted to see if he could dig out the information of the Abyss Demon God in Xuan Tiance's mind.

If he really wanted to fight the Demon God in the future, he wouldn't be caught off guard because he didn't have any information.

Xiao Qi suddenly said: "Master, there is no need, this person has been transformed into a fanatic by the Abyss Demon God.

All memories and even personalities have been modified, we can't dig anything. "

So this is ah.

Zhou Yi nodded, this could also explain why Xuan Tiance dared to make trouble at the gate of the federation headquarters.

I thought that this person had no brains, but in fact he really had no brains.

"Forget it, since it's useless, there's no need to keep it."

Zhou Yi raised his hand, first chopped off Xuan Tiance's head, and then summoned a ball of flames to burn the body to ashes.

After doing all this.

Zhou Yi took Xiao Qi towards the gate of the federal headquarters.

when walking forward.

The crowd in front automatically moved out of the way, and the strong men on both sides paid attention. No one dared to rush forward at this time, saying something, please help me.

To be able to live until now, these powerhouses are also human beings.

Naturally, it can be seen that the taboo is in a bad mood.

It's no wonder that it's okay, as soon as I got home, I saw someone making trouble at the door of the house, and it was considered very polite not to expel everyone.

Shen Wen also breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing this senior, he was also under a lot of pressure.

Suddenly Shen Wen's chat channel flashed, and it was still a special reminder, the voice was very familiar to him.

Because it is the prompt tone he specially set for Zhou Yi.

Shen Wen's complexion suddenly became weird, and he complained silently in his heart, what can't be said in person, but need to be said in private?

But Shen Wen quickly opened the chat channel.

【Death Star: Take good care of that woman, save her life for the time being, and ask her why she came to the Federation. 】


Shen Wen glanced at the woman in surprise.

This woman's luck is too good, she was actually taken by Taboo, she has a bright future.

Thinking of this, Shen Wen stretched out his hand to Bai Su, and said with a smile: "Are you okay? We have a medical room here, how about I take you there first?"

Seeing this expression, Bai (bgcd) Su was flattered immediately, and whispered: "It's okay, I can still handle it, so I don't need to go to the medical room."

Even the others showed surprised expressions.

During the time they came to the federation, they had also seen Shen Wen take action many times, but when had they seen Shen Wen be so polite?

I'm afraid there is something tricky here.

Shen Wen said helplessly: "Let's go to the medical room. You are seriously injured. If you die here, what will outsiders think of our Federation?"

Because he didn't know what Zhou Yi wanted this woman for, Shen Wen didn't directly say that it was taboo to protect her, but made up a temporary reason.

But it's not really a compilation.

If this woman dies here, it will indeed have a great impact on the Federation's face project.

Among the crowd, a horse-faced monster sighed: "I thought she was taken by taboos.

The others looked strange.

They also thought so, and now it seems that they think too much.

Inside the federal conference room.

Xu Biao was having a meeting, when suddenly the door of the meeting room opened, and Zhou Yi walked in.

Xu Biao immediately put down his work.

"Death Star? Why are you here in person? Why don't you just send a message if you have something to do?"

Others also nodded one after another.

Only they know how busy this Taboo is. He is usually busy leveling, and occasionally goes to the Primordial Taboo to collect some treasures.

Some time ago, I also brushed six dungeons in a row, helping the Federation get the mythical crystal for six people.

Zhou Yi closed the door and said with a smile: "I want to ask you for some information, so I have to come here in person, and something very interesting just happened outside."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

If it can make this person feel interesting, that thing must be very interesting.

Zhou Yi went to an empty chair and sat down casually, then talked about the battle between Xuan Tiance and Bai Su.

In the end Zhou Yi concluded: "It is estimated that everyone here knows about the battle of gods, so I will say it bluntly, I suspect that the abyss demon god may rush out of the blockless snow mountain.

So if I want information about Snow Mountain, I also need to go to Snow Mountain to see what's going on inside.

Xu Biao was silent for a moment, and said quietly, "Is it another job transfer task?"

Based on his understanding of Zhou Yi.

This is the master who sees the rabbit and does not scatter the eagle.

Unless his interests are really involved, or the other party directly hits the door, he will not take the initiative to attack.

Wouldn't it be nice to have that time to level up?

Zhou Yi touched his nose with a look of surprise, as expected of an old fox.

The crux of the problem can be seen at a glance.

Zhou Yi confessed: "Yes, it's an observation mission.

The corner of Xu Biao's mouth twitched: "If I'm not mistaken, the target you chose to observe is that Snow Maiden?"

Zhou Yi nodded: "So you guys need to arrange a suitable identity for me, I want to observe closely."

Hearing this, Xu Biao was a little puzzled, "Don't you have stealth skills? No one can break your invisibility, why is it so troublesome."

Zhou Yi spread his hands together: "It's a mission request."

The mission requirement is to witness!

At the scene, witnessing the death of a person.

Instead of hiding in the dark and peeping.

Xu Biao nodded, "I see, I'll arrange it right away."

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