National Awakening: My Damage Is As High As 100,000,000 Points

Chapter 383: Fighting Is The Best Way To Pleasure Your Body And Mind


Long Chen activated Reality Distortion, slowing down the time to 1%.

The skills are thrown out one after another.

The water swords even converged into a long river that continuously washed Xuantianzong's body.

However, Xuantianzong's life value is too thick.

And Long Chen himself is also a boss template, with slightly lower attack power, so this should be a scraping battle.

But under the blessing of reality distortion.

The skill that originally took ten minutes to release in the real world was shortened to six seconds.

Scraping becomes bone scraping.

"'s the power of time, how can you control the power of time?"

Xuantianzong's dull thinking finally realized the problem, but he became even more desperate.

Time is the proof, space is king.

Unless there is a corresponding means, there is no way to fight back, and he has no such means.

On the city wall, Jiang Xiaoyu couldn't help but look at Qingyou: "She's usually so drunk that she can't even walk steadily, so why is she so strong?"

Qing You replied with a full smile: "So this is not good for appearances, who would have thought that a drunkard would be so strong?"

No one can imagine.

Even the people on the Federation side were shocked.

They knew that Long Chen was a level 190 world boss, controlled the copy of Sea City, and was also Zhou Yi's partner.

But the intelligence didn't say that the other party's fighting against a level 200 world boss was the same as playing.


Sure enough, people around taboo cannot be described with common sense.

Zhou Xingyu suddenly asked curiously: "Long Chen controls the power of time, so I'm afraid he won't fall behind in the face of taboos, right?"

Qingyou shook her head, and regretfully said: "It's useless, just take the one from the Federation as an example, not only does he have time skills, but he is also immune to all negative states.

Before the fight started, 80% of Long Chen's time skills were disabled, and the rest could only be output.

I don't think anyone is qualified to compare output with him.

To sum up, in a real fight, Bochen would be instantly killed within a second!"

Not only Jiang Xiaoyu and Zhou Xingyu, but other eavesdroppers also had waves in their hearts, which could not be calm for a long time.

Is taboo so powerful?

He could easily kill level 200 world bosses with abyss attributes, but he couldn't survive for a second in the taboo's hands.

The strength gap is actually so large.

When the time came to ten minutes, under the continuous infusion, Xuantianzong finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The life value has also reached the last point.

There are only a few seconds left before death.

But he did not choose to surrender, but raised his head and looked at Long Chen mockingly, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Dragon of Time, you control the power of time, how many people do you think will want to kill you and seize the power of time?"

"Hahaha, I have already sent the news of the Dragon of Time to the abyss, and the abyss demon god is very interested in you."

"Desperate, I will wait for you in the kingdom of the dead, and then laugh at you loudly, this time will not be too long.

Long Chen ignored it.

Continue to attack, the Abyss Demon God will be interested in her, but some people are also interested in the Abyss Demon God.

Finally, after a groan.

The last bit of Xuantianzong's health was also worn out, and the body disintegrated into a large black flame that burned violently, and the props also fell to the ground.

it's over!

A level 200 world boss died just like that.

Long Chen put away the scattered objects, stretched his waist, and lazily walked towards the city gate.

I went out for a trip, exercised my muscles and bones, and felt that the whole person was much more energetic.

Just as Long Chen returned to the city, her arm was hugged.


I saw Jiang Xiaoyu said excitedly: "Sister Chenchen, you are too strong, too awesome, beating that boss is like playing."

Long Chen smiled lightly: "It's not that I'm too strong, but that he's too weak."

The tribal elders who came out to greet him all smiled wryly.

Are the enemies really weak?

How is it possible, didn't you see that the five warriors couldn't stop a dragon's breath?

But no one thought that Long Chen was showing off.

Because Long Chen is so beautiful and has a nice voice, how could such a beautiful woman be in Versailles?

It can only be said that the ideological consciousness is different.

Well, it must be so.

The roof of the church.

Bai Su and Yu Wujiang watched Long Chen being welcomed into the city by everyone, and then looked away.

But the hearts of the two are not as peaceful as they appear on the surface.

After a long time, Yu Wujiang said hoarsely: "I know that little girl has some skills, but she just entered the tenth rank, I didn't expect to be so strong.

As the patriarch of the clan, Yu Wujiang thinks he has good eyesight.

But this time he missed it.

A woman who is so drunk that she can't even walk steadily can easily kill a level 200 world boss.

You know, they had already paid a painful price just to expel Xuantianzong.


The two guardians suffered heavy injuries and have not yet woken up. There are still several 200-level fighters who directly took their lives from Xuantianzong.

It even made him, the leader of the tribe, often wake up crying in his dreams.

Bai Su nodded slightly, and then he was relieved: "This is a good thing, the stronger the sent, the more it means that the Federation attaches great importance to this matter."

Only when the Federation pays attention to this place and decides to take action, can they have any hope of surviving.

But they also worry about something else.

If the enemy is too strong, will the Federation retreat?

After all, there is no need for the Federation to fight against the abyss for a boundless snow mountain.

"Speaking of which, are the other people also hiding their strength?" Yu Wujiang looked at the women and suddenly began to look forward to it.

Bai Su thought for a while, spread his hands together: "This matter is absolutely impossible, the rest of them didn't hide their aura like that dragon girl, they were simply weak.

"Alas..." Yu Wujiang sighed helplessly.

Hope was dashed.

But Bai Su frowned slightly.

Xuantianzong's attack made her feel a little strange.

Bai Su said worriedly: "Xuantianzong is not a person who is brave and good at fighting, unless he has no other choice, he will never make a move.

The abyss messenger forced him to attack last time, so what is it this time? Could something crawl out of the abyss again?"

Yu Wujiang didn't answer.

There is no need to answer this question. It is almost 100% certain that something terrifying crawled out of the Snow Mountain Ice Dragon Clan's residence.

Let's hope it's not too bad.

Zhou Yi stood behind the two of them, not hiding his figure, but looking into the distance thoughtfully.

It smells of the abyss there.

Ice Dragon Ridge.

It used to be one of the most beautiful places in the boundless snow mountain.

Now, a large area of ​​darkness has melted the ice and snow, exposing ugly rocks, and even many rocks have been corroded and pitted, ugly.

Looking down from the sky.

It was as if someone had spilled ink on this white world.

And in the central area of ​​ink.

It is a lake condensed by dark elements. Above the lake is a distorted snow-capped mountain, while below the lake is an eerie abyss.

At this moment, countless monsters are crawling out from the depths of the abyss, stretching out their bodies towards the sky.

"Hey...Earth, light, here we come, hahaha!"

In the depths of the abyss, a black terrifying figure let out an excited laugh. .

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