Everyone returned to the Xueyu tribe.

After learning that the saint was saved by Taboo and returned safely.

The people of the Xueyu tribe showed great enthusiasm.

Send various treasures to the embassy.

Others naturally did not dare to accept it, and these treasures fell into Jiang Xiaoyu's hands in the end.

The Great Elder was also very happy to see him.

For thousands of years, the Xueyu tribe still has some background. It's not that they can't afford to give it away, but I'm afraid you won't accept it.

Anyway, the Great Elder's idea is very good.

Received my gift.

We are your people.

Inside the ambassador hall that was temporarily remodeled from a hotel.

Zhou Yi leaned on his chin, looked at the two cramped maids - and hugged Zhou Yi back.

Why do you say again?

Ever since he came to this world of ice and snow, little Zhou Yi was very excited and ran out every now and then.

As a last resort, they could only send someone to watch her.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoyu came over and sat beside Zhou Yi.

"When shall we go back?"

After leaving for so long, Jiang Xiaoyu was a little worried about the situation in Xingyou Town.

Hopefully it won't be too bad when she goes back.

"I can't go back for the time being." Zhou Yi replied.

Jiang Xiaoyu was slightly taken aback: "Is it about the enchantment? The enchantment is indeed a trouble, but Bai Su can escape, there is no reason why you can't escape."

Zhou Yi rolled his eyes, "The task is not over yet, I have to kill another Abyss Demon God."

Jiang Xiaoyu was almost choked to death.

But if you think about it carefully, this is really the style of Zhou Yi's task.

Either kill this or kill that.

I really answered that sentence, death is like the wind, and it is always with me.

Zhou Yi said again: "If you want to go back, I can activate the yin and yang shuttle and take you back directly, and I can take you home in two seconds.

Although the enchantment is powerful, it is not a regular item such as an arena.

It can't stop the shuttle power of the yin and yang fortune bracelet.

Jiang Xiaoyu froze for a moment.

But finally shook his head.

Knowing that she could go back, Jiang Xiaoyu didn't worry anymore, and continued shopping.

at this time.

There was a sound of footsteps, and it was Bai Su who came over.

When he came in front of the two, Bai Su said respectfully, "I've seen Taboo, I've seen Special Envoy Jiang."

Zhou Yi waved his hand: "Just call me Special Envoy Zhou, or the Death Star like everyone else, and what's the matter with you this time?"

Bai Su respectfully handed over a medal.

Zhou Yi took a look and asked in surprise, "What's the matter?"

This medal is actually a god's job change tool.

The profession of God has always been stronger than other professions, and the one under the king's taboo is the strongest.

Therefore, even after the version update, the God's job-changing item is still a priceless treasure. Once it appears, it will definitely attract countless forces to snatch it up.

Speaking of the profession of God.

Zhou Yi suddenly thought that there was another ancestor of ten thousand curses on the federation side, and he didn't know how he was practicing.

Bai Su said respectfully: "This is a gift from the Snow Wolf Clan. I want to see you with this prop.'

Zhou Yi suddenly became puzzled: "What do you want me to do? You can send the things back and just say that I'm not interested.

He is not a tiger in the zoo, anyone who wants to see him can see him.

And it's just a job of god, it's not worth his tempting.

Bai Su sighed inwardly.

She had already guessed that this would be the result, but after all, it was entrusted by an old friend, so she came.

Jiang Xiaoyu suddenly said: "Wait a minute, or I'll go over and have a look, and ask what's going on, it's a God's job change card anyway.

"It's up to you, you can handle this kind of thing, I'm just a brawler.

After saying this, Zhou Yi's figure slowly disappeared into the air.

The corner of Bai Su's mouth twitched.

This is too casual, can she listen to it?

At the same time, Bai Su was secretly shocked, this girl was clearly only level 120, but she won Taboo's trust.

During this time, everything has to go through the girl's hands.

Like she's the real one in power.

Of course, this is not the case.

But Taboo's trust in her has reached an indescribable level, which is really enviable.

Jiang Xiaoyu followed Bai Su to meet the leader of the Snow Wolf Clan.

The Snow Wolf clan is actually a branch of werewolves, because they have lived in the snow mountains all year round and have mastered the power to control the wind and snow.

The strength is stronger than normal werewolves.

Mo Wen, the leader of the Snow Wolf Clan, was waiting anxiously. When he saw Bai Su coming out, he hurriedly asked, "How is it? Did Taboo agree?"

Bai Su shook his head: "Taboo is not interested in your gift."

When Mo Wen heard this, his whole heart went cold.

Isn't this the end of it?

He couldn't come up with a better gift.

But Bai Su pointed to Jiang Xiaoyu beside him and said, "But this Special Envoy Jiang is interested. You can tell her if you have anything to do. She has won the trust of Taboo."

In the last half of the sentence, Bai Su emphasized his tone.

This is to remind this old friend that the person in front of him has a noble status, is related to taboos, and is even a relative of taboos.

Mo Wen immediately understood what Bai Su meant.

……ask for flowers…

He laughed quickly and said, "It turns out to be Special Envoy Jiang, who has known his name for a long time."

Jiang Xiaoyu shook her head, and asked curiously: "Let's get straight to the point, what do you want to do with the Death Star?"

Mo Wen was silent.

It seemed that there was something unspeakable hidden, and Jiang Xiaoyu was about to explode.

Mo Wencai took out a black invitation card from his backpack.

He said bitterly: "Actually, it wasn't me who wanted to come, someone asked Taboo to meet them, it was the demon god from the abyss, I was just a messenger.

Jiang Xiaoyu was stunned.

The Abyssal Demon God actually invited Zhou Yi? I'm afraid this is not a good person.

But in the end Jiang Xiaoyu didn't accept the invitation, not because Zhou Yi didn't agree, but because she was worried that it was poisoned or cursed or something.

Creatures in the abyss have always been untrustworthy, and the ghost knows what kind of means they will have.


But at this moment.

A hand stretched out in the air and took the invitation.

It's Zhou Yi.

"You actually invited me? Interesting." Zhou Yi smacked his lips.

He was about to go to the abyss to hunt the abyssal demon god, but he didn't expect the other party to come to his door.

This luck is also a little bit too good.

Jiang Xiaoyu couldn't help but said: "What's so interesting, so many demon gods are besieging you together, even you have to rest in the house.

Bai Su next to him wiped his sweat.

Even Mo Wen was shocked, is this woman talking so casually?

No respect for taboos at all.

More importantly, the taboo was not angry.

After Zhou Yi read the invitation, he let out a deep breath.

"Have to admit, they threatened me."

This is indeed an invitation.

But the content is a bit unbearable to look directly at.

[The taboo from District 144, you are limited to hand over the Yin-Yang twins within three days, and take refuge in the abyss, becoming a follower of the Chaos Demon King.

Otherwise, our Marshal of the Devil King Army will definitely let you see the abyss.

By the way, when you receive this letter, your family may have reached the abyss. 】

In addition to the above content, there are three names below.

Disaster, misfortune and misery respectively, the three demon gods extended an invitation to Zhou Yi together.

at the same time.

Qingyou, who was taking care of her child, suddenly turned around and looked at the air beside her with a smile.

"Hey, isn't this the shadow of death? I haven't seen you for a thousand years, but you are still the same."

In the air, a trembling figure emerged.

It was a blood-red shadow. After a long time, the shadow made a trembling voice:

"The omniscient one, the quiet one?".

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