National Awakening: My Damage Is As High As 100,000,000 Points

Chapter 398 The Premise Of Fear Is To Have Iq

Zhou Yi's condition is better.

In Yutu, they were already stupefied.

There was an aura of fear all over their bodies, and their bodies were trembling non-stop. They wanted to move, but their consciousness could not control their bodies at all.

The body is stiff like a puppet.

Even more outrageous.

A white-haired young man was so frightened that he peed on his pants.

This immediately attracted the ridicule of many abyss-monsters.

But no one in Heavenly Court laughed at him.

Yutu also thinks that he is well-informed, and has also entered the abyss to fight against the monsters of the abyss, but he has never seen such a terrifying scene.

Compared with the building in front of me, the other abyssal monsters are very peaceful, and they can be regarded as ambassadors of peace.

It can only be said that she still saw too little.

Everyone suddenly showed a look of despair.

"Are we going to be imprisoned here?" Hongying was about to collapse.

It was terrible, after only one glance, she felt her eyes itchy, wishing she could pull them out and wash them.

If you can get out of here alive.

The first thing she did was to resign, and then find a psychic magician to clear her memory.

Yutu's face turned fierce.

No, absolutely not, even killing them.

She would rather die than go in.

When the fear reaches the extreme, either explode, or choose to die.

And Yutu chose to explode.

A terrifying air wave suddenly erupted from Yutu's body, and the 203-level power exploded with all its strength, directly smashing the cage and blowing away the surrounding abyssal monsters.

With Yutu's shot, the others also started to explode, broke free from the cage, and killed the monsters in the abyss.

Among them, the white-haired boy killed the most ruthlessly.

It seemed that he wanted to use killing to cover up his gaffe just now.

Under the full force of the explosion, the monsters of the abyss were beaten and retreated steadily.

During the battle, Yutu glanced at the suffering hell in the distance and breathed a sigh of relief.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, the most worried reinforcements have not arrived. Although they are very close, the monsters inside seem to have not heard it.

But at this moment.

Yutu's body froze, and he raised his head in disbelief, and the others also put down their movements.

Above the head, a figure appeared at an unknown time.

It was a humanoid creature, only three meters tall, and it was covered in a blood-red thorn armor.

In his hand, he held a sickle that was still dripping with blood.

When Monster Five slowly raised his head, he revealed a face composed of countless layers of faces.

There are babies, young people, men, women...  

These faces have a common feature, the face is full of pain and despair.

Abyss Demon God Misery, he followed directly.

Yutu and the others immediately despaired.

They can fight against these monsters, but they can't beat an Abyss Demon God, even if her level has exceeded 200.

Not only the attribute, but also the skill gap, the gap is too big.

It's not a level at all.

It's like the gap between super kryptonites and ordinary players.

Demon God Misery said quietly: "I thought I would come back to play with my new toy when that person didn't come, but I didn't expect you to be quite active.

I am very happy about this, because the more active the toy, the more beautiful the scream. "

Yutu didn't answer, but gritted his teeth, shot out, and rushed towards the misery.

At the same time, with a wave of both hands, a golden moon wheel with a diameter of about 100 meters, like a silver crescent, was summoned.

The golden moon wheel spun crazily, almost turning into a vast full moon, and finally slashed down towards the demon god Misery.


The golden moon slashed on the thorn armor, bursting out a series of sparks, and was finally thrown away by a sudden bounce.

On the other hand, the suffering, the blood bar is just shaking slightly, and hundreds of thousands of blood have been lost.

In just two breaths, he was back to normal.

Yutu suddenly despaired.

Normally, her Moon Golden Wheel can deal hundreds of millions of damage to a level 200 boss, but she can only just break through the defense in the face of the demon god's suffering.

This gap is too big.

At this moment, Misery waved his hand: "Spiked pain."

Yutu and the others felt as if their souls had been pricked by a needle, and their heads suddenly burst into unbearable pain.

He couldn't even control his body, and fell from the sky like a dumpling.

But Misery waved his hand, as if gravity was reversed, and pulled them back directly.

"You are my toys, I will not let you die like this."

Yutu and the others became even more desperate when they heard this.

It would be better to die directly. I am afraid that the next life will be worse than death. Even if the soul is saved, it will be transformed into something unknown.

They wanted to resist, but the power gap was too great.

Suddenly, a strange scene happened.

The world paled, and the whole world seemed to be frozen for a second.

After recovering, the suffering and hell ahead suddenly began to dissipate, and it felt like a lost painting

In just a few seconds, the entire hell of suffering completely disappeared.

In the real world, in everyone's memory, in the past and the future, this hell has completely disappeared.

...... ask for flowers) .........

But the misery froze.

Although the Hell of Misery disappeared, he remembered that his lair was in front of him, and just now his lair was blown up.

This is the modification from Dawn World.

Make everything very reasonable.

The eyes of Yutu and the others widened instantly, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

"Which warrior is this, you are really brave, I should send you a little red flower. n

It can only be said that the Abyss Demon God is indeed a group of lunatics.

The first thought of suffering is not anger, but admiration for the courage of the person who did it.

Homes can be rebuilt if they are demolished, but people who demolish their homes are quite rare.

Even Chaos Demon God didn't dare to demolish his home easily.

at the same time.

A man appeared in the air ahead, wrapped in a black cloak, holding a long red sword in his hand.


It should be a white bone dagger, but there is a red heart beating slightly in the center of the sword, and the blood-red sword god seems to be grown out of the heart

Very strange sword.

Misery couldn't help admiring, this is very in line with his aesthetics.

Grab it directly in a while.

But for some reason, I always feel that this sword is a little dangerous, but it's not a big problem.

Weapons are not dangerous, so are they still called weapons?

Suffering didn't care.

If the Prince of Chaos saw this sword, the Prince of Chaos would definitely turn his head and run away without saying a word, as far as he could.

But suffering is not enough.

He himself has no IQ, nor much sense.

And the premise of fear is to maintain reason.

This is what the ignorant is fearless.

But other people's condition is not so good.

Yutu only took one look, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of hard work.

With just one glance, she felt as if her soul had been cut open, and her soul had been split into two.

Almost thought that he completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

This weapon is wrong.

It doesn't look like a taboo, is it an existence above the taboo?

As the captain of Tianting's special operations team, Yutu knows more, for example, she knows that taboo is not the end.

There are realms beyond taboos [It is rumored that the life of the heavenly court controls such a weapon that surpasses taboos.

Oh my god, this person in front of me should be at the same level as the Lord of Heaven, right?

Misery looked at Zhou Yi and laughed and said, "Young man is very courageous. Be my servant. I will let you enjoy the most delicious Misery in the world."

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