Chapter 86: The Powerful Role of Yin and Yang Nirvana Fruit! Head to Star University.

For these, awakening naturally can’t stop it, but these irrelevant things, Su Cheng doesn’t matter, how they check, how to investigate?!

Anyway, how he improved his strength, no one knows, and others want to know what level his strength has reached.

“Don’t worry, there should be no malice towards you.”

Mei Ruxue saw Su Cheng sighing, and couldn’t help but say comfortingly.

“It doesn’t matter, you can check it as you want.”

Su Cheng shrugged his shoulders and replied.

“The Yin Yang Creation Fruit is indeed on me, but I don’t plan to sell it now.”

Su Cheng continued.

“That’s true.”

Mei Ruxue nodded, but didn’t say much.

Since she asked like this, it was already guessed that eight or nine was not far from ten.

“Sister, I want to ask, I was in the secret territory, and I heard someone say that the Yin Yang Nirvana Fruit, what is the difference between this and the Yin Yang Creation Fruit?”

Su Cheng thought about it and asked directly.

This matter, Su Cheng felt that it would not take long, and it would definitely be investigated, after all, where were there other awakened people at that time, and they saw the changes in the Yin and Yang Creation Fruit.

Although, those awakened people did not know that the Yin and Yang Creation Fruit had actually transformed into the Yin Yang Nirvana Fruit.

“Yin Yang Nirvana Fruit?!”

Hearing Su Cheng’s words, Mei Ruxue’s body couldn’t help but be shocked.

“I can’t imagine that in this 22 secret realm, there are awakened people who know this thing.”

The strange light in Mei Ruxue’s eyes flickered.

“You should know the role of the Yin and Yang Creation Fruit, right?”

Mei Ruxue pondered for a moment and asked.

“Well, I know!”

Su Cheng nodded.

“Since you know, I don’t explain much.”

“And the Yin Yang Nirvana Fruit, although the name is similar to the Yin Yang Creation Fruit, the final effect is completely different, it can be said that it is a world of difference.”

“This Yin Yang Nirvana Fruit, it can allow an awakened person below the tenth order to break through the limit and enter a higher level!”

Mei Ruxue said slowly.

“What? So powerful? ”

When Su Cheng heard this, he showed a shocked look.


Mei Ruxue nodded seriously.

“And not only that, after fusing the Yin and Yang Nirvana Fruit, no matter who it is, it will be able to increase its lifespan by fifty years!” And that’s where it’s most powerful. ”

Mei Ruxue’s words made Su Cheng’s face change again. Fifty years of life?!

How powerful this is!

After the era of national awakening, human life expectancy is indeed much longer than before the disaster, diseases are basically gone, and the average life expectancy of human beings is maintained over 80 years old.

Of course, this premise is that you have to live all the time and not die accidentally.

However, living to the age of 80 is naturally at the level of ordinary people, and generally speaking, it is an awakened person below the third order. The third order to the fifth order has a life span of 100 years, the sixth order is 120 years, the seventh order is 150 years, the eighth order is 180 years, and the ninth order is 210 years…

It can be imagined that if this Yin Yang Nirvana Fruit happens to be obtained by a ninth-order awakened person, it just so happens that his life will also reach the end.

Then after taking this Yin Yang Nirvana Fruit, you can directly break through to the tenth order, and your life expectancy will increase by fifty years. This is if it is increased on the basis of the tenth-order lifespan, that is, it will live fifty years longer than other tenth-order awakened people. What a powerful effect and effect this is?!

“You should have thought about how tempting this kind of thing is for those who awaken below the tenth order, right?”

“Hmph! Especially those ninth-order awakeners who were about to die! ”

Mei Ruxue said with a chuckle, with a hint of ridicule in her eyes.

For any awakened person, strength is the root of everything, but life is also above strength. Any awakened person of strength will have a day when his life will end, and on this day, everyone will be afraid.

Because the stronger the strength, the more you have, and the more you are naturally afraid of death.

“Don’t think about it too much, this kind of thing is generally unattainable, and you can’t find any information at all, it’s all blocked.”

Mei Ruxue continued.

“No wonder, in the secret territory, I learned about it from the mouths of several Western awakened people.”

Su Cheng nodded.

At that time, there were many other awakened people, but none of them could recognize them, only the three Western awakened people knew.

“Western Awakeners? Although our Kyushu Alliance and other forces have not broken off late, they rarely step in, unless there is something particularly important. ”

“Although that secret realm is opened once in fifty years, it is only ordinary, what are Western awakened people doing in it?”

Mei Ruxue said suspiciously.

“They naturally came for me!”

Su Cheng said with a chuckle, for this, he was too lazy to hide anything.

“I think Western forces are also extremely interested in you.”

Hearing Su Cheng’s words, Mei Ruxue also understood, and there was no surprise when she arrived. Subsequently, several people who cleaned up the heavenly materials and earth treasures returned again.

“Including the money inside, as well as all the resources, a total of 179.6 billion, let’s calculate it for you, 180 billion!” Mei Ruxue handed a card to Su Cheng and said. ”

“Gee, last time you smashed pots and sold iron for more than 200 billion, and now you easily got 180 billion.”

Mei Ruxue said with a sigh.

“No way, there are many people who send me money.”

Su Cheng said with a smile.

Andre’s three, as well as several fourth-order extreme awakeners after them, all have a lot of wealth on their bodies, plus the wealth of some other awakened people, they are almost 100 billion.

Then the heavenly materials and earth treasures obtained by Su City, as well as the resources on these awakened people, can also be sold for tens of billions.

Subsequently, Su Cheng conducted another test of second-order awakening, and the result was naturally a failure, because Su Cheng was only a test. And Su Cheng’s own system prompts that his level must reach level 30,000 before he can continue the second-order awakening.

“It seems that it will take a while to reach the 30,000 level, and then it will be necessary to collect resource materials, which seems to cost a lot of money.”

“After the second-order awakening, the second ability characteristic will also be opened, I wonder what this second ability will be?”

Su Cheng secretly thought that his heart had expectations again!

However, it is also the time to continue to work hard to make money, otherwise it will be like a first-order awakening, for more than 200 billion, smashing pots and selling iron to raise money thirteen in the thirteen!

“What’s the thing?” Let’s wait so long? It’s abominable! ”

“Why is this person so face?! Let all our geniuses wait for him here? ”

“The teachers of Starry Sky University don’t know what to think? If I were to cancel his quota directly! ”

“Today is the day to go to Starry Sky University, this kid has no sense of time at all? When everyone arrives, let’s get the last batch to arrive? ”

“It’s really abominable, a student in the thirteenth middle school, even if he has the strength to enter the freshman supreme list, he must also know that there are people outside the world, and there is a truth outside the sky, right?”


A group of geniuses above S grade are waiting within the thirteenth middle school, and these geniuses above the S grade are naturally not only the thirteenth high school, but also some geniuses from other high schools.

Today is Starry Sky University, the day when new students gather, and all students in the district who are admitted to Starry Sky University will be brought to Starry Sky University by teachers of Starry Sky University in batches.

And this group of trainees, in order to wait for Su Cheng one, has been waiting here for more than three hours.

Not to mention these students, even the teacher led by Starry Sky University, there was a look of displeasure on his face at this time, if he didn’t know that the strength of this student who was waiting was someone who was qualified to enter the freshman supreme list, this teacher would have waited a long time ago.

“Oh, this kid in Su Cheng, isn’t this going to kill people? Not coming yet? The communication was not open a few days ago, but I just got in touch, and said that I would wait for him for a while, and wait for a few hours. ”

Wu Ren was in a hurry.

“I already knew that I wouldn’t let this kid go to that secret realm, so I wasted time!”

While thinking about it, Wu Ren began to contact Su Cheng again, but he couldn’t contact him again, so angry that he almost smoked.

“This guy, this is to provoke the wrath of the heavens.”

Lan Xi was next to Xiyue and couldn’t help but smile and said.

This time, Lan Xi also went to Starry Sky University with a group of geniuses from the thirteenth middle school.

“There should be something 540 delayed, but with his strength, Starry Sky University will naturally not give up on him.”

Xiyue also said with a smile.

“During this time, he was haunted, he couldn’t see his face at all, and he didn’t know what to do anymore?”

Lan Xi shook her head slightly.

“His strength is much higher than ours, and we will definitely not be able to touch him if we are so busy that we naturally can’t see him.”

Xi Yue sighed inwardly, a little melancholy.

Originally, I thought that the gap between myself and Su City would not be too big, but now it seems that it will only get bigger and bigger.

Half of the estate of the three families of the Zhao family was given to her family, and she didn’t have the opportunity to see Su Cheng and say thank you to him.

“Here it comes!!!

Not long after, I don’t know who shouted, attracting everyone’s attention. At this time, I saw that Su Cheng also hurriedly rushed over.

There is no way, he was in the mercenary association before, and after dealing with the matter, he hurried over, and the time still passed. Seeing a thousand people, as well as the principal Wu Ren, staring at himself with an unkind face, Su Cheng quickly smiled.

“Sorry! Let everyone wait for a long time, just now something was really delayed. ”

Su Cheng said apologetically.

“You boy, don’t you know what day it is? Let the teachers of Starry Sky University wait for you here? ”

Wu Ren glared at Su Cheng and complained.

“Okay, since you’re here, let’s go, don’t delay time!”

The teacher who led couldn’t help but snort coldly, and didn’t have a good face for Su Cheng, and said lightly.

In this regard, Su Cheng could only laugh a few times.

Then Su Cheng walked to Lanxi and Xiyue, and went to Starry Sky University with the others.

After a period of hurrying, everyone finally came to Starry Sky University after the last special teleportation, and when they saw the scale of Starry Sky University, everyone’s faces were shocked!

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