Back to school.

Zhao Yunpan was sitting on the ground, holding a piece of metal in his hand, and the Xuewu Rabbit in front of him was rapidly waving his fist!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of pounding the metal piece continued to sound, and every punch of Xuewu Rabbit began to change in shape, as if it was a little different from before!

And this subtle, imperceptible change, Zhao Yun did not feel.

Xiaojin is still breathing fire, smelting metal, and under this persistent exercise, Xiaojin's dragon burn proficiency has reached the level of mastery.

The fire master has also made great progress.

And Professor Lin, who had been on a business trip for a long time, finally returned, and the whole person seemed to be much haggard, but his mental state was very good.

Today was a rare day off, and the team members were finally together.

Lu Lingyi brought the transfer materials, and it was already smoothly transferred to Nandu University.

Qin Qingyun's experimental operation knowledge was supplemented sufficiently, and his own cultivation did not fall behind.

Chen Yunjing finally discussed with his family, agreed to skip the grade, and participated in this year's Royal Beast College Entrance Examination, and went to school with Lin Ge.

Professor Lin was relieved to see everyone grow up with a smile on his face.

"Huh? Where is Senior Lin?

Chen Yunjing looked around, but he didn't see Lin Ge's figure, so he scratched his head and asked.

Zhao Yun put down the forged metal piece, picked up another piece again, and replied: "He went to the South China Sea Sand Islands, counting the time, he should be almost back soon, do you want to call and ask."

Chen Yunjing immediately took out the phone, but as soon as he wanted to dial, he saw that the door of the laboratory was knocked open by Lin Ge's butt, and then Lin Ge walked in with a large light blue turtle.

"Blue water turtle?"

Professor Lin immediately said the identity of the big turtle.

"Lin Ge, haven't you already contracted a pet beast? Why do you still bring a turtle back? And it's still a blue water turtle, look at this body type... Already growing to the limit of the race, right?

Everyone was watching, not knowing what kind of moth Lin Ge was going to make.

Lin Ge pushed his glasses and replied, "I used this blue water turtle for experiments, and I plan to use it for bionic mechanical evolution to see how many levels it can reach."

Upon hearing Lin Ge's words, everyone immediately cast their gaze at the blue water turtle.

Professor Lin smiled and said, "Bionic mechanical evolution? So this blue water turtle is really a blessing, South China Sea Sand Islands? What baby did you get over there?

Lin Ge smiled and said, "This time the harvest is full, and I have earned numbness."

Immediately, Lin Ge took out a lot of good things, heavenly sand gold, purified water, tungsten steel ore, a large number of shellfish shells of various colors that I don't know if they are useful, and some corals.

Of course, there is also the most core, but also the most valuable baby!

Deep Sea Demon Seal Egg!

When this thing was taken out, everyone was taken aback.

The blue water turtle ran away in fear.

"What is it? Pitch black? It's a little slippery to the touch, this is an egg?

Everyone leaned over, Lin Ge smiled lightly, and did not speak for the first time.

Qin Qingyun stared deeply at the squirming blurred figure within the black egg membrane.

"I actually felt a very powerful transcendent aura from this thing!"

Lu Lingyi also nodded: "This egg should be an aquatic creature, but I don't know which kind it is."

In contrast, Professor Lin was very excited, and he looked at the black giant egg with some trembling!

"This is ... This is the egg of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter?!

As soon as these words came out, everyone was immediately shocked!

As a person from the Southern Capital, except for Lu Lingyi, the rest of the people are no strangers!

An extraordinary legendary beast that has been in chaos in the South China Sea for a long time! Deep Sea Magic Chapter!

Lin Ge nodded and replied, "That's right! It is the egg of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter! From now on, our team will have one more mascot! Hearing

Lin Ge's words, everyone's eyelids jumped, but when this black giant egg was a little afraid.

Zhao Yun swallowed even more hard and said, "I lean!" Lin Ge, the Deep Sea Demon Chapter has only died not long ago, you have found out people's eggs now?

Lin Ge smiled, "That's why I said that this trip to the South China Sea Sand Islands was full of harvests!"

Lin Ge put away the black giant egg again to prevent the surface from becoming too dry.

"I was going to keep it at the Imperial Beast Master Association, but I went to look around and found that there was no suitable container, so I ran back."

The corners of Professor Lin's mouth tugged and said, "You plan to use the glass jar that keeps the palace?" "

After the evolution of the dragon line, the size has also become very large, and the terran glass tank naturally buys a large one.

Therefore, on the side of the pet beast research house, there are giant glass jars that are ten meters long and more than two meters high.

Lin Ge nodded: "Yes, after this Deep Sea Demon Chapter hatches, then consider where to put it."

Zhao Yun sighed, "Lin Ge, this thing race is worth ninety levels, right? Are you willing to put it here? Aren't you afraid of someone thinking about it?

Lin Ge said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, no one can steal it, and the Abyssal Sea Demon Medal with a race of up to ninety-four levels is not something that some low-level people can contract." "

To put it bluntly, no one in the entire Southern City can contract this Deep Sea Demon Seal!

The race value reached level ninety, that kind of indescribable divine wonder, it was impossible to contract successfully.

How to say that at least the existence of level 80 or 90 must be enough!!

This is also the reason why Lin Ge is relieved.

Qin Qingyun couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Raise a ninety-level extraordinary beast cub as a mascot, Lin Ge, but you really have you."

Lin Ge smiled and said, "Anyway, I don't need us to pay for it, so I will raise it, maybe it will still be a test product in the future." "

Experimental products...?! Do you still want to experiment with the Deep Sea Demon Chapter cubs?

Lin Ge waved his hand and said, "Hey, let's talk about it, I can't bear to kill such a high-level extraordinary beast."

Zhao Yun suddenly pointed to the shivering blue water turtle on the other side, "So it's okay to say something like this?"

Lin Ge cut and said, "How is it possible?" With my hand, helping this blue water turtle bionic mechanical evolution is not hand-to-hand? Simple?

Chen Yunjing wrinkled his eyebrows and said, "Senior, if you say so much, you will be slapped in the face."

Lin Ge smiled: "What? You don't believe brother either?

Chen Yunjing shook his head.

Professor Lin stood up, pushed his glasses and said: "The evolutionary form of the blue water turtle, the race value is not very high, you want to use bionic mechanical evolution to break his racial boundaries?" Blazing a new evolutionary trail?

Lin Ge nodded: "Yes, I found that there are still too few pet beasts in the mechanical department, and it's time to add some mechanical transcendence." "

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