
The white evolutionary light was extremely shiny, but it was not dazzling, and the blue water turtle hissed, and its form finally changed!


Huh -

the blue water turtle slowly stood up, and the posture that was originally standing on all fours was changed at this moment to standing only on its hind feet!

The body size also changed, and after standing up straight, under the influence of evolution, the size of the blue water turtle doubled at this moment, growing to more than three meters, and the body shape was even larger!

And in this change, mechanical equipment is also integrated!

The huge turtle shell is carrying a super electromagnetic cannon, and there are two Gatlings on both shoulders, all showing fierce firepower!

Lin Ge and all of them were extremely excited when they looked at this scene!


The light of evolution has finally slowly dissipated, and the evolutionary form of the blue water turtle has finally been revealed!

The friends also opened their mouths slightly, and they witnessed another miracle.

"Does this guy have a name?"

"Brand new form, this shouldn't be called a giant water turtle, right?"

"They all look like a deterrent and powerful."

Professor Lin said: "Lin Ge, name it. "

The ordinary evolutionary form of the blue water turtle is the giant water turtle, but now that it has joined the mechanical department, it must not be called a giant water turtle.

Lin Ge looked at the giant turtle that was more than three meters tall, carrying a giant cannon and carrying a double machine gun on his shoulder.

The head is a little wide, protruding two flesh horns, the whole body is still light blue, the belly turtle shell is white, and the paws of the limbs are also white, because it is already standing on the hind foot, so the two hind legs are thicker.

"It's called the mechanical giant cannon turtle, it's easy to remember, if you have a better one, you can also bring it up."

Everyone shook their heads, how can this be opinionated? And left and right are just a racial name.

Professor Lin said: "Since there are no opinions, then check the values, edit the race panel, and then upload it to the official website encyclopedia of extraordinary beasts in the Great Xia Dynasty to expand the mechanical department."

Everyone nodded, and then quickly got to work.

After a while, the race panel of the mechanical giant cannon tortoise was checked.

[Intermediate Extraordinary Beast: Mechanical Cannon Tortoise

] [Attributes: Water System, Mechanical System

] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 50

] [Growth Level: Level 30] [

Extraordinary Skills: Super Super Electromagnetic Cannon, High-level Charge One Blow, High-level Gatling with Blue Fire, High-level Copper Wall Iron Wall, High-level Water Cannon, Middle-level Brutal Collision, Intermediate Solidity, Intermediate Turtle Shell Defense, Intermediate Water Ripple, Low-level Tearing, Low-level Condensation into Lines...]

This panel is already very good.

And as it becomes a mechanical department, it can be upgraded again in the future.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for researching the second race level of more than fifty for the Great Xia Dynasty (current mission progress: 2)! The

voice of the system sounded, Lin Ge bowed slightly, there were eight more away from ten targets, and it seemed that he had to speed up his pace.


Fire Master Xiaojin looked at the huge turtle standing on the research platform, and couldn't help but roar in a low voice.

The mechanical giant cannon turtle glanced slightly, and now that his strength has changed dramatically, he can naturally see Xiao Jin's strength.


The mechanical giant cannon turtle also responded, the race value reached level fifty, and it broke through to the level of level thirty, and the level of wisdom naturally increased.

Chen Yunjing said: "Senior, this mechanical giant cannon turtle has to register with the Royal Beast Master Association, right?" There are quite a few bonuses.

Lin Ge smiled slightly and said: "Yes, after registering with the Royal Beast Master Association and appraising it, the mechanical giant cannon turtle also confirmed its own existence, took the bonus, and we have a good meal tonight."

"Woohoo! So what are you waiting for? Let's go! Lin

Ge slightly, took this mechanical giant cannon turtle into the Royal Beast Space Ring, the five-square-meter space is still too crowded, and I don't know if the relic ring of the Red Dragon Grand Master has been made.

Zhao Yun scratched his head and said, "Isn't Lin Ge the president of the mechanical department?" Can't you open an appraisal yourself?

Lin Ge shook his head: "This kind of thing naturally has to be shared, and besides, I will find it again to study it in the future, until a mechanical transcendent with a race value of fifty levels like the mechanical giant cannon turtle is born, which has been used to strengthen the mechanical department."

As soon as Lin Ge's words came out, everyone was slightly stunned.

"Still coming?!"


Imperial Beast Master Association.

Or the familiar venue eleven.

Fang Tianyuan laughed loudly and said, "Will Elder Lin is here!" Everyone is here too? What's so expensive?

Lin Ge pushed his glasses and said, "Come to Vice President Fang to identify the pet beast."

Fang Tianyuan was slightly surprised, and said a little surprised: "A new mechanical pet beast has been developed so quickly?"

Lin Ge nodded.

Fang Tianyuan suddenly showed a reassuring smile and said, "No problem, no problem!" Come on! I'm ready! As

he spoke, Fang Tianyuan had already summoned the Scorpion Demon Bull.

And this time, Lin Ge was prepared, and finally saw the panel of the Scorpion Demon Bull clearly!

[Advanced Extraordinary Beast: Scorpio Demon Bull

] [Attributes: Demon System, Martial Fighting System, Poison System

] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 60

] [Growth Level: Sixty One

] [Extraordinary Skill: Detective——] [Extraordinary

Index: 29 million]

"I rely on! Three series of pets?! Extraordinary index 29 million?! Under

the upgraded version of the Transcendent Index Detector, Lin Ge was almost startled by the attribute panel of this Scorpion Demon Bull.

"Vice President Fang, is your Scorpion Demon Bull a mutation evolution? Or is it a synchronial evolution?

Fang Tianyuan replied with a smile: "I'm lucky, my Scorpion Demon Bull is a combination of my first pet and my second pet evolved, how is it powerful?"

Lin Ge gave a thumbs up, "Awesome!"

"Come out! Mechanical cannon tortoise! Lin

Ge released the mechanical giant cannon tortoise from the Royal Beast Space Ring.

[Intermediate Extraordinary Beast: Mechanical Cannon Tortoise

] [Attributes: Water System, Mechanical System

] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 50] [Growth Level: Level 30] [

Extraordinary Skill: ... (Omitted)

] [Extraordinary Index: 1.59 million]

For the extraordinary index of the mechanical giant cannon tortoise, Lin Ge is still relatively satisfied, the division between the extraordinary beast races is not unreasonable

, elementary, intermediate, advanced, each level is a leap in strength!

To put it bluntly, the strength of the mechanical giant cannon turtle is not known to be much stronger than when it was at level twenty-nine!

"Huh? Is this the evolutionary form of the blue water turtle? No, it's not like that! Lin Ge, what are you? Fang

Tianyuan could still see it, after all, the blue water turtle was very recognizable.

Lin Ge said: "This is a new favorite beast born by the blue water turtle carrying the mechanical system and carrying out the evolution of bionic machinery, the mechanical giant cannon turtle, Vice President Fang, I am tired of you checking and checking!"

Fang Tianyuan nodded: "Good!" No problem! "

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