
As Fang Tianyuan's voice fell, the racial assessment representing the mechanical giant cannon turtle was finally implemented!


The mechanical giant cannon turtle raised its head and roared, and it was also very excited!

A hearty battle, and even awakening extraordinary will, which can add a score to the race of mechanical giant cannon turtles!

"Woohoo! Yes! Tonight's supper!

"Haha! No dinner tonight! Stay on an empty stomach for a late-night snack! Senior Lin's treat!

Zhao Yun jumped up excitedly, and Chen Yunjing was a living treasure.

Fang Tianyuan was a little crying and laughing, and also said cheekily: "Count me as one tonight, lose you twice in a row, President Lin, you have to compensate me."

Lin Ge smiled and nodded: "Okay." Anyway, the bonus of the association.

Professor Lin had already stepped down from the audience and applauded, and the mechanical giant cannon turtle was also considered to have successfully made a name.

"Vice President Fang, we plan to sell the birth system of the mechanical giant cannon turtle, do you want the Royal Beast Master Association?"

Fang Tianyuan said very directly: "There is no money.

Zhao Yun spoke up, "How is it possible?" The Royal Beast Master Association has a big business, how can it be without money?

The corners of Fang Tianyuan's mouth tugged, and he said: "The association has a big business, and the expenses are also large, you don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive!"

Saying that, he pointed to Lin Ge again: "Your President Lin is not a person, he specifically catches his own people, and he is going to death, the association really has no money to buy the race birth system of the mechanical giant cannon turtle!"

Everyone looked at Lin Ge again, and Lin Ge wiped his nose a little embarrassed.

Fang Tianyuan saw that Lin Ge did not speak, so he twisted his fingers and said: "I'll calculate it for you, first of all, the dragon system guarding system and the overlord's mechanical department, these two bonuses, you don't think that as the birthplace of these two extraordinary pet beast races, our Nandu Royal Beast Master Association will not reward it, right?" We have already given Chairman Lin the highest specifications? "

Then there is the deep-sea demon seal egg that Chairman Lin brought back from the South China Sea Sand Islands, and we have already submitted the application form for breeding, and the general association has only paid the bonus not long ago, and now there is not so much money to mobilize ah, we can only pad first, hey, recently our Nandu Royal Beast Master Association has been living with a belt on the belt."

"Now you are still here to sell the birth system of the mechanical giant cannon tortoise, we really have no money, President Lin does not want to feed something good, he can pay his own people's wool, we still have to pay him a salary, oh, by the way, and the extraordinary index detector, that is another amount of money, alas, I am numb, please let it go?"

Hearing Fang Tianyuan's words, everyone understood that the Royal Beast Master Association was already so miserable.

Lin Ge wiped his nose in embarrassment after listening to it, and could only smile.

Fang Tianyuan sighed again: "Now I have to open a bonus for the mechanical giant cannon turtle, alas, the family's base of more than ten years has been vacated, and it is especially moved by its own people, just like raising a thief at home."

The crowd laughed.

Lin Ge waved his hand and said, "Then spend all this money, and invite the people of the association to eat supper together."

Fang Tianyuan's face was a little smiling, "That's right, as one of the guild presidents, you should have held this kind of thing once." "

Seeing that the birth system of the mechanical giant cannon turtle was not sold, everyone was expecting.

After all, this value has reached the fifty level, and the price is naturally not cheap.

Zhao Yun suddenly hooked up with Chen Yunjing and said, "Brother Yunjing, do you want to sell it to your family's Chen Group?" "

Chen Yunjing's scalp is numb, and he really catches his own people?

Chen Yunjing waved his hand again and again: "My Chen Group also has no money, vigorously develop the dragon palace guarding system, the initial investment is very large, and with the birth of a new generation of dragon palace guard, the group is already working on dragon machinery, this is another big expense, build a dragon palace guarding plant, build a mechanical foundry, but also buy metal, and even ask the dragon royal beast master to carve the inscription, our Chen Group's expenses are not small, my pocket money this month is only one million, I have to save some flowers."

"I lean! You said so well earlier, but what are the next two sentences? You Brother Yun, I have been hit."

Zhao Yun patted heavily, just listening to the last two sentences, Chen Yunjing, this kid almost had no conscience.

Lin Ge spoke up: "Since no one wants it, the birth system of the mechanical giant cannon turtle will be given to Nandu for free." "

I promised Mayor Luo Xiang before to research a few mechanical pet beasts for Nandu, which can be regarded as a reward for building a research building.

Everyone also knew about this, so they all nodded slightly in agreement.

In this way, those royal beast masters who contract with blue water turtles in the southern city can win the jackpot.

Lin Ge said to Qin Qingyun: "Squad leader, this matter will be left to you and your father."

Qin Qingyun nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

Nandu is like this, Qin Mu is doing things on the surface, and Luo Xiang basically does not show up for this.

Just like the Royal Beast Master Association, the president Ma Bao is often absent, and it is Fang Tianyuan who takes care of the association's affairs.

Lu Lingyi looked at the mechanical giant cannon turtle again and said, "Then this thing is also raised by us?"

Lin Ge nodded: "Otherwise?" Besides, isn't the egg of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter missing a babysitter? On weekdays, let the mechanical giant cannon turtle take care of it. "

When I heard that I would have to deal with the Deep Sea Demon Chapter in the future, the mechanical giant cannon turtle trembled slightly, but he could accept it, anyway, he was also a subordinate of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter before.

Lin Ge clapped his hands and said, "Okay, it's such a happy decision, eat supper tonight!" "


Everyone is happy, and tonight is destined to be very happy.


the next day, early in the morning.

Bell bell bell bell....

Lin Ge was woken up by the ringing of his mobile phone in his sleep, and his rare dreams were shattered.

"Lin Ge! Phone!

Downstairs, Lin Mu's urging voice sounded.

Lin Ge could only open his sleepy eyes, opened his mobile phone and saw that it was Zhao Yun calling.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Ge lay back again, ready to go back to sleep, but he was too tired these days.

"Lin Ge! Big thing! On

the other end of the voice, Zhao Yun was obviously very excited, and his tone was very nervous!

Lin Ge closed his eyes, obviously not yet returning to his senses, heard Zhao Yun's words, and replied, "Say ah."

Zhao Yun paused for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "Xiao Wu's skill proficiency has reached the extraordinary level!" "

The extraordinary level is the extraordinary level, and it's not..."

Lin Ge suddenly opened his eyes and instantly sat up from the bed.

"Your martial arts rabbit has reached the standard of evolution?! The proficiency of both Quick-Fist and Kombat has reached the extraordinary level?!

Zhao Yun replied affirmatively: "Yes!" Just last night! No way! I'm so excited now! Lin Ge..." Lin Ge

quickly interrupted and said, "Wait for me at school!" I'll be there soon! "

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