"To Wudang Mountain?"

Lin Ge was slightly surprised, why did this evolution still have to run to Wudang Mountain?

The phone hung up, and Zhao Yun also said that he didn't understand.

Professor Lin said: "You guys go quickly, since Chief Zhang Daolong said that it is not good to drag on for a long time, then it must be a very serious problem, the school side, I will help you ask for leave."

Zhao Yun nodded: "Well, thank you professor."

Lin Ge also suddenly spoke up and said, "By the way, please also help me, I will also go over and take a look." "

Obviously, Lin Ge is very concerned about this matter, and there are even extraordinary beasts that have reached the pre-evolution conditions and have not evolved?

This is really rare.

So Lin Ge intends to understand this problem.

Professor Lin waved his hand.

In this way, Lin Ge and Zhao Yun stepped on the high-speed train to Wudang Mountain.


Wudang Mountain, Xiaodao Chief, Zhao Ningzhen was already waiting here.

He was very puzzled, but he didn't expect that a distinguished guest called Master Zhang's mobile phone today, and Master Zhang, who had always been shy, was actually chatting very happily.

Zhao Ningzhen waited patiently until a strange team appeared in front of him, which was easy to identify because he had been reminded.

Two people and a rabbit? Is this Master Zhang's guest?

"Dao Chief Zhao Ningzhen?"

Zhao Ningzhen made a bow and said, "The Dao Elder doesn't dare to be a Daoist, and now he is just a little Daoist boy."

Zhao Ningzhen gestured and said, "Two guests come with me, I'll take you to see Master Zhang."

So Lin Ge and Zhao Yun followed behind Zhao Ningzhen like this, as did Xuewu Rabbit, but his ears were pulled, and he still looked lost and sad.

This scene was also seen by Zhao Ningzhen, and asked, "The two of you originally came to enter the chemical martial arts rabbit?" Have the pre-evolutionary conditions been met?

Lin Ge was slightly surprised, this little Daoist boy could actually see it?

Zhao Yun replied: "It has been reached, but I don't know why Xiao Wu has not evolved.

Zhao Ningzhen said with a smile: "It is right that there is no evolution, and after learning the martial arts rabbit reaches the pre-evolution conditions, it cannot complete the evolution on its own."

Zhao Yun hurriedly asked, "Why?"

Zhao Ningzhen didn't explain, just said: "When you get to Master Zhang's side, you will understand."

Lin Ge and Zhao Yun stopped asking, and along the way, learning martial arts suddenly began to get nervous.

All the way to a forest repair place, which was cleaned and cleaned, several stone benches were placed on both sides, and in the forest, an old Taoist elder was slowly wielding his sword to exercise.

"Master Zhang, the guest has already been brought."

Zhang Qingfeng put away his sword, made a breathless dantian motion, and let out a long soothing sound in his mouth.

"Well, you go do your homework. Oh, by the way, call your uncle and uncle as well.

"Yes, Master."

Zhao Ning really answered, and then left.

Zhang Qingfeng said with a smile: "Two little friends, meet again."

Lin Ge and Zhao Yun both greeted with a slight salute.

Then Zhao Yuncai spoke: "Chief Zhang Dao, you can show me, what is the situation of Xiao Wu?" Is something wrong?

Zhang Daochang brushed his beard and replied, "No, no, no, it's not that something went wrong, it's normal." "

Normal?" Lin Ge was puzzled: "Normal phenomena, can there be non-evolution?"

Zhang Qingfeng laughed: "It's not that he doesn't want to evolve, but it's that there is still a missing link before evolution." Lin

Ge and Zhao Yun were a little confused, and they didn't know what this meant.

Zhang Qingfeng explained: "The evolution of Xuewu Rabbit is a bit special, well... In fact, most of the evolution of extraordinary beasts such as the martial arts system is a little different, and the fierce beast line is almost the same. In addition to improving the proficiency of the two skills of Quick Fist and Quick Fight, Xuewu Rabbit must also get an affirmation. "

An affirmation?"

Lin Ge and Zhao Yun were even more puzzled and asked, "What affirmation?"

Zhang Qingfeng brushed his beard and replied, "Recognition and affirmation in martial arts!" Seeing

that Lin Ge and Zhao Yun were still puzzled, Zhang Qingfeng explained: "In fact, before the rise of human beings, there was no martial arts system in nature, and after the rise of human beings, martial arts have developed tremendously, and some extraordinary beasts admire martial arts, so they gradually began to learn martial arts, and since then there has been a martial arts department."

"Martial arts were explored by the predecessors of human beings and carried forward step by step, so martial arts are also inherited, and it can be called martial arts if you don't casually play a three-legged cat."

When he heard Zhang Qingfeng's return, Xuewu Rabbit was obviously nervous, his eyes blinked repeatedly, and his expression was very restrained and overwhelmed.

Zhang Qingfeng continued to explain: "Therefore, after the martial arts department is divided, all the extraordinary beasts of the martial arts system will only evolve after they have been cultivated to the pre-evolution conditions, and they will only need the approval of a martial arts senior.

Zhao Yun suddenly returned to his senses and said, "Doesn't that mean that Xiao Wu still needs to be recognized by a martial arts senior to evolve?"

Lin Ge was slightly surprised, crying and laughing: "What is this?"

Zhang Qingfeng said: "Don't underestimate the inheritance of the martial arts department, the skills of the martial arts department are the most lethal, four or two thousand catties, it is a real killing technique!" Lin

Ge did not deny it when he heard this, because some of the extraordinary skills of the martial arts department were indeed very perverted.

Zhao Yun scratched his head and said, "Then don't you have to go to a senior in the martial arts world?"

Lin Ge suddenly wondered, "If you calculate so?" At the beginning, the first batch of martial arts transcendent beasts were not recognized by human martial artists?

Zhang Qingfeng said with a long smile: "Yes, the rumors are indeed so, as for the real truth, no one knows."

Zhao Yun sat down: "Where to find it now?" In the era when the royal beast master was rampant, where are the traditional martial artists?

Lin Ge grabbed the blind spot and said, "Human beings may be rare, but there are extraordinary beasts, especially those of the martial arts department, and those high-level ones are martial arts masters.

Zhang Qingfeng smiled slightly: "It is worthy of being Chairman Lin who can study the mechanical department, and this brain is a little clear."

Lin Ge smiled slightly and said, "Since Chief Zhang Daolong asked us to come to Wudang Mountain, presumably there is an extraordinary beast master of the martial arts department here in Wudang Mountain?"

Zhang Qingfeng nodded: "Yes, and you are no strangers, this master is even the final evolutionary form of learning martial rabbits." "

Grandmaster Rabbit?!"

At this moment, both Zhao Yun and Xuewu Rabbit suddenly raised their heads and looked at Zhang Qingfeng in surprise.

Zhang Qingfeng nodded: "Yes, it is the Grandmaster Rabbit, as long as your martial arts rabbit is recognized by him, it can evolve."

Zhang Qingfeng's face was kind, and he suddenly raised his head and said, "Oh, here it is." "

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