The martial arts rabbit has four stages, white, purple, black, and gold!

Corresponding to the race value of the martial arts rabbit, level 30, level 40, level 50 and level 60!

It can be said that this is related to Zhao Yun's future level after the evolution of the martial arts rabbit!

Grandmaster Rabbit carried it on his back and said loudly: "But the golden certificate is not so easy to get here." "

Lin Ge Moran, the evolution of this martial arts department is really interesting, layers of levels, strength certification, is much more difficult than the evolution of other departments.

Zhang Qingfeng also said at this time: "We Wudang Mountain has the evolutionary system of learning martial rabbits, which can be regarded as a treasure of our Daxia, so you must not scribble to evolve, because after learning martial rabbits reaches the conditions that can evolve, the impact is very far-reaching, not only the evolutionary form of martial arts rabbits, but even related to the future grandmaster rabbit form, so you must choose carefully!" Zhao

Yun and Xuewu Rabbit glanced at each other, then focused their heads and retreated to meditate on the side to recover.

Lin Ge answered: "Before I came, I consulted a lot of information, and it was said that the previous Grandmaster Rabbit could reach the race value of level ninety, but there was a problem in a certain link, resulting in the current Grandmaster Rabbit can only reach level eighty-nine. Is this also true? Grandmaster

Rabbit nodded and sighed: "Yes, this is also true, I call it the lack of martial arts, it should be that a certain evolutionary link is missing a part, which leads to the decline in the final race value, so over the years, while trying to seek a breakthrough, I am also strictly testing every martial arts rabbit who comes to me for evolution, hoping that some of these martial arts rabbits can break the boundaries and return to the level of ninety again."

Zhang Qingfeng took the words and said: "It's a pity, the young people are getting more and more impetuous now, and they don't even have the patience to exercise, I remember a young man a few years ago who brought his own martial arts rabbit to seek evolution, the foundation of the martial arts rabbit was too bad, and finally the face was dead, and he asked for a white evolution certification." Grandmaster

Rabbit followed and said: "What makes me most angry is that that young man is simply a cancer, not enterprising, lazy, his martial arts rabbit then casually evolved, because in the foundation of the martial arts rabbit is thin, so after evolving into the grandmaster rabbit, there is no way back, that grandmaster rabbit has survived death in this life is only more than fifty levels, but if so, forget it, that guy also opened a martial arts hall, in the name of helping the learning martial rabbit evolve, in the name of helping the learning martial rabbit evolve, in order to accumulate wealth and lower the racial value of the martial rabbit!"

Zhang Qingfeng also sighed and said, "Hey, there are fewer and fewer martial arts rabbits who are willing to come to Wudang Mountain to seek evolution, and the young people now." Grandmaster

Rabbit also hated iron and steel, and said a little angrily: "Look, in a few years, as more and more low-level Grandmaster Rabbits appear, it will also indirectly affect Xuwu Rabbit in the end, until finally the entire race is pulled down to the elementary level, until at a certain moment, this race has all become waste!"

Lin Ge listened to these words, and his heart was full of miscellaneous, and Grandmaster Rabbit's words were already full of hatred for those guys who maliciously evolved the martial arts rabbit.

But what about this?

It is not only possible to abide by the strict rules in his heart, and it is not clear in this Wudang Mountain.

To be honest, if he hadn't met Zhang Qingfeng, according to Zhao Yun's ordinary person origin route, in the end, he would probably have entered and evolved casually like the martial arts rabbits on the market.

To be honest, this is a bit sad, a race that was originally able to reach level ninety legends, under vicious competition, has slipped all the way to more than fifty levels, and even may become lower and lower in the future.

It took three evolutions to reach more than fifty levels, and it was already very straightforward to say that this extraordinary beast race was already wasted.

What's more frightening is that this idea has formed a circle under those vicious competitions.

More and more people no longer pursue the high-level evolution of learning martial arts, but are impetuous and hasty.

In the eyes of these people, they can evolve anyway, so why should they cultivate hard? Big deal, I'll contract another powerful transcendent beast in the future.

Therefore, with the popular trend, it is already very rare to learn martial arts rabbits who come to Wudang Mountain to seek evolution.

Otherwise, Zhang Qingfeng would not have pointed out Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing at the beginning.

The main thing is that he is willing to help Grandmaster Rabbit so that he will not be so disappointed, and his race will be saved.

Grandmaster Rabbit smiled coldly: "It is very strict to get my certification, you may fail several times, even dozens of times, hundreds of times, my Rabbit Grandmaster absolutely does not allow waste in his hands, you can also follow the public trend and go to the market to find those garbage evolution." I don't block this in the slightest, I'm still happy to see it, I can also clean up a lot in this Wudang Mountain, and then in a few years, hang a cloud tour sign, and the entire Daxia Xuewu Rabbit will only be left with that garbage.

Lin Ge was silent, how much disappointment did he have to accumulate to say these words?

But since he came this time, Lin Ge said that he had to let Zhao Yun fight and evolve into those garbage? That's better not to evolve!

In Lin Ge's opinion, the Grandmaster Rabbit with a limit of more than fifty levels had no value at all for cultivation.

"I heard that you are the Lin Ge who developed the mechanical department?"

While waiting, Grandmaster Rabbit turned to Lin Ge and asked, "Your mechanical department also has a bionic mechanical evolution?"

Lin Ge had already predicted something, and said with a bitter smile: "Yes." Grandmaster

Rabbit squinted his eyes and said: "Remember, if there is garbage looking for you bionic mechanical evolution, you give me all the resignation, otherwise, I will see one by one, make some trouble, it may still be you losing face."

Lin Ge said: "Senior, rest assured, this kind of garbage looks for me to evolve, I dislike it, it will only lower the glory of my mechanical department." "

A grandmaster rabbit of more than fifty levels, the bionic mechanical evolution can only reach level seventy at most.

It has the potential to catch up with level ninety, so much is wasted, and in the end, with the help of mechanical evolution, it can only reach level seventy, which is really unnecessary.

With this kind of idle effort, Lin Ge would rather upgrade the mechanical giant cannon turtle and come to a super evolution.

Hearing Lin Ge's words, Grandmaster Rabbit bowed his head slightly and said with a smile: "You are still aware of current affairs, and your brain is very bright."

Lin Ge laughed twice, a little unsure how to answer.

And at this time, Zhao Yun and Xuewu Rabbit were finally ready.

Zhao Yun and Xuewu Rabbit straightened their chests and said loudly, "Senior!" We're ready!

Grandmaster Rabbit snorted twice: "Ready, it's not shouting, come on!" Let me see how your little rabbit is.

"If it's also garbage, I can't open a white certification here, you can only go outside to find garbage."

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