The day of the imperial beast college entrance examination has arrived.

A tense and serious atmosphere pervaded all the young imperial beast masters who were going to take the imperial beast college entrance examination.

On the Nandu side, the examination location of the imperial beast college entrance examination has long been placed on the South China Sea Sand Island, and now as soon as the news is released, many TV stations and media immediately rush to the South China Sea Sand Islands, hoping to get the latest information first-hand.

Lin Ge and they naturally arrived, but they did not take those routes with media, but were escorted to Dongsha Island by Goldman Sachs Dragon from the partial line.

Now the entire South China Sea Sprat Islands have become different from before.

There are human buildings on Dongsha Island, and the extraordinary beasts on the island have been marked and information, in addition, a lot of extraordinary beasts have been transferred from Nandu Forest Park.

It can be said that Nandu Forest Park will only be a walking park in the future, and the powerful extraordinary beasts have all been sent to this South China Sea Sand Islands.

Including those three extraordinary beasts with extraordinary will in Nandu Forest Park!

Sitting on Dongsha Island, the rock and soil dual-line extraordinary beast, the rock lizard!

The extraordinary beast of the wind system sitting on Nansha Island, the wind speed wolf!

The martial arts fighting system of Xisha Island is an extraordinary beast, a powerful orangutan!

In addition to these three, Luo Xiang also captured two extraordinary beasts from other places!

Sitting on Beisha Island, at the same time the iconic extraordinary beast of the South China Sea Sand Islands, with a demon and water dual-line magic skirt jellyfish.

The other is the most powerful of the five, sitting on Zhongsha Island, the Thunder and Lightning Fox, an extraordinary beast of the Thunder and Lightning System!

These five extraordinary beasts sitting on the island are all the highest scores in this imperial beast college entrance examination, but they are also the most difficult to defeat!

And if the young imperial beast masters who participated in the imperial beast college entrance examination wanted to get scores, they had to work hard to defeat the extraordinary beasts in the South China Sea Sand Islands!

When Lin Ge and they checked this information, candidates arrived in the South China Sea Sand Islands one after another.

"Look! It's from Kawa City! They really came to our southern city to participate in the imperial beast college entrance examination!

"Led by Chen Yuting, the proud son of Sichuan City! I'll go! I heard that she is the descendant of the imperial beast family of the water system of Kawashi! Excellent talent and high qualifications!

"She's beautiful too!" Chen Yuting is the most beautiful school flower in Sichuan City!

"Ouch! It seems to be someone from Jinghai City over there! Be...... Gao family's!

"I lean! It's true! Gao family royal beast master who started selling fish! The one who walks in the front seems to be tall and strong! Sure enough, people are as their name suggests, and people don't talk much!

"Nonsense, the Gao family all read Sun Tzu's art of war, can it not be strong?"

"The people of the Gao family seem to be from the imperial dragon line, right?"

The crowd was noisy and full of voices, but when the words were heard.

Lin Ge and they suddenly looked at Gao Sheng Long, their eyes were strange.

Zhao Yun suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Senior Gao, are you too?"

Chen Yunjing exclaimed: "Wow! Senior Gao hid deeply, no wonder he looked polite, it turned out that he had read the art of war!

Gao Shenglong spread his hands and said, "Nonsense, is the surname Gao from the Gao family in Jinghai City?" Feeling

bored, Gao Shenglong planned to leave, and said: "Go, the imperial beast college entrance examination is your business, it is not appropriate for me to stay here." Goldman

Sachs Dragons rode speedboats and ran quickly.

Lin Ge also stood on a high place, watching more and more candidates gather on the side of Dongsha Island.

In fact, not all of them converged on Dongsha Island, in addition to Zhongsha Island, other islands also have candidates landed.

Lin Ge looked ahead, and finally saw that Chen Yuting and Gao Qiangsheng.

Chen Yuting wore a mask, looked a little introverted, her black hair fell like a waterfall, and she wore a school uniform, with a sense of youth from her student days.

In contrast, Gao Qiangsheng looks more dragged, wearing a black collar, his face is similar to Jiang Jiang, and he looks cold and arrogant, but Gao Qiangsheng seems to have a little more of the rampant of his student days.

Zhao Yun asked, "Lin Ge, what do you see?"

Lin Ge said lightly: "I didn't see anything."

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing also stood a little higher and said, "We don't believe it."

At this time, another yacht escorting the candidates arrived at the pier of Dongsha Island, and a muscular young man with a strong body and distinct muscles first walked out from it.

The young man looked older, perhaps because of regular exercise, and was much larger than the candidates of the same age, wearing a sleeveless denim jacket with a cardigan and a defiant smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this young man appear, the candidates who were surrounding the dock immediately scattered, a little afraid.

"It's a Wu City examiner, it's a person from the Wuwang Mansion!"

"The people from King Wu's Mansion are also here! That person is a martial madman Wu Dong!

"Run, run, run! Don't mess with him, damn it! Humanoid Extraordinary Beast! Fit Talent Monster! "

The candidates in Wushi are not easy to mess with, and the extraordinary pet beasts of the martial arts department are really unreasonable to fight in the early stage."

Lin Ge, Zhao Yun, and Chen Yunjing were a little surprised when they watched the crowd disperse.

Zhao Yun spoke up, "This martial arts imperial beast talent is a fit!" The pet beast is a powerful orangutan, and the combination of the two of them is really comparable to a humanoid extraordinary beast, which is terrifying.

Lin Ge was puzzled and said, "Mighty orangutan? "

It seems that it should have rushed to the powerful orangutan sitting on Xisha Island."

Chen Yunjing asked Zhao Yun, "Brother Yun, you seem to know martial arts very well?"

Zhao Yun shook his head and said, "I don't know very well, I just know some information."

Chen Yunjing snorted, looked at the dock again, and said: "In this way, this Royal Beast College Entrance Examination is the most powerful of these three?" "

Chen Yuting, Gao Qiangsheng, Wu Dong, the popularity of these three people is the highest.

Lin Ge smiled indifferently and said, "Let's not count?" It's not much worse than them, okay?

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing both smiled.

"All right! Candidates, be quiet! "

It is Fang Tianyuan, vice president of the Royal Beast Master Association, and this time it is he who stands up and speaks.

"You probably have all understood the rules of the imperial beast college entrance examination, every extraordinary beast on the South China Sea Sand Islands has been marked and scored, all you have to do is kill these extraordinary beasts and get their scores."

"And among these five islands, there are also five powerful bosses sitting on the islands, their scores are the highest, if you want to get their scores, you only need to defeat them!"

"This exam lasts for three days, so you not only have to fight against extraordinary beasts, but also learn to solve your survival needs in these three days, these are comprehensive points, understand?"

"Got it!"

Fang Tianyuan waved his hand and said, "Then let's start!" In this exam, we used the latest extraordinary index detector developed by the Department of Mechanics! You can detect the combat power of extraordinary beasts in real time! Make the best judgment and believe that you can achieve a good result! "

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