"This hasn't started the exam yet, so I let the family take a taxi back, and people who don't know still think that we are bullying people in Nandu."

Lin Ge took a deep breath, straightened his collar, and looked at the direction where Wu Dong left, his face became more cold.

Fang Tianyuan didn't know what to say, but he only felt that the martial arts movement was really too presumptuous.

"Vice President Fang, I remember that in the Royal Beast College Entrance Examination, it is allowed to have the Royal Beast Master to fight this one, right?"

Fang Tianyuan was stunned and nodded, "Yes."

Lin Ge glanced at Fang Tianyuan and said with a smile: "Then Vice President Fang will stay here on Dongsha Island for a few more days."

Fang Tianyuan suddenly smiled bitterly, that martial arts would also cause some trouble.

"Chairman Lin, please don't be angry, the strength of King Wu's Mansion is very strong, the matter is too big, and we can't end well."

Lin Ge nodded: "Hehe, it depends on the situation." Saying

that, Lin Ge and the three turned around and entered Dongsha Island, and seeing that the matter dispersed, the examinees who were watching the excitement naturally dispersed.

Fang Tianyuan stood in place, sighed slightly, and then could only slap his thigh in annoyance, cursed the Martial King Mansion a few times, and then turned and left.

Walking in the forests of Dongsha Island, Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing were still indignant.

Chen Yunjing said: "That martial action is also too arrogant, right? Blatant robbery of something! Also threatened Senior Lin you!

Zhao Yun was more dignified, thinking of Fang Tianyuan's words in his mind, and said solemnly: "The people in the Martial King Mansion are all martial arts royal beast masters, and that martial arts is also the best, I am afraid that his temper is already arrogant."

Lin Ge said lightly: "I don't care if he is arrogant or deliberately so, my things are not so easy to take." Lin

Ge's gaze showed a trace of fierceness for a long time, can't be angry? No problem! Then change the way!

"Zhao Yun, borrow Xiaowu to practice for me in the past two days."

Lin Ge did not have a pet beast of the martial arts department, so he could only borrow a martial arts rabbit from Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun smiled and said, "What do we say between us, then see outside, although Xiao Wu is summoned, anyway, he obeys your orders no less than me, the imperial beast master." "

Giving Lin Ge iron for so long, Xiao Wu has already listened to Lin Ge's words very much.

Chen Yunjing said: "Then Senior Lin, let's go to Wudong to take revenge now?"

Lin Ge said lightly: "Why is it so urgent?" The Royal Beast College Entrance Examination has three days, during which we will get the scores first. "

Along the way, there are already imperial beast masters who have begun to kill those extraordinary imperial beasts.

Lin Ge's gaze was faint, these transcendent beasts of more than a dozen levels, or even only a few levels, were not Lin Ge's target!

The ones who really have high scores are those extraordinary beasts that go up to level 20!

Or the five who have extraordinary will!

Zhao Yun looked at the corpses of some low-level extraordinary beasts that had appeared one after another along the way, and couldn't help but say: "After the imperial beast college entrance examination this time, it is estimated that the South China Sea Sand Islands will not be able to recover in a few years, right?"

Lin Ge shook his head and said: "The South Sea Sand Islands have been rendered by the extraordinary power of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter, and the extraordinary beasts here have grown rapidly, and it will not take a few years at all, and it is estimated that next year's imperial beast college entrance examination can still choose here." "

As Lin Ge and them go deeper, there are fewer and fewer extraordinary beasts that can be seen, but the level is getting higher and higher!

"Hey! Senior Lin, someone over there is catching blue water turtles!

Chen Yunjing suddenly pointed to a place.

Lin Ge and they looked in the direction and saw that a three-person squad was joining forces to capture a level ten blue water turtle.

Lin Ge said lightly: "Don't bother, our target is not them." "

The mechanical giant cannon tortoise has become the Du You's mechanical pet in the southern city.

It doesn't matter if the civilian imperial beast master has no financial resources, as long as you sign a contract, Nandu pays for it, and you contribute to it, you can also bring the mechanical giant cannon turtle home.

But they didn't think that Lin Ge wanted to leave, but the three-person squad stopped them.

"Hey! Three classmates over there! Trouble do yourself a favor! No need to shoot, just help us stand in our position and stop this blue water turtle. Hearing

this, Lin Ge paused in his steps, then turned around and waved at Zhao Yun again.

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing saw that they both had spiritual rhinos in their hearts, and scattered with Lin Ge, blocking the path of the blue water turtle so that the three could capture the blue water turtle.

"Thank you! We are students of Chuanshi No. 1 Middle School, my name is Yan Jin, they are Lu Yao and Tian Shuo are very happy to meet you.

Lin Ge waved his hand and also introduced himself, as did Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing.

Lin Ge watched the blue water turtle being captured, and asked curiously: "This blue water turtle is obviously not the kind of excellent qualifications, why did you capture it?"

Yan Jin replied: "Isn't this the new evolutionary form of the blue water turtle in the southern city, our Sichuan city is also a coastal city, the main thing is the extraordinary pet beast of the water system, just catch one to go to the southern city to evolve and see."

Lin Ge smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "It's okay to deceive other people with this, it's not okay to deceive me, if you don't say it, we'll leave now." Hearing

Lin Ge's words, the three of them were obviously stunned, and then looked at each other.

Tian Shuo said: "Well, in fact, Chen Yuting's younger brother seems to like the mechanical giant cannon turtle, we just want to see if we can catch one, and then..."

Zhao Yun suddenly realized: "Oh, it turns out to be that Chen Yuting's suitor, you are not a dog licking trio."

Yan Jin and the three smiled, scratched their heads, and corrected again: "Can't it, so Chen Yuting is very good, and we are not licking dogs."

Lu Yao said: "We have received help from Chen Yuting before, so we thought about when we could repay it, and now this mechanical giant cannon turtle can also be regarded as an opportunity."

Lin Ge looked indifferent, did not say anything, just said: "Catching the blue water turtle is very simple, you turn it over, do not let it turn over, suppress it for ten or twenty minutes, it will surrender itself."

Yan Jin was stunned for a moment, and then thanked Lin Ge.

It was also at this time that Tian Shuo suddenly said: "Lin Ge?!" You are the Lin Ge who developed the mechanical department?! Groove! Idol! Sign it, idol.

Yan Jin and Lu Yao were both stunned, and when they looked at it, it was really Lin Ge who had developed the mechanical department.

Lin Ge waved his hand and turned away: "See you when you have time."

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing both followed.

Only Yan Jin was left, and the three of them were a little excited.

Halfway through, Chen Yunjing said again: "Senior Lin, where are we going now?"

Lin Ge put his hands in his pockets and said, "Go meet an old friend."

Zhao Yun was slightly stunned and said, "You still have old friends on this South China Sea Sand Islands?"

Lin Ge smiled lightly: "I didn't have it before, but I have it now." "

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