Lin Ge and the three felt a little surprised, but they didn't expect that this Gao Qiangsheng had already arrived at this Nansha Island first, and was challenging the wind speed wolf.

Didi Di Di -

[Primary Extraordinary Beast: Wind Speed Wolf] [Attribute: Wind System] [Race Level: Level 30 (Limit)

] [Growth Level: Twenty One

] [Extraordinary Skill: (Detective-)

] [Extraordinary Index: 470,000]

The panel of the Wind Speed Wolf

is slightly lower than that of the rock lizard, but you must not underestimate the Wind Speed Wolf!

As one of the three overlords of the former Nandu Forest Park, the strength of the wind speed wolf is comparable to that of the rock lizard!

That extraordinary index of 30,000 is not insurmountable!

"The wind speed wolf is a typical extraordinary beast with high attack speed and low defense, but I don't know what wind system skills I have mastered."

Several of the wind skills are also very powerful, and they are very practical extraordinary skills.

Lin Ge looked at the powerful dragon crocodile again, although it was a dragon system, but the dragon crocodile was not a very pure dragon system.

[Primary Extraordinary Beast: Dragon Crocodile

] [Attribute: Dragon System, Water System] [Race Level: Level 30 (Extreme

)] [Growth Level: Level 19

] [Extraordinary Skill: (Detective——)] [Extraordinary Index:

470,000] This highly powerful dragon crocodile is also an extraordinary index of 470,000


"It is also a 470,000 extraordinary index, no wonder this high and powerful person dares to challenge this wind speed wolf."

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing were slightly surprised, they were worthy of being people from the Jinghai Gao family, and having this strength at this age was already very powerful!

Lin Ge didn't plan to interfere, but just watched the battle from the sidelines.

Gao Qiangsheng also noticed Lin Ge and them, but he didn't panic at all, because there were many of his little brothers around.

The wind-speed wolf naturally took an attack stance, and a low wolf roar came out, which made people shudder.

Gao Qiangsheng completely ignored it and immediately ordered the dragon crocodile to fight.

"Little dragon! Use hardening! Hearing

the command of the powerful imperial envoy pet beast, Chen Yunjing was slightly stunned.

"How come this is still the same name as my dragon mechanic."

Zhao Yun smiled: "It seems that many dragon royal beast masters have given this name to their dragon pets."

Lin Ge also smiled lightly and observed the battle situation.

I saw that after the dragon crocodile used hardening, the skin scales suddenly shone at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"First use hardening to enhance the defense and prevent the outbreak of the wind speed wolf's attack, very good, the ability of this high-powered imperial pet beast is more powerful than you two reckless men."

Zhao Yun said: "Brother Lin, this can't be compared, the Gao family is a royal beast family with inheritance, I am just an ordinary royal beast master, where can I compare." "

Royal beast families, generally refer to those families that have existed for some years, the royal beast talents of the heirs in the family are basically the same, and there are pet beast inheritances.

Chen Yunjing was silent, in fact, although he said that he was a rich second generation, but before he knew Lin Ge, he was being indoctrinated by the old driver every day, and the car skills were also considered entry, but he was suppressed by his sister Chen Yunqian over the years, plus he was not qualified to line up with Jiang Meier, and he was tolerated by a wealthy father, so the royal beast combat was indeed not good.

Lin Ge snorted: "Whether you can compare it or not, these are not excuses, you must not only be familiar with your pet beasts, but also familiar with all the extraordinary beasts recorded in the Great Xia Pet Beast Encyclopedia, so that you know yourself and the other, and your imperial beast combat will make progress."

Zhao Yun wailed: "Still coming?" Isn't six years in elementary school enough? "

It's a compulsory course.

Lin Ge glanced at it: "After six years of study, how much have you remembered now?"

Zhao Yun hehe: "I should still be able to remember a seven, seven, eight, eight."

Lin Ge said breathlessly: "Did you forget seven seven eight eight?" You copied my homework all the way all those years.

Zhao Yun waved his hand and said, "Hey, this is all about the old Huang Li, and in the end, I still entered the first class."

Lin Ge snorted twice more and said, "After you go back, you will write me down the martial arts department."

Zhao Yun immediately lowered his head, and Chen Yunjing snickered twice.

As a result, he was arrested by Lin Ge again: "You are the same, the beast department also remembered me to death, when the time comes to go to the north, I have to test you."

Chen Yunjing also suddenly lowered his head, to be honest, it was very abrasive to remember this.

Lin Ge then looked at the battle that broke out on the grass, and the dragon crocodile relied on the natural defense of its scale armor to resist the attack of the wind speed wolf.

However, at this moment, the battlefield between the two sides is already deadlocked.

The Wind Speed Wolf used extraordinary will, and a wolf king power emanated.

Gao Qiangsheng gritted his teeth and resisted, his dragon crocodile did not awaken the extraordinary will, so now he could only grit his teeth and drag!

The wind speed wolf attacked again, Gao Qiangsheng is worthy of being a Gao family who has read Sun Tzu's art of war, relying on tactics to suppress the sense of deterrence brought by extraordinary will, and once again commanding the dragon crocodile to fight against the wind speed wolf!

However, it is already the wind speed wolf that has the upper hand, and the deterrent power brought by extraordinary will is very practical!

Suddenly, Lin Ge frowned slightly, and saw that the wind speed wolf could not break through the defense of the dragon crocodile, and his gaze was already sweeping towards Gao Qiangsheng from time to time!

"Chen Yunjing! It's up to you! Get ready!

Immediately, Lin Ge quickly ordered Chen Yunjing, and this wind speed wolf just used to test Chen Yunjing's current strength.

"Oooh! Good!

Lin Ge looked at the wind speed wolf with dead eyes, although the dragon crocodile was slightly injured, it was not fatal, but the scale armor was out of the way.

The wind speed wolf relied on its super high speed to repeatedly avoid the attacks of the dragon crocodile.

It's just that over time, the wind speed wolf has run out of patience.

Until a certain moment, the wind speed wolf attacked again, and not surprisingly, Gao Qiangsheng still ordered the dragon crocodile to parry.

Just at the moment when the two were close, the wind speed wolf suddenly dodged the attack of the dragon crocodile sideways and went towards Gao Qiangsheng!

"Not good!"

Gao Qiangsheng was suddenly shocked, and the dragon crocodile also sensed the danger of the Royal Beast Master, and quickly turned his head back to defense.

Just with the speed of the dragon crocodile, where is it comparable to the wind speed wolf of the wind system?

At this moment, the electric flint, Gao Qiangsheng, those little brothers who were guarding around, did not expect it.

"Boss! Get out of the way! "

But under the deterrence of the extraordinary will of the Wind Speed Wolf, Gao Qiangsheng has already been calmed!

At this moment, Gao Qiangsheng seemed to see the marquee of life!

"Am I going to die here?"


Suddenly, a dog bark appeared, and then a small figure appeared from the left side, and in an instant of life and death, it hit the wind speed wolf!

Gao Qiangsheng successfully picked up a life, looked back, and just saw Chen Yunjing gesturing at him.

Lin Ge spoke up: "You are no longer the opponent of the Wind Speed Wolf, retreat." "

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