Wudang Mountain.

In the entire Wudang Mountain Taoist Temple Temple, there are few rooms with a TV.

Zhang Qingfeng Daolong, Grandmaster Rabbit Zhang Rabbit, and Xiaodao Tong Zhao Ningzhen are all here, and the TV is playing the live broadcast of the imperial beast college entrance examination in Nandu.

The content of the picture happens to be that Lin Ge Yu made the martial arts rabbit defeat the martial arts.

Zhao Ningzhen exclaimed, "Wow, it turns out that this Lin Ge is so powerful!" Level fifteen fights level twenty, the pet beast is still borrowed, I really can't believe it.

Zhang Qingfeng smoothed his beard with one hand, and said cheerfully: "Lin Ge Royal Envoy this martial arts rabbit does not have the slightest sense of jerky, I think it should be that the two sides have been training for a long time, and there has been a tacit understanding, and the imperial envoy is no less than the imperial beast master is manipulating."

Zhang Rabbit still had a grandmaster's demeanor, and after losing it with one hand, commenting on the battle between Lin Ge and Wu Dong.

Zhang Rabbit said: "Although the win is a little clever, but how to say that it is also the crushing of the imperial beast skill, that martial arts is too impetuous, arrogant and domineering, and not very good at making powerful orangutans fight, after the merger, it is even garbage, and the loss deserves."

Zhao Ningzhen said: "Uncle Junior, that martial arts is a combined talent, aren't all this kind of imperial beast masters fighting together like this?"

Zhang Rabbit touched Zhao Ningshen's head and said: "His fit is not even half a foot into the threshold, the real combination talent is not like this, otherwise do you think that martial arts should worship Liu Meng's legend as a teacher?"

Elder Zhang Qingfeng said again: "This martial action is only afraid that the heart of losing is unwilling, I probably feel that I was injured in the battle with that powerful orangutan before, so I lost to Lin Ge, and if I cultivate it afterwards, I will definitely retaliate."

Zhang Rabbit bowed his head slightly, and said: "But useless, this kind of person is destined to be arrogant, it's good that he admits failure, if he doesn't admit it, he will chase this cause and effect to death, he will probably be bound for a lifetime, even for the next half of his life, and may even be beaten by Lin Ge's state of mind is unbalanced, and he can no longer practice martial arts." "

A martial arts royal beast master who can't practice martial arts, can he still be a martial arts royal beast master?

Chief Zhang Qingfeng nodded and said, "Lin Ge probably won't care about this.

Zhang Rabbit said: "He doesn't care, but someone will, I'll go down the mountain."

Zhang Qingfeng said loudly: "Relax, don't make things too big, our Wudang Mountain is a pure place, don't bring up those messy things under the mountain."

Zhang Rabbit carried his hand and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely clean up the relationship, and take a shower before returning to the mountain, to be honest, I feel dirty dealing with that kind of garbage."

Zhao Ningzhen said coldly: "Uncle Master, you are so dragging, others don't know, they think you are an extraordinary legend."

Zhang Rabbit laughed and pushed the door out: "Although I am not, I am already compared!"

Zhao Ningzhen looked back at Zhang Qingfeng and said, "Master, don't you stop it?" King Wu's Mansion is very powerful.

Zhang Qingfeng smiled and replied, "Don't worry, the only person in the Martial King Mansion who can stop Zhang Rabbit is Martial Saint, but I think if Martial Saint is smart enough, he won't interfere in this matter."

Zhao Ningzhen scratched his head, expressing puzzlement.

Zhang Qingfeng suddenly said coldly, "Did you finish your homework today?" Child! Don't watch so much TV!

Zhao Ningzhen huffed and strode away, and his two sleeves flicked.


South China Sea Spratly Islands, Paracel Islands.

Wu Dong had already been carried away by the medical team in Nandu that was on standby at any time.

Lin Ge and they repaired again, and Zhao Yun had already taken the martial arts rabbit back and let it recover in the imperial beast space.

Lin Ge took out a few portions of extraordinary beast nutrition and said, "Give it all to the martial arts rabbit, after you recover, you will defeat this powerful orangutan." Among

the three, Lin Ge solved the rock lizard and Chen Yunjing solved the wind speed wolf, and both got high scores.

Zhao Yun was left to only brush some small karami and took a small fraction of the score.

Therefore, the boss of this Xisha Island, the powerful orangutan of the martial arts department, naturally let Zhao Yun solve it.

Zhao Yun nodded and accepted those extraordinary beast nutrition products so that the martial arts rabbit could recover quickly.

And with Lin Ge's combat guidance in front, Zhao Yun also understood how to deal with the powerful orangutan.

With the extraordinary beast nutrition as a supply, the recovery of the martial arts rabbit is still very fast.

Lin Ge and Chen Yunjing stayed aside, it was just after noon, and they planned to replenish in place first.

Fortunately, there are many extraordinary beasts here, and there are many things that can be eaten, and the three of them have a beautiful meal.

Chen Yunjing took advantage of the break and asked, "Senior, why hasn't the Royal Beast Ring made by that Royal Beast Relic of the Red Dragon Grand Master been made yet?"

Lin Ge said: "Where is it so fast, but I asked a few days ago, I heard that it has reached the final stage, and it will be almost the same when the Royal Beast College Entrance Examination is over."

Chen Yunjing had a smile on his face and said, "That's great, so that you don't have to carry so many things before you leave for Dongshan City." "

With the Royal Beast Space Ring, everything can be thrown inside, which is really a good item for home travel.

Lin Ge leaned against the big tree, sat down, and looked up slightly at the clear blue sky, white clouds and dogs, and white horses crossing the gap.

At this time, Chen Yunjing asked again: "Senior, can the dragon system machinery still carry some mechanical equipment?"

Lin Ge replied, "Yes, but I don't support you doing this for the time being, wait first, and then consider these after my research building is completed." "

Limited by the current equipment, Lin Ge is even careful to transform the equipment of the Overlord.

Lin Ge put his hands behind his pillow and muttered, "It's fast, it's still two months." "

Knock knock!

At this moment, a dull sound of beating the chest sounded, and an orangutan roar appeared.

The extraordinary boss Mighty Orangutan who sits on Xisha Island finally dares to come back after eating.

"Roar, roar!"

Come on human! Let's fight again!

It's just that when the big orangutan returned here, there was no longer a martial figure, replaced by three strangers.

Hercules was puzzled, and the gesture immediately asked, what about the human who was here before?

Zhao Yun had already stood up and looked at the strong orangutan with firm eyes.

The martial arts rabbit also recovered and was summoned, and he saluted the powerful orangutan.

Herrillan scratched his head.

Zhao Yun said: "Your opponent next is me!" The

strong orangutan looked at the martial arts rabbit and also saluted back, just such a weak rabbit will be his opponent?

Zhao Yun spoke up, "The person who fought with you before has been defeated by Xiao Wu. The

powerful orangutan suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the martial arts rabbit in disbelief.

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