Nandu, within the municipal hospital.

Even late at night, the entire hospital was urgently mobilized with the sound of an emergency alarm.

Lin Ge and the three were sent to the emergency medical room, and all the treatment department imperial beast masters in the hospital helped to restore treatment.

Outside the emergency medical room, Mayor Luo Xiang's face was gloomy, he never expected that Huo Kaishan was so vicious.

"Huo Kaishan! It's not over! "

Professor Lin and Lu Lingyi, Qin Qingyun, they also arrived urgently.

Unexpectedly, they had only been separated for a short time, and this file happened, and it took less than half an hour before and after.

"Mayor Luo Xiang! What's going on?

Professor Lin asked hurriedly, and when he heard that Lin Ge had an accident with them, the old professor almost didn't slow down.

Lu Lingyi and Qin Qingyun were also extremely nervous, their breaths were urgent, and they looked anxiously at the emergency medical room.

Luo Xiang said in a deep voice: "It's Wu City, the old guy Huo Kaishan of Wuwang Mansion doesn't want to face, because Lin Ge defeated Wudong's relationship, he held a grudge and came to Nandu to take revenge." "


Professor Lin suddenly stumbled back a step, hearing this news was like a funeral.

Huo Kaishan's eighty-level royal beast legend, a long-known martial arts royal beast master in Wuwangfu.


Lu Lingyi and Qin Qingyun hurriedly helped Professor Lin, as if at that moment, Professor Lin's spirit was more than ten years old.

Professor Lin asked hesitantly, "How are they doing now?"

Luo Xiang calmed down and said, "Don't worry, that rabbit grandmaster from Wudang Mountain came to the rescue, but fortunately the most tragic thing did not happen."

Professor Lin was slightly relieved and slumped weakly on the cold chair in the corridor.

"Little song! What happened to my little song? Why is this?

At this time, a cry sounded, and Lin Ge's mother and Zhao Yun's mother also arrived, crying red eyes along the way, and feeling grief-stricken.

Along with them were Jiang Meier and Chen Yunqian, and these two women were also extremely sad.

Luo Xiang was speechless for a while, unable to speak, which was his dereliction of duty.

The red light in the emergency medical room was still brightly on.

Lin Mu cried red eyes outside the door, and prayed that Lin Ge would not have an accident.

Jiang Meier comforted, but she didn't know what to say at this moment.

Chen Yunqian also had red eyes, her parents were on a business trip, and now she could rush over as soon as possible.

The night was destined to be difficult.

Gao Shenglong also arrived, looking at the red light on the emergency medical room, or angrily flicked his arm.


Luo Xiang spoke up, "How is Mr. Gao?"

Gao Shenglong replied: "I can only contain the other party, and after a fight, I was helplessly escaped by him." "

Level seventy-nine beats level eighty, Goldman Sachs Dragon does not fall behind, and is not even injured, which also proves that Goldman Sachs Dragon is already very strong.

But the opponent is an eighty-level martial arts extraordinary, and the other party is bent on escaping, and Gao Shenglong can't stay.

In front of the emergency medical room, an atmosphere of grief spread.

Luo Xiang nodded, Gao Shenglong had already tried his best, in other words, he and Ma Bao joined forces, I am afraid that they can drag each other down.

The martial arts department is extraordinary, and it is really too powerful in fighting.

"It's hard, I will report this matter to the imperial capital, and if I don't give an explanation, my Luo Xiang stepping down is not enough to make up for it."

The red light lasted until the early hours of the morning, and it was not until the first rays of the earth appeared that it changed to green.

A water system healing beast master walked out, and he was the only sixty-level healing system imperial beast master in this hospital, named Zhou Peanut.

Zhou Peanut took off his surgical gown and mask before saying to Luo Xiang: "The mayor is fine, and the three are safe."

Mother Lin stepped forward and asked, "Doctor, how is my family's little song injured?" There will be no sequelae, right? Zhao

Yun's mother and Chen Yunqian both stepped forward and wanted to know the information.

Zhou Peanut looked at Luo Xiang, and after getting the head, he said: "Two of them are not seriously injured, just broke a few ribs and suffered a little flesh and skin injury, and the other named Lin Ge is more seriously injured, the left leg was pierced, the bone was shattered, and the blood loss fell into a coma, but they were saved in time, and they were out of danger, as for the sequelae or something, don't worry, they have been treated, just recover." Zhou

Peasan's words fell, and everyone had already rushed into the medical room.

Luo Xiang said to Zhou Peanut: "Hard work, Doctor Zhou."

Zhou Peanut nodded and said: "After treatment, they only need to rest and recover, they are all young imperial beast masters, their bodies and bones are much better than ordinary people, there is no big problem."

Luo Xiang bowed his head slightly, and said: "This time is hard, take care of the three of them, especially Lin Ge, absolutely can't have an accident."

Zhou Peanut snorted, and then left.

Luo Xiang walked into the medical room with a heavy heart.

On the three hospital beds, Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing were in a good state, although they broke a few ribs, they were at least awake.

Lin Ge was more miserable, his left leg was plastered, and his face was bruised in several places, it seemed that Huo Kaishan's palm, Lin Ge was more or less injured by the palm wind.

Lin Ge's body was dripping, although it was dangerous to get out, but the excessive blood loss still made Lin Ge's face look extremely pale.

Lin Mu covered her face and cried worriedly, she was Lin Ge a child, if something happened, she didn't know how to live.

And at this time, Ma Bao and Zhang Rabbit also arrived.

Luo Xiang hugged his fists and said, "Thank you Grandmaster Rabbit for your help."

Zhang Rabbit waved his hand, walked straight to Lin Ge's bed, and stretched out a hand to help Lin Ge take the pulse.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhang Rabbit nodded slightly, and said in a loud voice: "It's really a blessing and a great life, and I have to be lucky enough to come in time, otherwise I really can't save you."

Zhang Rabbit took out a small bottle from his arms, carefully poured out a pill from it, and was about to take it for Lin Ge.

But he was stopped by Lin Mu: "What are you doing?" Don't give Xiaoge these unknown things! You extraordinary beast, get out of here! Don't touch my little song.

Luo Xiang, they all pinched their sweat.

Still Zhang Rabbit did not think about those, but said: "Taking this pill can help him recover quickly, otherwise with his injury, the healing department beast master outside will have to take half a year." "

Lin Ge's other problems are not very big, but the broken leg bones are more troublesome, even if there is a healing department imperial beast master, it will not be so fast.

Seeing that Lin Mu didn't believe it, Zhang Rabbit suddenly snorted and said, "I'm a pill made of an eighty-level extraordinary treasure, if it weren't for this kid promising to help me do things, I wouldn't be willing to give it to him."

Zhao Yun said next to him: "Aunt, you just let Lin Ge take it, Grandmaster Rabbit is his own person, and he won't harm Lin Ge." Lin

Mu then let go of the letter suspiciously, and Zhang Rabbit quickly gave this pill to Lin Ge.

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