"This result, Lin Legend, is it still satisfactory?" Lin

Hao put his hands in his pockets, looked at Li Muzhi, and said: "I can barely dissipate my breath, and, only this time, not an example."

Li Muzhi nodded: "It must be, if this kind of thing still happens, Lin Legend, you can do whatever you want, I, a rotten good man, stand on your side."

Lin Hao nodded, and suddenly said, "I'll go to the Divine Dragon Kingdom and meet that person."

Li Muzhi's eyebrows suddenly jumped, and he stopped: "This is not necessary, right

?" Lin Hao said lightly, carrying the bag of unfinished fruit, and said: "Such a delicious fruit, how can you share it with his grandfather?"

But Guan Shengyun and Hua Rong trembled, and a look of fear appeared on their faces.

Guan Shengyun

couldn't help but speak: "Lin Ge's grandfather is..."

"Shut up!" Li Muzhi scolded angrily, and the old man's face became warm and angry: "These things, who dares to say more than half a word, I will send to the Shenlong Kingdom to be a guest with him."

Guan Shengyun suddenly became frightened, and quickly cut off all the thoughts and thoughts about Lin Ge's grandfather in his mind, and even slapped himself sharply.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Shengyun spoke up: "From today onwards, the Wuwang Mansion will be closed to the outside world! All the imperial beast masters in the mansion will obey the secretary's orders! Han Xiu and Huo Kaishan both entered the Martial Saint Temple and copied the Martial Bible a hundred times! As for the martial arts, I will personally teach with me, if he can't change those bad tempers, then there is no need for Lin Legend to run again, I Guan Shengyun personally clean up the portal!" Han Xiu and Huo

Kaishan did not dare to complain about this, and all led the order.

Guan Shengyun once again saluted Li Muzhi and said, "I also ask the secretary to summon Guan Shengyun and King Wu's Mansion to do their best for the Great Xia Dynasty!"

Lin Hao then dropped the plaque, carried half a bag of fruits in his hand, and said, "Let's go." Saying

that, the space blockade disappeared, and King Wu's Mansion returned to reality from the haze again.

Above the same ground, Guan Shengyun didn't even dare to say a word.

Hua and Rong said softly to Li Muzhi: "Secretary, Lin Ge's grandfather is really the one in the Divine Dragon Kingdom?!" Li Muzhi

rarely had a good face, and said: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, don't know what you shouldn't know, this question is very dangerous, do you know?"

Don't ask, it's not good to be sensed, hey! headache! This family is difficult to do one by one.

Above the building, Zhang Rabbit clenched his ears, and from the time Fang Cai Lin Hao said that sentence, Zhang Rabbit already knew who it was.

Zhang Rabbit also learned Guan Shengyun's movements at this moment, cutting off thoughts and thoughts in his heart, and slapped himself sharply at the same time.

"I'm going to his rabbit's grandmother! Damn! Nandu can't stay! That kid is a time bomb! I have to run away! Wudang Mountain is not safe! I have to run farther." At

this moment, Zhang Rabbit was very scared in his heart, that Lin Ge was simply scared to death, there was a double legend father was not enough, the one in the Divine Dragon Kingdom turned out to be his grandfather.

Fuck you!!

Zhang Rabbit is ready to grease the soles of his feet, Wudang Mountain and Nandu City are not going to go back.

Li Muzhi also saw Zhang Rabbit and greeted: "Grandmaster Rabbit have a chat!" Zhang Rabbit

hugged his fist and said: "Don't talk, Secretary, I have too much contact with that time bomb, I have to go and hide! Saying

that, Zhang Rabbit had disappeared in place.

Hua and Rong also said in a loud voice: "Secretary, should I go out and hide?" Li

Muzhi said lightly: "Where to hide? I can find you wherever I hide, rest assured, the Shenlong Kingdom is stable, he can't escape." Li

Muzhi slapped himself.


southern metropolis.

The days were dull, and Lin Ge was ready to go out with Chen Yunjing.

To this day, Lin Ge still doesn't know who the cleaning uncle was that day, nor what happened in King Wu's Mansion.

I only know that after being discharged from the hospital, Wu Dong was also taken back by the people of Wuwangfu, followed by the closure of Wuwangfu, and all the disciples of Wuwangfu were collectively pulled to the frontier.

Lin Ge scratched his head, looking at these inexplicable news, he couldn't help but feel that the media in this world knew what title to use to attract people as always.

Chen Yunjing is also next to him at the moment, also playing mobile phones and playing small games.

Lin Ge asked, "Your sister and Jiang Mei'er are going to go with Mao?" Chen

Yunjing replied, "My sister is also going to evolve her pet beast, by the way."

Lin Ge frowned: "Your sister's pet beast also has to evolve, what line?" Chen

Yunjing replied: "The dual line of demon and fierce beast is a mutated charm fox."

Lin Ge thought about it, and Chen Yunqian's appearance appeared in his mind, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of any connection between Chen Yunqian and the charm fox.

Instead, I couldn't help but think of the old driver Jiang Meier, this charming fox is already quite compatible with her.

"I can't see that your sister's pet beast turned out to be a charming fox. "

The fox, an extraordinary beast, also blooms in all lines, and there are all kinds of things.

Chen Yunjing said: "Senior Lin, you are used to it, what kind of person Senior Sister Jiang is, my sister is similar, but in the bones, the appearance is not visible."

Lin Ge immediately understood, no wonder Jiang Meier was so tired of Chen Yunqian, feeling that these two guys were one outside the main and one inside.

"I really can't see it. Lin Ge muttered.

Jiang Meier suddenly appeared and said in a loud voice: "Can't see what?" Lin

Ge was originally squatting, blocked by Jiang Meier, and instinctively raised her head slightly.

"I can't see that Senior Sister Jiang is actually... Why is it so big?"

Jiang Meier said coquettishly: "Ouch, Junior Brother Lin can still talk."

Chen Yunqian had already pulled and said, "Now outside!

Jiang Meier grinned loudly and said: "It's all my own people, what are you converging? Fertile water doesn't flow into the fields of outsiders

, right? Senior Brother Lin?" Lin Ge snorted and said: "Senior Sister Jiang, our speech and behavior are easy to get into trouble, and you don't want to be known by others, right?" Jiang

Meier suddenly came over and said: "I understand, I understand, Senior Brother Lin is as powerful as ever." Lin

Ge can only be hehe twice, with this old driver, it is really inseparable from meat.

"When you're out and about, be more vegetarian.

Jiang Meier nodded: "Uh-huh, vegetarian during the day, meat at night! Senior Brother Lin really has arrangements!"

Lin Ge suddenly covered his face, chatting too much with Jiang Meier, he couldn't stand it a little.

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