After a simple breakfast, Chen Yunjing and Chen Yunqian were finally going to the first day of training.

Both of them summoned the pet beast, a black beast-hunting dog, and a pink and white charm fox.

Tai He Old Grandmaster thought for a while, then said: "The beast hunting dog can be done on the side of Baimao Mountain, and the charm fox has to climb several mountains." "

Chen Yunqian's charm fox evolution condition is to learn the skill of seduction, which is not harsh, but Tai and Old Grandmaster can't teach it.

Jiang Meier said: "Old Grandmaster, there is no hurry, you can go to train Xiaobao first, we can wait."

Tai He Old Grandmaster shook his head and said, "Wait for what, waste time, I'll take you over there, Xiong Er, you train them here."

Xiong Tieer nodded: "No problem, grandfather."

Tai and the old grandmaster then held the pipe in their hands and said to Chen Yunqian with their hands on their backs: "Come with me, if you want to learn the skill of seduction, you have to find the right teacher."

Jiang Meier leaned in and said, "Old Grandmaster, what is this teaching teacher?"

Jiang Meier's eyes lit up and she smiled.

Tai He Old Grandmaster suddenly frowned a little, and said to Chen Yunqian: "Why does this friend of yours look a little wrong?" Chen Yunqian

hurriedly said: "Old Grandmaster, don't pay attention to her, she is so virtuous."

Then knocked Jiang Mei'er and said softly: "If you want to die, you? Give me a convergence!" Jiang Meier

twisted and pinched, but she was in a happy mood.

Watching Tai and the old grandmaster take Chen Yunqian and them leave, Xiong Tie Er scratched his head.

"Is that woman sick? Is it so happy to see the nine-tailed fox? The

corners of Lin Ge's mouth tugged, he probably knew what Jiang Meier was going to do.

Then Lin Ge replied very solemnly: "Well, she is indeed sick, let's not pay attention to her, Second Brother Tie, we can start training beast hunting dogs." "

Jiang Mei'er is the daughter of the Yunlin Jiang clan, a demon beast master, and whoever is deceived by her appearance deserves it.

Chen Yunjing nodded heavily and said, "Come on, Second Brother Xiong, I'm ready!" Xiong

Tieer didn't pay attention to it when he saw this, anyway, with Grandfather's ability, nothing would happen to them.

Xiong Tie Er looked at Chen Yunjing's beast hunting dog, at this moment Xiaobao had already lifted his restrained state, and the half-knee-length little wolf dog looked fierce.

"Let's go, there is a Howling Moon Wolf King on Baimao Mountain, he can teach your pet beast.

"Wolf King?" Chen Yunjing was a little stunned and asked, "There won't be danger, right?" Xiong

Tieer waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, it's okay, that wolf king was saved by Grandfather, we are very familiar, it will be fine."

So everyone followed a small mountain road to the top of Baimao Mountain, where the Howling Moon Wolf King was located.

Along the way, Lin Ge paid attention to all directions, there were really many extraordinary beasts in this White Hair Mountain, and it was not only a fierce beast line.

Xiong Tie Er picked the wild fruit along the way, wiped it casually and ate it happily, and I don't know what he grew up eating as a big man.

Lin Ge asked: "Xiong Er, you are also a beast master of the fierce beast line, right?" Xiong

Tieer nodded: "Well, the current royal beast level is eighteen, how?

Lin Ge smiled indifferently: "It's not impossible?"

Xiong Tieer said: "Forget it, if you want to hurt you, Grandpa is going to scold me again."

Chen Yunjing said: "Xiong Er, Senior Lin is very strong, how can he be injured so easily.

Lin Ge stopped and said, "Don't exalt me, the imperial beast master who is stronger than me when you go out."

Xiong Tieer was already stunned and replied: "Li's imperial beast talent is fierce beast rage, which can make Li's pet beast enter the furious state and increase its combat effectiveness by three times, so don't look at Li only eighteen levels, the actual combat power will increase by several levels." "

Lin Ge and Chen Yunjing are both sudden, and they are also perverted talents.

"The talent level of the beast's fury is not low, so why are you only level eighteen now?" Xiong

Tie Er scratched his head and said embarrassedly: " When I was a child, I was gluttonous and ate the berserk fruit of the Berserk Martial Ape King in the next mountain, which made my talent enter an unstable state, and it is very likely to produce double fury or even more times the fury, and Grandpa said that as the level of the imperial beast is getting higher and higher, this talent is still increasing, so it can only delay the progress of cultivation and see if a solution can be found in the future, it has been two years since I stayed at level eighteen, and this year it is estimated that it cannot be suppressed, and it may rise to level twenty.

Lin Ge and Chen Yunjing immediately looked at each other, and their hearts were a little shocked, and they were really strange people.

If it is an ordinary fury, then Xiong Tetsuji must be fine.

But if it is unstable and furious, it is very likely to become dangerous.

Especially the doubling of the fury, the uncontrollable end result is to explode and die.

Chen Yunjing couldn't help but say, "It sounds a little scary."

Lin Ge was cold in his heart and said: "It's not just terrible, it's good that Xiong Tieer's current level is low, and the level will be higher and higher in the future, and the danger shown will be even more terrifying."

Lin Ge pondered in his heart, the hidden danger of this Xiong Tie Er was no lower than that of the extraordinary beast.

Xiong Tie Er ate in the wild fruit, his mouth was vague, and said: "Because there is no way to cultivate, I have only cared about eating all these years, eating and eating like this, it is a little rough and wild, but I am a good person."

Lin Ge suddenly thought of the blazing light tiger, and just smiled, some knew how their feud came to be.

"Arrived. "

Arrive at the top of Baimao Mountain, which is the wolf den of a group of howling moon wolves.

On top of a exposed boulder, a larger and stronger wolf king was lying on the boulder, raising his wolf head and staring at Lin Ge and his group.

Lin Ge first probed the wolves around him.

[Primary Extraordinary Beast: Howling Moon Wolf

] [Attribute: Beast Line

] [Race Level: Level 30 (Extreme)

] [Extraordinary Skill: Didi Didi (Detective-)

] [Extraordinary Index: Ranging from 10,000 to 200,000]

The race value is very good, at least at this stage compared to most of the extraordinary beast races.

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly, it seems that he has come to the right place to Dongshan City, there are many research objects here, and there are enough types, enough to study the beast machinery on his own.

Lin Ge then looked at the Howling Moon Wolf King, the panel of race values appeared, Lin Ge was slightly startled, the race value of this Howling Moon Wolf King actually reached level sixty, and the growth level was also very high.

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