Walking in the forests of Baimao Mountain, in this northern region, even if it is summer, the forest is still slightly cold.

Lin Ge raised his hand, the white summoning array lit up, and a dragon guarding palace more than two meters long appeared in front of him.

Xiao Jin looked around, and then looked a little excited.

Lin Ge said with a smile: "The overlord is injured and damaged, and it will be your home field within these two months." Hearing

Lin Ge's words, Xiao Jin immediately rubbed Lin Ge's waist affectionately.

Xiao Jin suddenly looked forward to it, his tail shook excitedly, and the flame patterns on his body were filled with a little red light.

Lin Ge used the Transcendent Index Detector to open Xiaojin's panel.

[Name: Xiaojin

] [High-level Extraordinary Beast: Dragon System Guarding Palace

] [Attributes: Dragon System, Earth System, Fire System] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 60] [Growth Level: Level 13

] [Extraordinary Skill: Super Extraordinary Fire (Excellent), Super Stage Great Earthquake Tremor, High-level Dragon Flame, High-level Dragon Power, Intermediate Dragon Breath, Intermediate Sharp Claw, Low-level Tearing Biting] [

Extraordinary Index: 150,000


The panel is still short and weak, compared to the fast-growing overlord, Lin Ge really ignores the cultivation of Ling Xiaojin.

However, it cannot be said that there is no progress, at least Xiaojin's extraordinary fire is almost at the perfect level, and the proficiency is extremely high, but it still lacks a little opportunity and has never reached the proficiency of the perfect level.

Lin Ge looked at Xiaojin's panel and slightly rubbed his chin, originally Xiaojin was just an earth system, and later in the process of evolution, he had a dragon system, and the Red Dragon Grand Master gave Xiaojin Fire System.

The three series are extraordinary, and the potential of Xiaojin is still very large, but the skills of the earth system and the fire system have yet to be developed.

The same is true of the dragon system, which has mastered the Dragon Dance and Dragon King Realm and the Dragon Claw.

Then with Xiaojin's race value level, these three skills should be learned.

Lin Ge's heart began to have the information of the palace guarding pet beast emerge, no matter which one, accidentally mutated, accidentally ate a series of extraordinary treasures, as long as it appeared in the official website of the Great Xia Dynasty, it all appeared in Lin Ge's mind at this moment.

But unfortunately, Lin Ge couldn't find any learning method that could correspond to Xiaojin.

Shaking his head, Lin Ge did not bother with this, but planned according to his own ideas.

Since Xiaojin is a three-series transcendent, it is right to find the corresponding transcendent beast cultivation designation here in Baimao Mountain.

"Neither the Earth System nor the Fire System have ever developed skills, so let's start with these two departments. "

Xiaojin's skill panels are too short, and there are no amplification skills, although there are two super skills, but it is too wasteful to use alone.

The Didi Di Di

Transcendent Index detector rang, and Lin Ge smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and immediately walked in that direction.

Climb over a forest stream and through a bush that obscures the view.

The scenery in front of him was suddenly cheerful, the meadow warbler, an extraordinary beast was sleeping.

"It turned out to be a brute bear on the earth, it seems that Xiaojin is blessed with you."

The corner of Lin Ge's mouth smiled, and the Transcendent Index Detector immediately detected this earth brute bear.

[Intermediate Extraordinary Beast: Earth Brute Bear

] [Attributes: Earth System, Beast System

] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 40] [Growth Level: Level 30

] [Extraordinary Skills: Primary Sleep (in use), Advanced Introverted (in use), Didi Didi (Detective-)] [Extraordinary

Index: One million].

This earth brute bear is close to two meters in size, which still uses the restrained skill, otherwise I am afraid that the body size will be even larger.

"It just so happens that this numerical panel has a workout effect without causing much damage. "

The Earth Brute Bear has two soil skills, Lin Ge is very favorable, one is to increase his own skills, super earth power! The other is a dodge skill, high-level dust! These two

are matching skills, which are one of the skills with a wide range of audiences in the soil system.

If Xiaojin can master these two skills, his combat effectiveness can be greatly increased.

Lin Ge walked over and came to the earth brute bear, this guy was still sleeping.

He picked up the branch and poked it, and pinched his nose, but the earth bear had no intention of waking up.

"Why are you sleeping this season?"

Lin Ge took out an apple, and then took a sharp bite, and the crisp flesh chewed in his mouth.

The earth brute bear's nose immediately moved, and the smell of food quickly woke him up.

As soon as the earth brute bear opened his eyes, he saw Lin Ge in front of him, and the sudden appearance of the human made him look angry immediately.

Lin Ge pulled his clothes unhurriedly, revealing the words Taihe.

The earth brute bear's face suddenly appeared doubtful, but he still put away his aggression.

Lin Ge was slightly surprised, he didn't expect Tai and Old Grandmaster to have such a high status in the hearts of these extraordinary beasts.

Lin Ge pointed to Xiao Jin on the side, and then said to the earth brute bear: "See that big lizard?

Lin Ge handed over the apple that he had bitten, and the earth brute bear suddenly looked disgusted.

Are you looking down on me?

Lin Ge smiled.

The earth brute bear looked resentful, and ate the apple that Lin Ge handed over.

Lin Ge said: "Apples are indispensable, but you have to work hard." The

earth brute bear then patted his butt and got up, looked at Xiao Jin, and suddenly scoffed, just this? A thirteenth-level transcendent is just a piece of cake! The earth brute bear

roared, and the extraordinary will suddenly rushed towards Xiao Jin.

Lin Ge's gaze was indifferent, retreating to the side, but as soon as his heart moved, Xiao Jin had already calmly coped with it.


! Long Wei!

The earth brute bear's face suddenly became strange, he never expected that this opponent was still a dragon line, and he had the skill of dragon power.

However, the earth brute bear was naturally not afraid, but roared, and then rushed towards Xiaojin.

Xiaojin stood up, the flame patterns on his body lit up, and then the extraordinary fire suddenly shot out!

The earth brute bear was shocked in vain, obviously frightened by this scene, and in a hurry, he saw the power of the earth system surging, and converged into a quicksand suit on the earth brute bear's body.

"Is it a high-level earth quicksand, but unfortunately it can't withstand Xiao Jin's extraordinary fire. "

Xiao Jin's Transcendent Fire proficiency is close to the perfect level, which is not something that a high-level skill can resist.

The Overlord's fire immunity can't resist Xiao Jin's extraordinary fire now.

The scorching flames instantly turned the earth quicksand red, and the terrifying high temperature made the earth brute jump to his feet.

The Earth Brute Bear suddenly slammed his palm on the ground, and then a mysterious power was transmitted from the earth to the Earth Brute Bear.

The Earth Brute Bear also lifted his restrained state at this moment!

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