Time passed little by little, and until the evening, Lin Ge did not find a second suitable opponent.

Either too weak to play the role of training, or too strong for Xiaojin to cope.

The entire soil and fire system of Baimao Mountain seems to be faulted, and the extraordinary beasts above level 20 and below level 30 are a little rare.

Not to mention the main attribute, the secondary attribute has Lin Ge and I don't mind ah, but it's a pity that it's really too rare.

Lin Ge could only shake his head helplessly, and then turned back.

Along the way, there are not even a lot of level forty, but there are almost no level twenty or thirty.

As for those below level 20, Lin Ge didn't think about it at all, because below level 20 simply could not withstand Xiao Jin's extraordinary fire, and it was impossible to fight to awaken Xiao Jin's skills.

On the way back, Lin Ge rubbed his eyes and couldn't help but mumble: "It is worthy of being a city famous for its beast department, and there really is only a fierce beast line." "

Along the way, there are many beasts, and grass and trees are not uncommon, but unfortunately there is nothing Lin Ge wants.

Back in the territory of the Howling Moon Wolf, Xiong Tieji was still asleep, lying there as if this guy was also a brown bear.

Lin Ge was waiting on the side, the evening sun was also a little twilight, and Xiong Tie Er yawned and woke up.

And at this time, Chen Yunjing also returned with the Xiaoyue wolves, his body was a little embarrassed, his body was dirty, and he had everything from sludge, branches and grass leaves.

Lin Ge couldn't help but ask: "What is your situation

?" Chen Yunjing simply sorted it out and replied: "Don't say it, if I want to experience hunting with Xiaobao, Xiaobao has done it, I have to do it again, alas, it is too difficult to learn a skill?"

Lin Ge looked at Xiaobao, at this moment, this half-sized beast hunting dog was beside the Xiaoyue Wolf King, as if asking for advice.

"But it seems that your Xiaobao seems to have improved?" Chen

Yunjing glanced back, also nodded, and said: "Awakened two primary skills, hunting and pursuit, and super sense of smell, although it is elementary, but it is better than nothing." "

These two skills are not very useful in actual combat, but they are very good at chasing the enemy.

Lin Ge nodded slightly and said, "That's not bad, at least I haven't worked in vain at the end of the day." The

Xiaoyue Wolf King once again lay back on the boulder, and the beast hunting dog returned to Chen Yunjing's side, beating happily.

The smile on Chen Yunjing's face appeared again, holding his pet beast, and said: "Xiaobao, is it okay to be considerate and considerate of the Royal Beast Master, don't drill into the bushes next time."

Xiaobao whined twice, indicating that it was impossible.

Lin Ge smiled shallowly at the corner of his mouth, and said to Xiong Tieer: "We should go back, right?" Xiong

Tie Er stretched his waist and said: "Okay, today's training is over here, let's go back."

At this time, the Howling Moon Wolf King whined softly.

The beast-hunting dog immediately came out.

Chen Yunjing was slightly puzzled and said, "What, you want to spend the night here?"

Xiaobao nodded, and then walked towards the wolves.

Although Chen Yunjing was a little reluctant, he didn't say anything.

"Learning the skill of hunting is not something you can do overnight, let him stay, you have to continue to come here tomorrow anyway."

Chen Yunjing thought for a while, and then said to Lin Ge and them: "I'm not going back, I haven't been separated from Xiaobao since I was a child, since he spent the night here, I also want to stay."

Lin Ge looked at it and said, "Are you not afraid?" Chen

Yunjing was bold and said: "Afraid, but you still have to stay, you go down the mountain, I live with Xiaobao on the wolf side, and when I learn to 'hunt' and complete the evolution, I will go down the mountain."

Lin Ge and Xiong Tie Er looked at each other and said, "Okay, you can watch it yourself, this is your training." "

There are a lot of wild fruits in the white-haired mountains, and I am not afraid that I will not have to eat them, and I can't snuggle with wolves at night.

Seeing this, the Xiaoyue Wolf King seemed to show a smile.

Lin Ge and Xiong Tie Er returned to the bluestone house at the foot of the mountain, and they saw Tai He Old Grandmaster lying on the rocking chair, very relaxed.

Lin Ge looked around and was surprised to find that Jiang Meier and Chen Yunqian had not returned.

"Old Grandmaster, what about the two of them?"

Tai and Old Grandmaster opened his eyes and said, "They? Hearing

this, Lin Ge was not surprised at all.

Tai and the old grandmaster asked, "Don't you ask them why they don't come back?

Lin Ge stretched out his hand to stop and said, "Old Grandmaster, you don't need to say it, I probably already know." Tai

He Old Grandmaster couldn't help but sigh, he never thought that he had done good deeds and accumulated virtue in his life, and he had encountered this kind of thing in his old age.

"Or are you young people having fun, I've just not been out of the mountain gate for more than ten years, has the outside changed so much?" Lin

Ge's eyelids jumped and said, "Old Grandmaster doesn't have to pay attention to the two of them, everything is as usual."

Tai and Old Grandmaster lay on the rocking chair and said, "Of course I won't pay attention to them, but I'm worried that they will take the nine-tailed fox away."

Lin Ge immediately took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Jiang Meier, telling them not to be so presumptuous.

Seeing this, Tai and the old grandmaster reminded Lin Ge in a loud voice: "Young man, on weekdays, he is still far away from those two girls, there is a knife on the head of the color character, and there is no blood in killing people, especially the one named Jiang Meier, it is very dangerous."

Lin Ge laughed helplessly and said, "She belongs to the Yunlin Jiang clan." Hearing

Lin Ge's words, Tai He Old Grandmaster was slightly stunned, and couldn't help but sit up straight from the rocking chair.

"Yunlin Jiang's? So it is, since it is so, it is not strange. Tai

and Old Grandmaster breathed a sigh of relief, lay down again, and slowly smoked a dry cigarette.

Lin Ge took advantage of this time, took a small stool, and sat down with Tai and Old Grandmaster casually.

"Old Grandmaster, what's going on with that blazing light tiger outside Baimao Mountain? Some resentment?" Tai

He Old Grandmaster knocked on the cigarette bag and said, "It's normal to have grievances, you have to ask Xiong Er about this."

Xiong Tie Er said loudly on the side: "Grandpa, you can't just sell me like that." Tai

He Old Grandmaster stuffed another puff of tobacco and explained: "Originally, that Fierce Light Tiger had the ability to impact the sixty-level race value, but it was disturbed by Xiong Er, and he had no choice but to reach the forty-level race value, do you say he can not complain?" Lin

Ge couldn't help but look at Xiong Tieer, this guy is a little weak now.

"Then let that blazing light tiger wander around outside waiting for an opportunity to take revenge?"

replied Tai and the old grandmaster, "Otherwise, I'm not a peacemaker, how to solve this matter or it depends on the two of them, I have to take care of everything, and this extraordinary beast of Baimao Mountain is not allowed to come to me every day to line up?"

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly, somewhat understanding.

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