"Royal Beast Ruins?" Lin

Ge was slightly stunned, and this kind of good thing?

Jiang Meier replied: "Yes, Nandu has gathered a large number of Royal Beast Masters to study, but because they have no clue, they have recruited the world's heroes."

Lin Ge said with a smile: "This kind of thing can't be our turn, right?" The

appearance of a royal beast relic means wealth and development! If the imperial beast relic is huge and the transformation inside is good, it can absorb a large number of imperial beast masters to develop in the southern city, so every royal beast relic

is a resource for Daxia.

Jiang Meier said: "Originally, it was indeed our turn, but I heard internal sources that the limit for the opening of this imperial beast relic is below level ten, Senior Brother Lin, do you understand?" Lin

Ge snorted and said: "But Senior Sister Jiang, you know, my imperial beast talent is very ordinary, it should not meet your requirements, right? Jiang

Meier quickly gave the reason: "Senior brother, I grabbed the steering wheel alone and opened it unsteadily, and no one stepped on the accelerator behind."

Lin Ge couldn't help but laugh: "Double ponytail

?" Jiang Meier said coquettishly: "It's still white silk meat."

Lin Ge replied, "When?"

Jiang Meier quickly said: "Three days later, when the time comes, the Great Xia Fang will organize a group of people below level ten to enter, do you want me to help you sign up?"

Lin Ge naturally will not refuse: "It's okay, just right, there are still some things on my side, then Senior Sister Jiang, let's do this for the time being, see you in three days."

Jiang Meier nodded: "Okay, see you in three days, Nandu Royal Beast Association." Hanging

up the phone, Lin Ge suddenly felt a strange gaze.

Looking around, I saw Lu Lingyi looking at him strangely, curious: "Why is that double ponytail self not good at grasping the steering wheel, why do you want to

step on the accelerator behind your back?" Lin Ge snorted and replied: "She directly grabbed the steering wheel, it's not good to stabilize the balance, she must step on the accelerator in the back."

Lu Lingyi was still puzzled: "But the throttle is under the feet."

Lin Ge didn't dare to say any more, otherwise Professor Lin would have to fly back and cut him.

So he changed the topic and said: "Will you go to the imperial beast relics in three days?" Lu

Lingyi shook his head: "What am I going there for, didn't you say that you can only enter below the tenth level?

Lin Ge scratched his head: "Okay, it's time to trouble you." There

was talk and laughter along the way, and the two soon came to the side of the palace breeding base.

"Pet Beast Research House?" Lu

Lingyi looked at the five words above the palace breeding base, and spoke slightly.

Lin Ge nodded: "Well, this is the place where those palace guards are raised, we are lucky, or Professor Lin is worthy of being a dragon research master, and the research and development of the dragon palace is far simpler than we think."

Lu Lingyi turned his head and asked, "What do you say? Is there still a simple term for pet beast research? I remember Professor Lin said that this research seems to be all yours at present, and the professors are all on business trips."

Lin Ge smiled, it seemed that he still couldn't reveal much.

Just said: "Maybe the palace guarding department is too weak, these little guys can have more powerful extraordinary strength, Professor Lin has prepared enough resources, and some of the palace guards have survived the first stage of the experiment."

Saying that, Lin Ge took Lu Lingyi straight up to the second floor, where there were palace guards who had completed the progress of several dragon blood grasses!

The largest is already half a meter long, and the smallest is more than twice as large as those ordinary palace guards.

Among these palace guards, there are those who have completed five dragon blood grass progress, and there are palace guards who have only completed one dragon blood grass progress.

Therefore, when these six guards with different forms appeared in front of Lu Lingyi, this special student from the imperial capital was quickly stunned.

Looking at the six guards living in the tempered glass box, Lu Lingyi only felt that it was a little desolate.

"This... The results of the research so soon?"

Lin Ge nodded, and then took out a document from a drawer.

"Yes, these palace guards have all begun to have dragon characteristics to a certain extent, and I have also begun to study what dragon items make them evolve based on the differences they had raised before. "

There are three copies of dragon system materials on this document, dragon blood grass, dragon breath flower, and dragon scale crystal powder

! These things are enough for this Lu Lingyi to ponder for a long time, and when she understands it, the dragon system guarding palace can be made public!

I have to say that a special student is a special student, and Lu Lingyi is also worthy of being the owner of the dragon pet beast.

Soon found Hua Dian, Lu Lingyi said: "No, no, neither dragon breath flower nor dragon scale crystal powder have the effect of promoting evolution, it should be the role of dragon blood grass!

Lin Ge was slightly surprised, it seemed that Professor Lin had found the right person.

So he asked step by step, "Oh, you have research? I thought about it for a long time to screen out these three."

Lu Lingyi patted the small chest that was beginning to take shape and said, "Of course, I am the owner of the dragon pet beast, and I have a lot of research on dragon items!"

Lin Ge nodded and said: "I want to hear about it, you explain it, and then we will use it further for research."

Lu Lingyi nodded: "No problem, I'll analyze and analyze you." The first is the dragon breath flower, this thing only has a little dragon breath, not enough to make the palace guard evolve, as for the dragon scale crystal powder, this thing is difficult to digest, if I guessed correctly, these dragon scale crystal powder eaten by the palace guard will eventually be excreted, right?" Lin

Ge smiled lightly: "The answer is correct, I also found out yesterday."

Lu Lingyi laughed happily, it was also a proud little swan.

Then he frowned and said, "Finally, this dragon blood grass... This thing does have the effect of refining the dragon pet, and it is very expensive to sell in the emperor family.

Lin Ge nodded, it is also expensive here in the southern capital, a thousand summer coins.

Lu Lingyi looked at those dragon guards and pondered, puzzled: "Dragon blood grass can only be absorbed by dragon pets, how did these palace guards absorb dragon blood grass without the dragon breath attribute?"

Lin Ge's eyes narrowed, and he seduced: "Why don't you summon the crimson flying dragon to see

, maybe we can find the reason!" Lu Lingyi suddenly realized, oh oh twice: "Yes, oh, maybe in front of the real dragon system, we can find the most direct reason!"

The white summoning array lit up, and a beautiful and gorgeous dragon pet appeared in front of him!

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