Inside the Royal Beast Space Ring, there was a roar, that was the sound of the engine running!

Lin Ge: ????

Jiang Meier looked at the entrance of the Royal Beast Space Ring with a look of waiting for surprise.

The next moment, a cool dark gold metal punk-style chariot jumped out of it, and the four fumaroles in the tail were spewing blue nitrogen flames.

"Wow!!," Jiang

Mei'er shouted happily, "Junior Brother, Junior Brother, your chariot is so cool!" On

the contrary, Lin Ge looked at the dark golden chariot with a confused expression.

"Overlord?" Overlord

mechanically deformed, at the moment his body size is much smaller, only about seven meters, far less large than before.

The overlord nodded, wagged his tail, and in an instant, all the information poured into Lin Ge's mind through the Royal Beast Contract.

You used my morphing tinder?!Lin

Ge: Σ(っ °Д °;) The

Overlord changes back to the appearance of a chariot, the motor rotates at high speed, and the engine rumbles.

Jiang Meier couldn't wait to get into the main driver's seat.

"Junior Brother Lin, come up quickly!" Lin

Ge couldn't care so much at this time, and hurriedly sat in the passenger seat.

In an instant, Lin Ge already understood that the Overlord had reinvented himself in the Royal Beast Space Ring through the research equipment and transformation fire he left behind, abandoning his lower body and reconstructing a new form.

Jiang Meier quickly changed gears to start, stepped on the accelerator, and the adrenaline was almost at the top.


the addition of the Overlord Chariot, Lin Ge's speed instantly increased by dozens of times, and their safety was greatly improved.

Liu Meng was finally relieved when he saw this, this kid was simply going to scare himself to death.

Liu Meng's gaze looked at Liu Feng again, and for now, he was to lead him to the side of the sacred mountain, and the Tree Ancestor would take action to suppress it.

A crazy ninety-level imperial beast legend is too dangerous in this divine frame!

Even Liu Meng is powerless, if Liu Feng turns his head to deal with him, I am afraid that three or two moves can kill him down.

"Damn Nanashima!" I

don't know what nerves this old thing has, and for a moment of negligence, he let Nanashima lurk in, and used the dark god to seduce Liu Feng and make him fall into a state of madness.

Rolls is already dead, I just don't know if that god is dead with a thousand knives.

Liu Meng glanced at it, but he couldn't care so much now.

Shenshan, under Liu Feng chasing all the way, Lin Ge and they finally arrived here, attracting the bone dragon to rampage.

The summit of Mount Kinabalu is a sunken plain with green meadows.

In the center, an old ancient tree has stood here alone for an unknown number of years.

Relying on her skilled car skills, Jiang Meier successfully attracted Liu Feng and the bone dragon here.

Seeing this, Liu Meng immediately shouted loudly: "Please Tree Ancestor make a move!" The

ancient tree immediately trembled, and a domain skill immediately unfolded, covering the entire peak of the sacred mountain.

The ancient tree released bursts of aroma again, Liu Feng immediately held his head and rolled up, and the bone dragon finally calmed down at this moment.

Lin Ge and they were also relieved.

Gu Shu spoke at this moment, "He has already fallen into it, and in order to revive the bone dragon, he has almost become a heart demon, I am afraid it is difficult to wake up."

Liu Meng's face suddenly looked ugly, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "Then ask Shuzu to suppress him! "

It's better to be stuck here than dead.

Shuzu's voice said: "Difficult, difficult, difficult, I can be trapped for a while, I can't trap a lifetime, his strength is recovering, once it returns to its peak, I can't suppress it."

Liu Meng suddenly felt a little palpitated, and said: "Then how can this be done, won't the divine frame suffer the disaster

of destruction?"

Liu Yuan's peak state is much stronger than him.

Lin Ge walked

out, took out the divine dragon fruit, and said: "Senior Liu Meng, this divine dragon fruit..." Liu Meng glanced at it and said: "This divine dragon fruit was condensed by the blood and flesh of the bone dragon before his death, and was raised by the old thing with the art of raising dragons, and wanted to use this to let Long Bo live out the second life, but it was useless, the old thing was delirious and we didn't know what kind of shit dragon raising technique operation method."

Shuzu looked at Lin Ge, and after leaning a little, he suddenly said in a loud voice: "Little doll, what is your surname?"

Lin Ge replied respectfully: "Junior Lin Ge, I have seen Shuzu." "

Grass and Wood Supreme, the gold content of an extraordinary legend is beyond doubt.

Shuzu was slightly surprised: "Your surname is Lin, who is your mother

?" Lin Ge was suddenly surprised, why did you check the family tree?

Shuzu also seemed to know that something was wrong, and said: "I'm sorry, my old tree I talk too much, little doll, or you go up and reprimand him a few times

?" Lin Ge pointed to himself, "I?"

Lin Ge and Liu Meng immediately looked at each other, both with a trace of solemnity.

After half a ring, Lin Ge still nodded heavily

: "Good!" Liu Meng was worried: "I'll accompany you!" If

that old thing broke out, he Liu Meng could still block it.

The two walked towards Liu Feng just like that.

Because of the help of the Tree Ancestor, now Liu Feng and the bone dragon have divided a lot.

"Fruit! Quick, give me the fruit!" Seeing

Lin Ge coming, Liu Feng began to speak madly again.

Lin Ge wrinkled his eyebrows and asked, "Senior Liu Meng, what should I do?" Liu

Meng also couldn't figure it out, and said: "You have a clever brain, and the tree ancestor said that you should drink and reprimand him, then you will reprimand him a few words." "

Drink the ninety-level imperial beast legend..."

Lin Ge couldn't help but feel that his throat was a little dry, but he could only do it hard.

"Shut up!"

said Lin Ge sternly.

Liu Feng was instantly shocked, waving his hands indiscriminately, looking terrified.

"Ahhhh! It's you again! It's you again! Don't come over! Don't come over!" Lin

Ge suddenly looked at Liu Meng suspiciously, what was the matter? Liu Meng

frowned, and said: "Continue!" Lin

Ge nodded heavily, looking stern: "You want this Divine Dragon Fruit?"

You have already taken the dragon scripture, and Along has also been killed by you, what do you want to do? You don't come over!"

Between words, Liu Feng actually cried in fear.

It was hard to imagine what kind of person could leave such a shadow on a royal beast legend.

Even if you go crazy and become a madman, you are still afraid to the bone.

Liu Feng was already crying, and said in his mouth: "You obviously have a copy yourself, but you still want to come to rob me, you also killed Along, and now come again." "

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