Time passes quietly.

When the promotion season approached, Lin Ge and they finally said goodbye to Liu Feng and left the divine frame.

On the other side of the dragon road, everyone resigned.

Liu Feng said: "If you can, remember to go to the Divine Dragon Kingdom, an excellent dragon royal beast master, indispensable to the blessing of the dragon god."

Lin Ge also nodded and replied, "Yes, Senior Liu Yuan, remember to keep the bones of Senior Along."

Liu Feng was silent and just said, "He is very good above the peak of the sacred mountain.

Liu shook his arm sharply and said, "I should also continue to move that stone, finish moving early, and go to the Yunlin Jiang Clan as a guest early."

Jiang Mei'er nodded and said, "Welcome Liu Meng's legend to Yunlin Jiang's Da."

Everyone waved away.

At the entrance of the Divine Frame Dragon Road, Liu Feng was no longer crazy and returned to the appearance of an elderly Confucian, with one hand behind his back, and his appearance was much older.

Returning to the peak of the sacred mountain, the corpses of the bone dragons were all over the ground, and there was still dragon qi emanating.

Patting the dragon's head, Liu Feng said with relief: "Along, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so persistent back then, otherwise you wouldn't be fine."

But when he thought of something, Liu Feng also smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Along, that guy will not have a good end, his retribution is coming, but unfortunately, we can't see that scene." Liu

Feng leaned on the side of the skull, slumped down, and said: "Along is no longer there, and there is no point in living." Shuzu

continued, "You just leave the divine frame alone?" The divine frame

will not be disturbed by the Great Xia, largely because of Liu Yuan's presence.

Liu Feng said: "Liu Meng will take over my burden." Shuzu

said: "He is not here, you still have to live, why do you want to seek death?

Liu Feng already had the will to die, and his tone was already calm: "It doesn't matter."

Liu Feng said: "Okay, my 3,000 fruits, pay

me!" Liu Feng spoke up: "I didn't pick it

!" Liu Feng said: "You picked it when you were crazy! Pay me!"

Liu Feng waved his hand: "Cut, you are looking for the crazy Liu Feng, why are you looking for the sober Liu Feng data-title=\"Game\" data-tag=\"Boutique Recommendation\" data-type=\"1\" data-value=\"1913\">

Shuzu changed the topic and said: "Even if you want to die, you have to live first, so that you can see that guy's retribution and then die."

Liu Feng looked up at the sky and said, "Difficulty, whether he can escape from the Divine Dragon Kingdom is a matter of two questions." The

Tree Ancestor smiled and said, "Another ninety-seventh-level dragon legend has been born in the world, do you think he will let it go?" Liu

Feng was slightly interested, and said in surprise: "And this kind of thing? Who?"

The one who guarded the northern realm, and judging from the appearance of that little doll, the relationship between this is just a mess."

Liu Yuan's interest was finally fished up, and he laughed: "Good, good! Good! It's all retribution! It's all retribution! That guy deserves to be like this!" Liu

Feng rubbed his chin and muttered: "No, no, such a good show, I just have to watch it in one breath." Shuzu

was slightly dumb, and then said: "Can't you hope for something, that guy is damned, but that little doll is innocent, and if that guy dies, there will be a lot of trouble and turmoil." Liu

Feng suddenly went silent again, this is another indisputable fact.

"This... It's really cut and messy. "

There was the ancient Dragon Raising Road, the Dragon Clan and the Royal Dragon Clan.



Lin Ge and Jiang Meier finally returned here.

Professor Lin, Zhao Yun, Lu Lingyi and they all came to pick up the car, and they didn't see each other after two months, and the changes were not small.

"Finally back, what happened to the divine frame? During that time, the news was all over the place, and someone photographed a bone dragon.

Professor Lin asked worriedly.

Everyone chatted as they walked, and Lin Ge also explained the situation of the divine frame to everyone.

Professor Lin regretted slightly, the loss of a ninety-level legend was still very large, and it was distressing to put it aside.

However, Lin Ge returned safely, and Professor Lin was a little relieved.

"It's good to come back, it's good to come back, anyway, the things of the divine frame are autonomous, and Daxia can't manage it." "

These things naturally have a headache for people, and they don't have to worry about it.

Lu Lingyi looked at Lin Ge fixedly and asked, "How many levels?" Lin Ge

wiped his nose and smiled a little embarrassed: "Just right, I reached twenty-one before I came back." "

There are still benefits to cultivating in the Divine Frame, of course, Xiaojin has made the most progress.

Now that the Overlord and Xiaojin have reached level twenty, Lin Ge intends to let them precipitate for a period of time first.

Lu Lingyi struck: "It's a little slow.

Lin Ge helplessly spread his hands and said, "It's already fast for me.

Professor Lin interjected: "We also know about your affairs in Dongshan City, and studying so many beast machines in a row can make Mayor Luo Xiang envious."

Lin Ge smiled slightly, and asked: "Professor, can the research building be delivered over there?" Professor

Lin nodded: "This is natural, it was done last week, just wait for you to come back and cut the headlining!" After

so much time and so much investment, the research building belonging to him Lin Ge was finally completed.

Lin Ge's mood suddenly became a little excited: "Finally waiting for this day." "

The research building is completed, the system's task reward is in hand, Lin Ge has been waiting for a long time.

Jiang Meier patted Lin Ge and said, "I have already sent the sports car to the garage over there in your research building, remember, I want pink."

Lin Ge gestured and replied: "No problem, arrange!" Professor Lin smiled and asked: "What is there to study?"

Lin Ge replied: "

Senior Sister Jiang wants a modified car machine, and now the core problem has been solved."

Lin Ge nodded: "Naturally, otherwise how to call it a mechanical department?" Lin Ge

couldn't wait and said: "Contact Mayor Luo Xiang and deliver the research building, I can't wait."

Professor Lin nodded and said, "That's right, but you better go home first, take a bath, and cut the ribbon tomorrow, Qin Qingyun hasn't come back yet."

Lin Ge was slightly puzzled, and couldn't help but ask: "Isn't she just breaking through level 20?" Lu

Lingyi said: "The Arctic ice field is suitable for her cultivation, such a good environment, she finally went once, naturally she will not rush back so quickly."

Zhao Yun nodded and followed, "Mayor Luo Xiang is still protecting him over there, but rest assured, with the speed of Mayor Luo's blue-backed goshawk, he will rush back quickly."

Professor Lin continued: "It's not bad these days now, and the road from Nandu to Daxia is still a section that hasn't been repaired, so don't be in such a hurry and wait a few days."

Lin Ge could only nod helplessly, just a few days, waiting.

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