Nandu University, campus arena.

This is a venue for the battle of the imperial beast master, and the students of Nandu University can fight freely.

At the university level, the gap between the imperial beast masters will become more and more obvious, and the span between the ranks will become larger and larger.

Without the shackles of heavy studies, the speed of progress of outstanding young beast masters is very fast.

Especially the Royal Beast Master who has a high-level imperial beast talent, or the existence of a powerful extraordinary pet beast.

The improvement of the Royal Beast level naturally means that there will be battles between the Royal Beast Masters.

At this moment, the campus list of Nandu University has already been dominated by a group of transfer students.

Led by the Dragon Beast Master of the Western Targari family, the people of the Light Sect watched the battle.

The popularity is high in the campus arena.

Transfer freshmen dominate the arena on the first day of school, which is intolerable in the eyes of Nandu University students.


no one defeats these transfer students, what will the people of other universities think?

But without exception, all were defeated.

The Targari family sent a twenty-ninth level dragon beast master, Jack Targari.

The pet beast used by Jack is a typical Western dragon, and it is also a dual-line existence of dragon and fire.

This Western dragon is extremely powerful, and it is completely explosive in the battle of freshmen.

And this scene, even Feng Zhenghao, the president of Nandu University, is a little mixed, and a little stuck for a while.

But you can't say anything, after all, people are regular beast masters fighting, you can't always be unaccustomed to driving people away.

A teaching director walked over quickly and said loudly: "Principal, I went to see, Lin Ge and they were not in the dormitory, and the girls did not see Lu Lingyi and them, it is estimated that they went out." Feng

Zhenghao bowed his head slightly, if anyone among the freshmen had the ability to defeat these imperial beast masters from the West, it would definitely be Lin Ge and them.

After all, Feng Zhenghao understood that Lin Ge and that Lu Lingyi were both dragon system imperial beast masters, and their strength was very strong.

"Then wait first, just to put a little pressure on these new students." "

Feng Zhenghao has a long-term view, with the oppressive force of this group of transfer students, are you afraid that these freshmen will not work hard?

That Jack defeated three more Imperial Beast Masters.

At this time, a freshman in black walked in, with a proud gesture.

Feng Zhenghao was suddenly a little surprised: "Gao Qiangsheng? He actually came to the southern capital? How did I not know?" Beside

him, the teaching director said: "He has just transferred from Jinghai City, speaking of which, this Gao Qiangsheng is also a dragon system imperial beast master, right?

Dragon crocodiles vs. flame dragons.

The battle between the two sides was very fierce, and even Gao Qiangsheng relied on the restraint of the sub-department to take advantage of a little.

But that's all, Gao Qiangsheng's strength is still lacking, and in the end he regretted losing to Jack.

Feng Zhenghao sighed: "If you lose a move, otherwise Gao Qiang will win." "

But losing is losing, and Feng Zhenghao will not bother with anything."

Jack stood in the arena, standing proudly, and in the broken Daxia language, he mocked loudly: "Why? Saying

that, Jack also gestured with a thumbs down, and the mockery was directly drawn.

The students of Nandu University were all angry.

Some senior students shouted, "Damn! Shame is shame, I'll go and kill him!" but

someone quickly stopped him.

"This senior, if you do this, it will only bring down our Nandu University even more, leave it to me.

The senior turned back to a young man dressed in white, with a mechanical pattern on his chest and black-framed glasses.

The boy was followed by a group of people, both men and women.

It was Lin Ge them.

Lin Ge pushed his glasses and slowly entered in the eyes of everyone.

"Originally, I started to have a meal with everyone to communicate, but you guys are good, but I chose this time period to disturb.

Jack looked at Lin Ge and asked, "You are a little familiar, what's your name?" Lin Ge

turned his gaze and looked at the location of the Targari family and the people of the Light Sect next to the arena.

There were also four young men, all blonde and blue-eyed, with angular faces.

"My name is Lin Ge.

As Lin Ge's words fell, these people's eyes finally turned positive.

The people of the Dark Church in the arena are also there, and they are also western faces, but the aura is much more gloomy than the people of the Light Sect.

Jack immediately grinned and said loudly: "You are Lin Ge! No wonder look familiar, come!

[Intermediate Extraordinary Beast: Flame Dragon

] [Attribute: Dragon, Fire] [Race Level: Level 60 (Extreme)

] [Growth Level: Level 29

] [Extraordinary Skill: Didi Didi (Detective-)] [Extraordinary

Index: 999,000].

This value is already very luxurious, and the extraordinary index has also reached the threshold of the million-level level, and further is the intermediate extraordinary beast.

However, for Lin Ge, this flame dragon that had not yet grown up was obviously not enough to see.

"You're not my opponent, change someone.

Lin Ge looked at the Targari family and gestured slightly: "How about you come?" The

person named by Lin Ge was the most core family sent by the Targari family this time.

King Arthur

smiled indifferently and said, "You haven't even defeated Jack yet, and you can't challenge me yet." The

people of the Light Church next to him smiled and said, "Arthur, this guy is really arrogant.

King Arthur only smiled lightly and did not retort.

Similarly, another person from the Holy See of Light did not refute it.

Lin Ge looked at the flame dragon that was more than twenty meters in size, and his expression was faint.

This kind of little dragon that has not yet grown up is really not attractive to Lin Ge.

Lin Ge said to King Arthur, "Then it will be as you wish."

Jack snorted coldly and said, "Beat me, Lin Ge, as far as I know, you haven't reached the twenty-ninth pole yet, right?" Lin Ge nodded and said, "I haven't reached the twenty-ninth

level, but it's still easy to win you."

Jack shouted angrily and said, "Then let me see your strength!

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