
Lin Ge finally edited the information of the overlord and saved it to the official website of the pet beast encyclopedia, and then stretched out comfortably.

In this world, the names of all pet beasts found were named by the first discoverer.

After discovering and naming a new pet beast, it can be uploaded to the official website of the pet beast, and once it is confirmed to be true, then Daxia will reward the discoverer with a lot of wealth.

It's just that after uploading, Lin Ge chose to hide it temporarily, first of all, the mechanical pet beast will definitely bring a huge impact to the world, and secondly, the higher the judgment level of the new pet beast, the more bonuses will be.

Lin Ge planned to cultivate the Overlord for a period of time first, and then release this information when the time was ripe.

Checking the above information again to make sure that there were no omissions and mistakes, Lin Ge nodded.

[Species: Mechanical Pet Beast

] [Name: Mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex (Picture

)] [Attributes: Mechanical Department, Dragon System

] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 30

] [Rating Rating: (Unknown?)

] [...]

Below are some notes from Lin Ge, which is a grand plan for the future of mechanical pet beasts.

The overlord should not be considered a pure mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex, but it looks a little similar, but Lin Ge is not good to write other names, only to write this.

Click Save, Lin Ge quickly dressed and sorted out.

"Today is a rare weekend, how can you nest at home?" Looking at

himself in the mirror, Lin Ge was narcissistic for a moment, sure enough, only a beautiful boy can have the qualification of a traverser.

Teasing the small guard palace in the glass jar, Lin Ge picked up the mobile phone and ran downstairs.

"Mom, I'll go out!"

Lin Mu was making breakfast and wondered, "Where are you going in a hurry this morning?

Lin Ge rolled back again, took a bread, and took a carton of milk from the refrigerator.

The technology of this world is similar to the development of previous lives, there should be everything, the only difference is that there are more extraordinary beasts and imperial beast masters and other special things.

Looking at Lin Ge's hurried appearance, Lin Mu sighed: "This melon baby!" ————

a rural area more than twenty kilometers away from Nandu, Lin Ge walked in the middle of the country road, and a different feeling surged in his heart.

Opening the mobile phone map, Lin Ge walked all the way into a forest.

The last thing lacking in this world is the extraordinary beast, this existence has penetrated into every household, tamed is a pet beast, if not tamed is a wild and difficult to tame extraordinary beast.


are no powerful extraordinary beasts in this rural forest, and on average, they are all below level ten, which is suitable for some low-level imperial beast masters to train, such as Lin Ge.

These precautions have clear notes in the mobile map.

As soon as he walked into the forest, before he walked out of more than ten meters, Lin Ge suddenly raised his head and looked at the small bushes on the right.

A rodent transcendent beast the size of a bamboo rat was grinning viciously at him, as if angry that Lin Ge had intruded into its territory.

[Primary Extraordinary Beast: Dilodon Rat

] [Attribute: Earth System

] [Race Level: Ten Levels

] [Visual Growth Level: Level 1 Peak

] [Trick: Gnawing (Low-level), Punching (Low-level)]

Ordinary, even a very common ordinary Extraordinary Beast, is the existence at the bottom of the pyramid.

And the first time he saw this pair of toothed rats, Lin Ge's mind unconsciously appeared this information.

I have to say that the memory of the previous owner of this body is really useful.

If you really want to change his Lin Ge to remember, just those tens of thousands of common extraordinary beasts can take a year or two.

The two-toothed rat is imposing, don't look at it is just a first-level extraordinary beast, the power it has is already comparable to an adult man!

Lin Ge's thoughts moved, the white summoning array lit up, and a one-meter-tall mechanical dragon was summoned.


the overlord roared, roaring, after a night of cultivation in the imperial beast space, the overlord has completely stabilized the strength of the early stage of the second level!

And the sudden appearance of the overlord made the

two-toothed rat instantly froze, what is this? Why have you never seen it? Don't say it's this two-toothed rat, just change a human royal beast master to come over, I'm afraid I have to be stunned.

An unprecedented mechanical pet beast, the perfect mechanical body, smooth lines, gray-white metallic luster, and dragon attributes

!" "Go on, test the first battle of the mechanical pet beast!" With

Lin Ge's order, the overlord immediately roared towards the two-toothed rat.

The two-toothed rat also squeaked twice, and suddenly rushed towards the overlord.

Because the overlord is a mechanical creature, the two-toothed rat does not feel any strong sense of oppression.

If it were to change to other extraordinary beasts, I was afraid that the two-toothed rat would have escaped through the hole earlier.

The two-toothed rat flew over, the overlord's wisdom is not low, the super-level intelligent god network gives it very intelligent wisdom

! Intermediate skill! The raptor swings its

tail! The overlord suddenly turns, the tail sweeps out, almost without Lin Ge's order can instinctively make this reaction

! Bang

! The raptor swept the two-toothed rat fiercely, and the powerful force instantly pumped it out and smashed heavily on a big tree

! !

Lin Ge smiled slightly, very satisfied with the performance of the overlord, the innate advantage of the mechanical pet

beast! Just born with a super-level skill intelligent god network and a high-level skill, self-learning

! This is not something that a junior extraordinary beast can have

! The level of the skill determines the racial rating of an extraordinary beast!

Solving the two-toothed rat, the overlord happily ran back to Lin Ge and rubbed, his tail wagging happily, like a puppy asking for credit.

Lin Ge smiled indifferently, touched the overlord's head, and felt the cold feeling of the metal.

Let's spend the whole day here!"

Lin Ge looked at the corpse of the two-toothed rat, and suddenly regretted that he didn't bring some barbecue seasoning.

"It's really a bit of a hurry to go out, and next time it will definitely be." With

the Overlord, Lin Ge continued to go deeper, and the extraordinary level of the two-toothed rat was still lower, which was not enough for the Overlord to exert his full strength.

This forest is actually not very large, it can even be said to be small, it is composed of three large mountains, and Lin Ge's target is those powerful and extraordinary beasts in the depths.

Lin Ge came here for two purposes, one was to familiarize himself with the battle of the imperial envoy pet beast and practice his combat skills, and the other was for him to come out and see this magical world.

Along the way, the mountain breeze was blowing, birds and beasts were chirping, and Lin Ge saw a lot of extraordinary beasts, but also saw strange insect beasts.

However, the levels are too low-level, not the dishes of the overlord.

Lin Ge needed that kind of extraordinary beast that was at least level four, or even level five.

Suddenly, the overlord seemed to feel something, and suddenly rushed out, Lin Ge wrinkled his eyebrows, and quickly followed.

Through a short forest, the overlord's steps suddenly stopped, his body bent slightly to attack, looking ahead, and his voice was low.

Lin Ge looked at it smoothly, and a strange beast with fluffy hair and flame-colored color appeared in front of him, about the size of an adult dog, and its head was like a fox.

[Primary Extraordinary Beast: Firefox] [Attribute

: Fire System] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 20

] [Visual Growth Level: Level 5 Peak] [

Trick: Spitting Fire (Intermediate Level), Flame Claw (Intermediate Level)]

"Is it Firefox?!" Lin

Geton was surprised, he didn't expect to meet this kind of Fire System Extraordinary Beast here



Lin Ge gave the order, and the overlord also walked out step by step, slowly approaching

the firefox! And feeling the momentum of the overlord, the firefox's performance was different from that of the two-toothed rat, but also the hair stood up, and the voice in the mouth was low roaring, as if it was warning this strange extraordinary beast in front of him!

Firefox suddenly opened its mouth, and a fireball with a large fist suddenly spit out, facing the overlord.

The overlord was like a reckless man, fearless, rising to the occasion, allowing the fireball to fall on his body and be burned by the high temperature.

This scene startled Firefox, who had never seen such a strange existence that would meet it head-on.


! Near the front of Firefox, the Overlord suddenly raised his

claws! Intermediate skills! Mechanical steel claws! Firefox suddenly dodged, and the Overlord's steel claws could only fall into the air.

"Overlord, the raptor swings its tail!" Looking

at the timing, Lin Ge was also unceremonious, waved his big hand, and suddenly ordered the order.

After receiving Lin Ge's order, the overlord's super-level skill, the intelligent god network immediately responded, and the overlord's tail immediately waved out!

But after all, it is still a fifth-level extraordinary beast, close to the overlord's attack, Firefox is still very ruthless, raise a claw, there is a hot flame burning on it

! Intermediate skill! Flame claw

! Bang!

The next moment, Firefox was violently pumped out by the raptor.

Lin Ge then ordered the overlord: "Use the mechanical steel claw to solve it now!" The overlord

immediately turned around and pounced, and his sharp claws immediately pierced into the body of the fire fox!

Lin Ge looked embarrassed and stepped forward to observe the injuries on the overlord's body.

Mechanical pet beasts have no pain, but they can also be injured.

Such as the fireball in the overlord's body, the last flame claw, and the terrifying high temperature all left scars on the overlord's body.

Lin Ge frowned: "System, how should this small injury be repaired?" System

: "Ding! The host can obtain mechanical parts to repair the injuries of mechanical pet beasts by studying the knowledge of mechanical pet beasts!"

Lin Ge closed his eyes slightly, and the corresponding materials suddenly appeared in his mind.


!" "Ding! Release the task!Please cultivate to level ten as soon as possible, and obtain the junior imperial beast master badge! Completing the mission will unlock two mechanical pet beast weapon blueprints!"

Lin Ge smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, patted the overlord, and scratched again this little day.

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