South Building, dormitory 101.

Lin Ge pushed the door with a large number of fruit snacks.

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing are not there, it should be that they have not returned from class.

In the entire dormitory, there was only one Chen Yuliu left to make up classes here.

After all, this guy is a level skipper, and there is still a lot to learn.

Seeing Lin Ge come back, Chen Yuliu complained: "Idol, there are too many, there are too many homework, I can't finish learning, I can't finish learning at all, when can I do research with you."

Lin Ge put down the things in his hand, glanced at Chen Yuliu's books, and said: "These are all ordinary knowledge points, you can learn them by heart, if you really can't do it, you can memorize them by rote, it's not difficult."

Chen Yuliu sat directly in his position and said, "They are all imperial beast masters, why do they have to

learn these things?" Lin Ge replied: "It is precisely because of the imperial beast master that it is more necessary to learn these things, otherwise it will only cause a big mistake if you have the power to restrain yourself."

Lin Ge looked at this little fan brother and said: "Seeing that you are studying very hard, do you want to have a royal beast battle to relax?" Chen

Yuliu immediately jumped up and said excitedly: "Okay, okay, idol, I only have a mechanical giant cannon turtle now, just idol you come to point out."

Lin Ge smiled and said

, "No problem, go!" Chen Yuliu scratched his head and said, "Go to the campus arena?"

Lin Ge shook his head and said, "No, go to my mechanical building." The

two set off immediately, and in this relaxed college day, people are always free.

Machinery Building.

Lin Ge returned here with Chen Yuliu, and the mechanical Lieguanghu played the role of a gatekeeper, patrolling the mechanical building on weekdays to protect the safety of the perimeter of the mechanical building.

As for the battlefield, it is naturally an eight-hundred-meter playground.

The entire playground is built of mechanical materials and can also be used for testing on weekdays.

Lin Ge said: "I also have a mechanical giant cannon turtle here, just so we can fight against each other."

Chen Yuliu's eyes lit up, and he was very excited.

And under Lin Ge's greeting, the mechanical giant cannon turtle that took care of the little Abyssal Demon Chapter also slowly appeared here.

Lin Ge and the two stood apart and fought against the imperial beasts.

"Come on, summon your mechanical cannon tortoise.

Chen Yuliu held his breath, nodded repeatedly, and with the mobilization of the power of the imperial beast, the summoning array appeared, and the mechanical giant cannon turtle belonging to him also appeared.

Lin Ge frowned slightly and stared at Chen Yuliu's mechanical giant cannon turtle.

Chen Yuliu was already standing tall and frozen, and said in a loud voice: "Idol, I'm ready!" Lin

Ge bowed his head slightly, just looking at Chen Yuliu's pet beast, no matter how he looked at it, it was a little weird.

Touching his body, Lin Ge forgot to bring out the extraordinary index detector.

However, for the panel of the mechanical giant cannon tortoise, Lin Ge is already very familiar.

"Come on, you strike first!" Chen

Yuliu nodded heavily, and immediately ordered: "Mechanical Giant Cannon Tortoise! Use a water

cannon!" I saw Chen Yuliu's mechanical giant cannon turtle on all fours, and a cannon above the turtle shell was revealed, and with a bang, a powerful water cannon was launched.

Lin Ge's expression was faint, and he ordered: "Use solid!" Lin Ge's

mechanical giant cannon turtle immediately defended, allowing the opponent's water cannon to bombard his body.

Lin Ge suddenly frowned a little, and muttered, "Why is it so weak?" Chen

Yuliu's mechanical giant cannon tortoise's strength is a little unusual, not at all like the existence of more than fifty levels of race value.

Even if Chen Yuliu's current level of the Royal Beast is low, and the level of the contracted mechanical giant cannon tortoise is low, this strength is still wrong.

Lin Ge asked, "Chen Yuliu, how many levels are you now?" Chen Yuliu replied, "

Level twelve, my mechanical giant cannon turtle is also level twelve."

"Level twelve?" Lin Ge frowned: "No, the power of the water cannon emitted by the twelfth-level mechanical giant cannon turtle cannon


Ge went to take an extraordinary index detector and detected Chen Yuliu's mechanical giant cannon turtle.

[Primary Extraordinary Beast: Mechanical Cannon Tortoise] [Attributes: Mechanical System, Water System

] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 20

] [Growth Level: Level 12

] [Extraordinary Skill: Didi Didi (Detective-)] [

Extraordinary Index: 35,000]

Lin Ge: ?????

"No, isn't my Mechanical Giant Cannon Tortoise

race value more than fifty?"

Chen Yuliu wiped his nose and said a little embarrassed: "Actually, at the beginning, my mechanical giant cannon turtle also had a race value of more than fifty levels, but because of my problem, his race value was reduced. Hearing

this, Lin Ge was even more puzzled, can the racial value be reduced?

Chen Yuliu said mysteriously: "Idol, I only tell you about this, don't tell others, especially my sister, let her know that I use talent indiscriminately, and I have to beat me." Lin

Ge's brows suddenly frowned, and his expression was solemn: "You said, I will keep it absolutely secret."

Chen Yuliu nodded and looked around, afraid that there were still people around.

Then he said: "Idol, you know, everyone's imperial beast talent is different, in addition to some normal imperial beast talents, there will be some strange imperial beast talents.

Lin Ge nodded: "I know this, you can just say your reason, how did you reduce the mechanical giant cannon turtle with a race value of more than fifty levels to this level?" Chen

Yuliu took a deep breath and replied, "Because my imperial beast talent is an unstable talent, my master named it unstable water system evolution. "

Unstable water system evolution?!" Lin Ge vaguely seemed to have guessed something.

Chen Yuliu nodded: "Well, my talent is up and down, good luck can help the water system transcend the race value evolution, bad luck will reduce its original race value."

Lin Ge suddenly realized, and looked at Chen Yuliu a little shocked.

"You mean you..."

Chen Yuliu nodded shyly: "Well, just because of the lack of hands, I used it once on the mechanical giant cannon turtle, causing its race value to be crazy to this extent." Hearing

Chen Yuliu's words, Lin Ge's heart beat violently

, good guy, and this kind of talent?" "Your talent is sometimes good and bad?" Chen

Yuliu said embarrassedly: "It's basically bad, the only good thing is the one that helped my sister, and it hasn't been successful since then, so my master helped me sign up and went to the Shenlong Kingdom to ask the dragon god to see if I can stabilize the talent." "

Lin Ge's heart is hot, if Chen Yuliu's talent can be stabilized, then the future is absolutely limitless!

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