Outside the Red Dragon Ruins, Qin Mu, Vice Mayor of Nandu, Team Zhao, Han Wu and the others were already anxiously waiting.

Every day this red dragon relic was not broken, they became more and more anxious for a day.

But the Red Dragon Ruins were too strong, and the two ninth-level imperial beast masters couldn't get through together.

Now they can only pin their slim hopes on the two students Lin Ge and Chen Yunjing.

But they also understood that this probability was too low, and the ninth-level ones couldn't pass, and the two sixth-level ones were even more difficult.

Suddenly, the Red Dragon Ruins disappeared, and a fluctuation made Qin Mu and everyone surprised and delighted.

"This... This...... Never before fluctuations, they succeeded?

"""Hurry up! Get ready! Blockade this place! The opening of the ruins will exude a large amount of imperial beast power, this is all wealth, it cannot be wasted!" Everyone

waited in strict formation and quickly sealed off the Red Dragon Ruins.

However, the Red Dragon Ruins flickered again and again, but they were never opened.

Han Wu sighed: "It seems to have failed." Qin

Mu and Team Zhao couldn't help but clench their fists, could it be that they promised to invite people from other cities to come in a southern city?

It was Lin Ge and Chen Yunjing.

Team Zhao's eyes were quick, and a dodge saved the two of them, and they were held firmly in their hands.

Team Zhao asked, "How is it? Is it successful?" Lin

Ge and Chen Yunjing both had some injuries on their bodies, and their clothes were all traces of fire.

Chen Yunjing said: "I'm sorry, Team Zhao, we didn't succeed.

That being said, Lin Ge was radiant, and there was no sense of defeat in his eyes.

Qin Mu, the old man, quickly noticed it, and immediately asked Lin Ge: "Student Lin, are you still laughing at this time?" Lin Ge

smiled endlessly, nodded and said: "Of course laugh, Vice Mayor Qin, I will break this red dragon ruin."

Team Zhao said: "Just like you are still broken, sleep well, baked like black charcoal."

Lin Ge ignored this, but said to Officer Han Wu: "Officer Han, can you send me back to the southern capital?" Han

Wu was puzzled, but soon thought of something, and said happily: "You have a way?"

Lin Ge nodded and said: "I don't dare to guarantee one hundred percent, but if even I can't break it, the rest of the people don't want to break it."

Qin Mu immediately said: "Han Wu, immediately send Lin Ge back to the southern city! The traffic in the southern city is all green light

!" Han Wu made a military posture and saluted

: "Yes!" Lin Ge patted Chen Yunjing and said: "You wait for me here

, let's go back together!" Chen Yun nodded: "No problem, senior!" Riding

in the car of Han Wu's officer, Lin Ge sat in the car and recovered a little more.

Han Wu rushed all the way, after all, with the order of Vice Mayor Qin Mu, coupled with the official identity of the southern capital, he naturally returned to the southern city as quickly as possible.

Lin Ge quickly returned home, and before he opened the door, he suddenly heard a crackling sound inside

, and even heard his mother's frightened voice: "Get out! Get out

!" Lin Ge suddenly shouted: "Not good!" opened

the door, saw a mess in the house, quickly rushed to the second floor, and saw Lin Mu driving a big guy with a broom.

And as soon as the big guy saw that Lin Ge had returned, he immediately ran over.

Lin Mu screamed: "Xiaoge get out of the way, let his mother beat him to death!"

Lin Ge hurriedly took the broom, comforted his mother and said: "Stop, stop, stop! Mom, this is Xiao Jin, it's my extraordinary beast for graduate school, if he is killed by you, your son's hard work will be in vain." Hearing

that it was the result of the precious son's postgraduate examination, Mother Lin also calmed down, a little frightened.

"Why did you keep such a thing at home without saying a word, my mother came up to clean, but it scared me to death." "

Xiaojin is now a dragon guard, a big man with a body length of one meter and five meters, and he still looks like a big lizard, which must be scary."

Lin Ge smiled bitterly, originally planning to move Xiaojin to the palace breeding base.

But Lu Lingyi's arrival could only be kept at home, and he didn't expect to be discovered so soon.

However, Xiao Jin was still obedient, and even if he was driven by Lin Mu, he only hid in the east and did not show his vicious side.

Immediately, Lin Ge explained the origin of some Xiaojin to Lin Mu.

After a good talk, Lin Mu accepted this big guy with a surprised expression.

"So, he is the little palace guard you bought from the Royal Beast Market before?" Lin

Ge nodded, and he didn't dare to say a word.

Lin Mu was still surprised, looked at Xiao Jin, and said: "It's hard to imagine that a small palace can grow so big, is he evolution?" Lin

Ge nodded and said: "Well, Xiao Jin has completed my evolutionary research, which is your son and my first research work, so, Mom, if you beat Xiao Jin to death, I have no place to cry."

Lin Mu smiled, then put the broom aside, walked to Xiao Jin's side and touched it.

"Oops, I misunderstood you just now.

Xiaojin enjoyed it very much, after all, as an old resident of Lin Ge's family, when he was still that forced before, he was already familiar with Lin Mu.

Otherwise, when Lin Mu hit him with a broom, he would have resisted long ago.

He is now a dragon guarding the palace! A veritable dragon pet! Not a street stall

! "What's the situation! What's the situation! Classmate Lin! Has your house been thieves?" At

this time, Officer Han Wu also rushed upstairs, looking like a guard with a gun.

Suddenly, Officer Han Wu was frightened and jumped up instantly.

Lin Ge hurriedly said: "Officer Han, Officer Han, this is my pet beast, don't kill it."

Han Wu looked at Xiao Jin's appearance, although he said that he had seen many extraordinary beasts in the form of lizards, it was indeed rare for someone like Xiao Jin to appear in the home.

"Classmate Lin, are you sure, this is really not a foreign extraordinary beast? "

Lin Ge protected Xiaojin, today is really a disaster.

At the same time, he also said: "Although it has not been contracted, Xiaojin is indeed a pet beast that I personally cultivated, Officer Han, don't kill you, I still have to rely on Xiaojin to help the Red Dragon Ruins."

Officer Han suddenly looked at Xiao Jin with a bit of surprise, and his face was puzzled.

"Are you sure, rely on this

big lizard?!" Xiao Jin was suddenly unconvinced, what is a big lizard? He is a dragon guarding the palace! Noble dragon pet! A powerful existence that can evolve in the future!

Lin Ge smiled and nodded: "Yes, so Officer Lao Han took Xiao Jin back to the Red Dragon Ruins together." "

Overlord plus Xiaojin, I can't kill you this time!

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