"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully deciphering the Red Dragon Ruins! Reward the palace system mutation method! Reward the mechanical system for high temperature resistant materials (fire immunity)! Reward the royal beast level two levels!" "Ding

! Congratulations to the host for raising the level of the imperial beast to the eighth level! Please continue to work hard!" The

mechanical voice of the system sounded, Lin Ge smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, unconsciously it was already level eight, and the distance was very fast.

At this time, the Red Dragon Grand Master said to Lin Ge: "Your dragon system guarding palace seems to be from the earth system and the dragon system.

Lin Ge nodded and replied, "Yes, senior, Xiaojin evolved from the Earth System Guarding Palace, as for the specific process, the junior cannot say anything to himself." When

Grand Master Red Dragon heard this, he immediately grabbed the blind spot and asked, "Does the Dragon Guard Palace have a supporting evolution process?"

Lin Ge only bowed his head slightly, the amplitude was very low, and he couldn't even see that he was nodding.

Grand Master Red Dragon smiled slightly and said, "I see, I have two inheritances here, corresponding to my two famous pet beasts.

After that, the Red Dragon Grand Master gently placed his hand on the top of Xiao Jin's head.

"If you are from the palace guard, then this extraordinary fire will be passed on to you, giving you a fire system, but also making you more powerful. I

saw the Red Dragon Grand Master gently cast his actions, and the Flame Dragon Guard Palace beside him slowly turned into a ray of light and injected into Xiao Jin's body.

Xiao Jin also changed at this moment, his body size grew a lot in an instant, and there were some more flame patterns on his body.

[Super Skill: Extraordinary Fire (Introduction: Incomparably Special Flame, Non-Equal Level Skills Cannot Be Extinguished!]

When the energy of the Flame Dragon System Palace was completely absorbed by Xiao Jin, Xiao Jin roared, and reached the level of level nine in an instant.

Lin Ge was excited to see it, and Xiaojin caught up with the overlord at once, but this also made Lin Ge look forward to what inheritance the overlord would get.

Grand Master Chilong withdrew his palm, looked at Xiao Jin and smiled slightly, and nodded with satisfaction.

Finally looking at the overlord, the red dragon grandmaster hesitated and said: "The pet beast that I have never seen before, it is not a natural life form, but it has the characteristics and attributes of an extraordinary beast, it is very interesting, what is he?"

Lin Ge answered truthfully, introducing the basic origin of the overlord and the future prospects of the mechanical department.

"Mechanical Department?" The Red Dragon Grand Master couldn't help but be shocked, the birth of a new department was undoubtedly a very great impact on this imperial beast world.

"You are very good, people in the future life, I have you in Daxia, it is really exciting.

The Red Dragon Grand Master looked at the overlord, but finally sighed: "It's a pity that he doesn't have an earth attribute on him, it seems that this core inheritance can only give you that palace guard."

Upon hearing this, the overlord roared unwillingly, a little unconvinced.

But the Red Dragon Grand Master smiled slightly and said: "What are you impatient, the earth dragon is not only only a soil attribute skill, the earth dragon is also a powerful dragon pet, but you don't have the attribute of the soil system on your body, you can't inherit the earth attribute skill of the earth dragon, the dragon attribute skill will still be given to you." The

overlord was still not convinced, and roared, probably meaning that why should he get two, and I can only get one?

The Red Dragon Grand Master laughed and said to Lin Ge: "You mechanical pet beast is very interesting, and your wisdom is very high.

Lin Ge smiled, but both of them were his own pet beasts, and Lin Ge didn't take sides.

The Red Dragon Grand Master said: "Okay, okay, the inheritance of the earth dragon, how much you can get is your ability, but the earth attribute skill is still that guarding the palace." "

The overlord said that there is no problem, anyway, he does not have soil attributes, so he is cheap and stupid.

The Red Dragon Grand Master did it again, first giving Xiaojin the earth attribute skill of the earth dragon.

[Super Skill: Great Earthquake Tremor! (Introduction: Shaking the earth, changing the terrain, restraining the extraordinary beasts of the soil system)]

Xiao Jin has once again obtained a super skill, and his strength has risen to another level.

Finally, the Red Dragon Grand Master is the dragon attribute inheritance that gives the Tyrannosaurus Earth Dragon.

Lin Ge naturally couldn't let go of this opportunity, and quickly ordered.

"Overlord! Use the intelligent god net to superimpose self-learning!" A

land dragon inheritance with a level of more than seventy levels, Lin Ge can't let it pass in vain!

"The super-level skills and auxiliary high-level skills that have been amplified are interesting and interesting, is

this the mechanical department?" At this moment, the Red Dragon Grand Master felt the power of the mechanical department.

The earth dragon also turned into a ray of light and entered the body of the overlord!

At this moment, the high intelligence brought by the overlord's intelligent divine network greatly improved the overlord's learning ability.

However, after self-learning came into contact with the inheritance of this earth dragon, it seemed to enter a BUG state and could not be used.

Or maybe the Overlord didn't learn all of it, causing the skill to get stuck there.

This made Lin Ge very incredible, because when the earth dragon was integrated into the body of the overlord, the overlord had already awakened the

skill! [Super Skill: Dragon Blessing! (Introduction: Auxiliary amplification skill, after use, all attributes are sublimated, and the damage of dragon skill will be greatly improved!] [

Advanced skill: Dragon Roar! ] (Introduction: Spiritual damage skills, with the best effect of Longwei, have a strong deterrent effect, while increasing attack power, higher damage to extraordinary beasts without extraordinary will)]

High-level skill, Dragon Burn! (Note: This skill cannot be used without a flamethrower installed.) Overlord

added three dragon attribute skills at once, and even passed on to Dragon Burn without a flamethrower.

This made Lin Ge a little embarrassed, it seemed that it was time, the Dragon Guard Palace had to publish it, and get the flamethrower first.

And after the Overlord obtained these three skills and the inheritance of the Earth Dragon, the level also instantly reached the level of ten levels.

But because Lin Ge had not yet reached level ten, the overlord chose not to break through.

At this moment, watching Overlord and Xiaojin suddenly reach the ten-level threshold.

Lin Ge couldn't help but feel a little helpless, his cultivation of this imperial beast power was slower.

And after the Red Dragon Grand Master distributed his inheritance, his mission as a doppelganger also ended.

"Excellent junior, you will be a legend, since you have discovered the Dragon Guard Palace and the Mechanical Department, boldly announce it and go out of your own path!"

The figure of the Red Dragon Grand Master turned into blue smoke and finally disappeared.

Lin Ge bent down to salute and greet the senior, his expression calmed down a little.

"Seniors are right, it's time to stop hiding. "

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