Recalling those sad hard years, Xuewu Rabbit had a grievance on his face.

Lin Ge touched the half-person tall, and the person stood up, wearing a fist in his hand.

With a smile, he handed over a box of extraordinary beast milk: "Come little guy, do you want to drink?"

Xuewu Rabbit held the thigh of his own imperial beast master and shook his head repeatedly, looking panicked.

Lin Ge didn't plead, and said: "If you don't drink it myself, Zhao Yun, you can, you are at the peak of the ninth level of martial arts, not far from the tenth level, right? Zhao Yun

smiled and replied: "Well, I expect that before the end of the semester, I can also take the junior beast master badge."

Zhao Yun squatted down to appease Xuewu Rabbit, and at the same time said to Lin Ge: "During the holidays, I tried to train Xiao Wu, but then I found that no matter how I trained, it seemed that the results were not as good as blacksmithing, so in the last half of the holiday, I went with Xiao Wu to a blacksmith shop as an apprentice for a period of time, and while I could train, I could earn some money." When

Lin Ge heard this, he immediately gave a thumbs up, this is good, it is worthy of being the blacksmith master I fancy, and he really has consciousness.

Lin Ge praised: "Awesome, come on, little rabbit, give me a piece of iron in a moment."

Xuewu Rabbit wanted to cry without tears, and his rabbit life seemed to have changed since school that afternoon.

Zhao Yun saw the palace guards in those glass jars again, and was shocked: "Lying groove, such a big lizard?"

Lin Ge introduced: "This is not a big lizard, these are our latest research results, the dragon system guarding the palace, the information is over there, you can see for yourself, join my Lin Ge's group, the benefits must be there."

Zhao Yun looked at the information, and then immediately rubbed over, rubbed his fists, and said: "Brother, my good brother, can I also have this kind of pet beast in the future."

Lin Ge put his arm around Zhao Yun's shoulders and said: "This is not suitable for you, I have a better one!" Since

it is my blacksmith master, it must not be bad, and when the dragon system machinery is developed, everyone will have a share at that time!

Zhao Yun's eyes widened, and he said incredulously: "Really

?" Lin Ge replied: "It must be true, when did I lie to you?"

When I was in junior high school, you tricked me into climbing over the wall, but in fact there was an open-air women's bath on the other side of the wall.

Lin Ge waved his hand and said, "Nonsense, you slander me, you, be careful if I accuse you of slandering me."

Zhao Yun smiled, and suddenly asked seriously: "That

, Lin Ge, in the future, if I buy this dragon palace guard, you will give me a discount, right?" Lin Ge looked at this guy and said: "What is the discount? give me the iron, the right is your cost of buying my dragon palace, I don't give you it for nothing, these dragon palace guards guarantee 100,000 pieces, if each one is averaged, the price will be higher." "

That's why I pulled Chen Yunjing into the gang and expanded the scale in the early stage, so that he could breed the dragon line to guard the palace on a large scale, and with Chen Yunjing's father's business acumen, he would definitely not refuse.

The number of imperial beast masters at the bottom is always the largest, how many are they seeking, not to mention other realms.

Zhao Yun nodded heavily, his family situation is not much better than Lin Ge, if nothing else, he plans to stop studying after high school, work hard to cultivate martial arts rabbits, and strive to cultivate to level thirty in this life.

But now that Lin Ge gave him a chance, then he Zhao Yun was naturally willing to fight for it.

The prospect of the dragon system guarding the palace is extensive, and Zhao Yun can also see that this will be the mainstream pet beast at the bottom in the future.

Everyone can cultivate to the thirty-level era, and he Zhao Yun naturally wants to impact a higher realm.

At this moment, the door of the research house was pushed open heavily, and Qin Qing stood at the door, watching everything in the research room.

Qin Qingyun's gaze swept away, and everything he passed along the way was in the eyes. Lin Ge felt a little weak, and picked up another box of extraordinary beast milk.

"Drink or not? You don't drink I drink.

Zhao Yun smiled, and then greeted, "Squad leader."

Qin Qingyun looked over and said in surprise: "Not bad, Zhao Yun, you have improved a lot."

Lin Ge spoke weakly next to him: "I have also made great progress."

Qin Qingyun didn't pay attention at all, but looked at Lu Lingyi's side, and then walked away.

Chen Yunjing also took advantage of the gap to greet and said, "Hello Senior Sister Qin, I will also be a member of your group in the future."

Qin Qingyun nodded, Chen Yunjing he also knew, after all, his father Chen Baichuan did not have a wine bureau to invite Qin Mu.

Lu Lingyi was still recording the PPT, and then took advantage of the gap to look at Qin Qingyun.

She could feel that this Qin Qingyun was very strong, at least not weaker than her.

And Qin Qingyun also felt it, this Lu Lingyi is very powerful, the kind of faint dragon aura that lingers around her body, she is no stranger, this Lu Lingyi is still the owner of the dragon pet.

For a while, the two women looked at each other, and the atmosphere was slightly more cold.

Lin Ge shrunk his white coat and said loudly, "Who turned the air conditioner so low." "

One second it was a slightly cold atmosphere, but the next moment it instantly warmed up.

Qin Qingyun smiled and beckoned: "Hello, the first time we met, my name is Qin Qingyun, if there is anything in Nandu in the future, you can tell me."

Lu Lingyi nodded, "Hello, Classmate Qin, I am Lu Lingyi, from the imperial capital, and now I am a member of Lin Ge's research group."

Zhao Yun turned sideways and said to Lin Ge: "Brother, where did that Lu Lingyi come from, it's very beautiful."

Lin Ge whispered: "Pay attention, our group of women is prosperous and men, and our brothers and three are tied together, and they can't beat the two of them."

Zhao Yun was a little surprised: "Really fake, the squad leader is very powerful, I know, is that Lu Lingyi also so strong?" Lin

Ge nodded: "The imperial capital is here, you say, I'm afraid that the two of them will fight, and I can't see who can win." "

A crimson flying dragon, an ice and snow girl, to be honest, if you really want to fight, the victory is unpredictable.

For a while, Lin Ge suddenly remembered that the pressure of his team leader was a little great.

Just at this moment, Qin Qingyun came over and said to Lin Ge: "Since it is your research group, then there should be a deputy team leader, right?

Lu Lingyi finished recording the PPT, and also walked over, tied up her hair smoothly, and looked heroic.

Zhao Yun walked away very sensibly, and went to chat with Chen Yunjing with a look of not caring about himself.

Lin Ge looked at Qin Qingyun, and then at Lu Lingyi, and his mouth was full of words: "That... Finally,

he raised his hand and said, "I choose Professor Lin!"

Qin Qingyun waved his hand: "Cut, classmate Lu, let's go, I'll take you to visit Nandu."

Lu Lingyi smiled widely: "Good, good, I just relax and relax."

Lin Ge breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt that he urgently needed an assistant.

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