In the next week, Lin Ge in addition to completing academic tasks every day, the rest of the time was spent in the school's research room, as the mechanical knowledge given by the system was gradually developed by him, now Lin Ge can also use the convenience of the laboratory to develop enough mechanical parts for himself.

During this period, the martial arts rabbit that suffered from Zhao Yun at the same table, almost every day after school, as long as this martial arts rabbit is released, this little rabbit knows what he is going to do.

Through quick punches, help Lin Ge forge the parts needed by the Overlord.

The little guy now sees that Lin Ge has a psychological shadow, but due to the 'human affection', this martial arts rabbit can't refuse.

However, through daily forging and hammering of refined iron, Zhao Yun's martial arts rabbit strength has also improved rapidly, and the proficiency of the two skills of fast punch and fast fighting has risen rapidly, which can only be said to be painful and happy.

And these days, Qin Qingyun has taken leave, and he should be preparing to be promoted to a tenth-level imperial beast master.

For this reason, the head teacher Li Cannon was very generous and directly approved a half-month vacation.

And Qin Qingyun is not there, and Lin Ge's recognized 'Royal Beast Waste Material' alone can't suppress so many classmates.

After all, Lin Ge's imperial beast talent is really rubbish, and until now it is only a level of imperial beast power, and the average level of the class is starting from level five, if it is not for Zhao Yun's help to suppress it, I am afraid that the class will be chaotic early.

So, Lin Ge was not in the mood to pay attention to these guys for the time being, he was now short on time and had a heavy task.

Hurry up to make spare mechanical parts of the overlord, learn mechanical knowledge, write academic reports of mechanical pet beasts, and edit the mechanical pet beast species panel.

It's been extremely busy.

You know, there are no mechanical pet beasts in this world, and the overlord in Lin Singer is a king fried hole card.

As long as the Overlord is released, it will definitely be a shocking explosion.

At that time, Lin Ge must prepare all aspects of materials!

The birth of a new species, especially the unprecedented new pet beast of the mechanical department, must be big news that shocks the eye!

Lin Ge has a lot to think about and a lot to prepare, but there is no time to pay attention to the unhappiness and stirring of his classmates.

At that time, facts speak louder than words

! Another batch of new parts has been manufactured, and Lin Ge has installed them one by one, which is all related to the next plan!

On the other hand, Zhao Yun has already returned the Xuewu Rabbit to the imperial beast space to restore.

"Brother Lin, why do you get so many of these parts, it's not the same every day, can it be useful without a head and tail?" Lin

Ge said with a smile: "These I naturally have my usefulness, you don't have to care, a week of production, starting tomorrow you can go to your own business."

Zhao Yun held his chin with one hand and said: "Really? But I have nothing to do, Xiao Wu strikes iron every day, his skill proficiency has risen well, I actually don't lose, I should be exercising pet beasts."

Lin Ge replied while busy with a precision part in his hand: "It's not a question of whether you lose money or not, but it's that this semester is almost over, and when the time comes, you will also have to test the Royal Beast Battle, so these days you go back to exercise Xiaowu well, and you also strive to break through to the seventh-level Royal Beast Master, and get a good score at the end of the semester." Hearing

Lin Ge's words, Zhao Yun also nodded, indicating that he would fight for it.

In a class, Lin Ge is the most special one, others need to test the royal beast battle, Lin Ge's is replaced by a theory exam, of course, for Lin Ge's smart head, the theory exam is no different from sending scores.

At this time, the door of the research room was pushed open, and an old man with a very tough body walked in, the old man was wearing a white research suit, with gold wire glasses, and his appearance was amiable.

"Let me see, what does that lucky classmate who has been applying for my research room look like these days?" Facing

this old man, Lin Ge and Zhao Yun were very polite: "Professor Lin, good afternoon."

Professor Lin nodded slightly and looked at Lin Ge: "You are Lin Ge, right? Li Cannon mentioned you to me, how about it? Would you like to come and be my assistant? It doesn't matter if there is no progress in the battle of the imperial beast, we can also make achievements in the theory department." "

This Professor Lin is also similar to Lin Ge, his own imperial beast talent is not very good, and he has spent his whole life to reach the twenty-ninth level.

However, this old professor is highly respected in the pet beast academia, and has written four pet beast academic papers and taught countless students.

Lin Ge nodded: "Of course the students are willing, and they are very willing." "

Willing to be the student and assistant

of this old professor Lin, Lin Ge still values a little! The pet beast papers published by this old professor Lin are all about the dragon system! That is to say, this old professor Lin is actually a big man who is proficient in dragon pet beasts

! And Lin Ge's pet beast overlord, in addition to the main attribute machinery, the secondary attribute is the dragon system!

With this kind of senior, how can Lin Ge let it go?

Professor Lin laughed, "I thought you would look down on me, an old man with a low level of imperial beasts."

Lin Ge smiled apologetically: "Don't dare, with the merits of Professor Lin, who dares to underestimate it?" Professor

Lin no longer paid attention to this topic, but walked straight to Lin Ge's side, Zhao Yun gave up a position very wisely, and then patted Lin Ge's shoulder and said that he would go back first.

As soon as Zhao Yun left, Professor Lin said: "Let me see, what are you doing when you apply for my research room, I heard that your kid wants to do research questions for pet beasts in his third year of high school?

Lin Ge smiled slightly: "Professor, I don't want to get in touch in advance, and I basically finished learning the knowledge in high school."

Professor Lin wondered, "Oh, yes? Then I have to test you."

Lin Ge stretched out his hand and said that it didn't hurt to ask.

Professor Lin immediately asked a few knowledge points that were partial after all, and there was no doubt that Lin Ge could answer it, and the answers were perfect.

Professor Lin didn't believe it, thinking that this kid was a blind cat meeting a dead rat, and asked a few more questions, even one of which was a technique for a college course!

Professor Lin was amazed: "No wonder Li Cannon praised you so much, it is indeed a good seedling."

As he spoke, Professor Lin glanced at the small objects that Lin Singer was fiddling with.

Curious: "Are you also studying this? No wonder Li Cannon recommended you as my assistant so eagerly."

Lin Ge was puzzled for a moment, and raised a small part in his hand: "Professor, are you talking about this?" Professor Lin

took it, looked at it, and then nodded: " Yes, I have been studying this in the past five or six years, you should know that I am a professor who studies dragon pet beasts, and the topic I am currently studying is how to replicate the powerful strength of dragon pet beasts through science and technology, and even thought of building a huge mechanical dragon model to study dragon pet beasts, but unfortunately for some reasons, it was not successful.

Professor Lin said it lightly, while Lin Ge was shocked in his heart.

Yes, even if there is no research of their own, people in this world will gradually build mechanical pet beasts, gradually explore and manufacture mechanical pet beasts, maybe decades, maybe hundreds of years.


that Lin Ge was still staying, Professor Lin groped for the mechanical part and said: "It's small, you kid won't also want to create a mechanical model of a dragon pet beast, right? The

reason for this, Lin Ge naturally did not say more, but asked: "Then please ask the professor, are you still doing this subject?" Professor Lin

shook his head: "I have given up, I can't do it at the current level, maybe it will be possible in a few years or ten years, so I won't do this topic, but instead explore new dragon pet beasts, and whether dragon pet beasts inherit more paternal or maternal in bloodline inheritance."

Lin Ge asked, "Then professor, can you send me these papers of yours?" Professor Lin wondered

: "Why do you want this?

Lin Ge smiled and said, "I have to die hard, don't I?" Professor Lin

nodded slightly: "That's what I said, then add a contact information, I'll sort it out and send it to you later."

Lin Ge nodded repeatedly: "Okay, thank you Professor Lin!" Adding

contact information to each other, Professor Lin said again: "I have said hello to your class teacher, the daily course cannot be delayed, in addition, study the academic report with me, if we are lucky, your university papers have fallen."

Lin Ge smiled, I was afraid that the old professor didn't know that he had almost made the mechanical pet beast.

"That's right. Professor Lin asked again: "I heard Li Cannon say, you haven't contracted the pet beast yet, right?

Lin Ge heard the meaning of the words: "Professor, do you have an idea?" Professor

Lin nodded: "Or how can I say that you are lucky."

After that, Professor Lin turned around and took out a document from a cabinet: "Let's take a look at this."

Lin Ge said as he continued, "Professor, you are really not afraid, dare to put such an important thing here."

Professor Lin smiled and pushed his glasses: "In the entire southern city, no thief dares to steal my things."

Lin Ge looked at the document, and then frowned slightly: "Guarding

the palace?" Professor Lin nodded

: "Yes, it is guarding the palace!" Lin Ge expressed doubts: "Even if such a low-level extraordinary beast of the palace guards develops the dragon line, it is not of much value, right?" Professor

Lin shook his head: "Classmate Lin, you are shallow, if you can really study it, the value is huge!"

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