As soon as Xiao Jin appeared, he instantly attracted everyone's attention.

And the most shocking thing is that it belongs to Lu Lingyi, because at this moment, she feels that Xiaojin's potential is not weaker than her crimson flying dragon!

[Name: Xiaojin

] [High-level Extraordinary Beast: Dragon System Guarding Palace] [Attributes

: Dragon System, Earth System, Fire System] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 60] [Growth Level: Level 10] [

Extraordinary Skill: Super Extraordinary Fire, Super Stage Great Earthquake Tremor, High-level Dragon Flame, High-level Dragon Power, Intermediate Dragon Breath, Intermediate Sharp Claw, Low-level Tearing Bite


Lin Ge took out a notebook, Inside was the panel of Xiaojin that he had registered, and then passed it to everyone to read,

and Zhao Yun asked in a loud voice: "His body size is much larger than the one on the side of the research house." "

The Dragon Guards on this side of the research house are all about one meter and five meters in size, while Xiaojin's body size has reached more than two meters.

Lin Ge pushed his glasses and replied: "Yes, after Xiaojin evolved into the Dragon Lineage Guarding Palace, he also accidentally evolved once in the Red Dragon Ruins, so whether it is body size or potential, Xiaojin must be ahead of the same clan on the side of the research house, so in the extraordinary identification, I will give priority to sending Xiaojin out."

And at this moment, when everyone saw Xiaojin's panel, they were shocked and speechless.

Principal Yuan was the most shocked and said in a loud voice: "This... Your dragon system palace guard level is so high? And there are two super skills?! It's also terrible.

Lin Ge replied: "Those two super-level skills are passed down, not counting the dragon system palace guarding race skills, the initial race skills of the dragon system palace guarding palace are only two dragon wei and dragon flame, as for how many can be awakened in the future, it still depends on the personal cultivation of the imperial beast master."

Lu Lingyi spoke up, "Your little gold has surpassed my Crimson Wyvern in terms of race rank.

Qin Qingyun also said: "It's really powerful, the sixty-level race assessment, doesn't it mean that there is only thirty levels?"

Lin Ge nodded and replied, "Yes, Xiaojin is just a special case, so he can reach the level sixty assessment, but the guards on the side of the research house can only play a level thirty race assessment, but it has exceeded the expectations at the beginning."

Principal Yuan sighed with emotion: "After the extraordinary appraisal, the Dragon Guard Palace will become a low-level mainstream pet beast." "

The initial race level of level 30 means that everyone can have the potential to cultivate to level 30 in the future!

And you only need to pay the money to cultivate an extraordinary pet beast!

Zhao Yun looked at Xiao Jin, he was simply going to bleed, who didn't want a dragon pet?

At this time, Chen Yunjing raised his hand and said, "Senior, you that..."

Lin Ge smiled slightly, then nodded and said, "There is a chance."

At this time, Qin Qingyun suddenly spoke up: "Hey, Lin Ge, he's not your contract pet beast, right?" Even the summoning array did not appear, what are you doing? I remember you haven't had a pet yet, right? Can't you even look at the Dragon Guard Palace with a race level of sixty?

As soon as these words came out, except for Lu Lingyi and Chen Yunjing, the other three felt very strange.

Zhao Yun even spoke up: "Yes, Lin Ge, you used to have no contract pet beast because of the bad talent of the imperial beast, but now Xiaojin is so powerful, enough to make up for the gap in your talent, why don't you contract him?"

Principal Yuan also looked at Lin Ge.

Xiao Jin also looked back at Lin Ge at this time, but he had an innocent look and an expression that I didn't intend to rebel.

Lin Ge could only say: "I already have a pet beast, as for Xiao Jin, I have to have a new contract position after I break through the tenth level to contract him."

Xiao Jin breathed a sigh of relief, don't look at his panel is very strong, but he can't beat the overlord yet.

Qin Qingyun spoke up: "I don't believe it, doesn't the gambling contract say that you will have a dragon pet beast?" Xiao Jin is so powerful, you don't contract, or do you want to lose to me? "

That squad leader gambled on the contract, Qin Qingyun knew that he was already going to lose.

But it's still very confusing, Lin Ge has the first pet beast? How did she not know?

Lin Ge said: "I really contracted the first pet beast.

Zhao Yun asked: "Summon it out to see, Lin Ge, it's not me who said you, how many years have our brothers been together, wearing a pair of pants and contracting pet beasts, you don't tell me."

Principal Yuan also spoke up: "Summon it out and take a look, if you can get by, I will also give you full marks for the results of the imperial beast."

Lin Ge was helpless: "Okay, but don't be too shocked for a while." Come out! Overlord! The

white summoning array lit up, and then a mechanical dragon appeared in front of everyone, the overlord roared, and Xiaojin shrank very wisely.

Chen Yunjing stomped his foot excitedly, already thinking about when he would have such a powerful and domineering mechanical dragon pet.

And Qin Qingyun and Zhao Yun are both confused, what is this?

Although puzzled, it is not difficult to see that this metal pet beast is also very powerful.

Principal Yuan looked at the overlord and said, "This is..."

Lin Ge patted the overlord's shoulder and introduced: "My first pet beast, the overlord, an extraordinary beast of the new system, belongs to the mechanical department!" "


Qin Qingyun was stunned and said, "A new transcendent system?

Lin Ge nodded and replied, "Yes, he is my second research direction after the Dragon Department Guarding Palace, which means that what you want to help me study in the future is the extraordinary machinery of this department!"

Zhao Yundu couldn't help but walk up, looked at the overlord, and said, "How did you do it?"

Lin Ge smiled and said: "I'll talk about it in detail later, all in all, the mechanical department to which the Overlord belongs may change the pattern in the future, and I need the big guy to keep it secret."

Everyone nodded.

Principal Yuan said: "Lin Ge, if you can, I hope that you can show the overlord in the transcendent appraisal and let the bigwigs of the Royal Beast Master Association cover you."

Lin Ge nodded: "It depends on the situation, the professor is still in the imperial capital, and I will personally discuss with him at that time." "

The impact of a new transcendent beast system is terrifying!

It is very likely that Lin Ge will be assassinated by the rest of the transcendent realms!

Principal Yuan said in a deep voice: "I will go to the mayor to discuss this matter, and when the time comes, when the extraordinary appraisal comes back, I will give you a result."

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly, of course, the mayor of Nandu City could trust it, if he couldn't even believe this pillar, Lin Ge didn't need to trust others.

And the overlord tilts his head, what about it? Again not a dry rack? That's not interesting, Royal Beast Master, let me go back.

Lin Ge summoned the two pet beasts back, and said at the same time: "If you want this type of pet beast, then you can wait for the mechanical department to study it, I have already explored part of this process, and the progress will be very fast."

Zhao Yun spoke up: "You said better, it won't be this, right?" "

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