The imperial capital, the most prosperous city in Daxia, is also the most central place.

With the beginning of the annual extraordinary appraisal of the Great Xia Royal Beast Master Association, the imperial capital is also becoming more and more lively, fish and dragons are mixed, and people from all branches of the Royal Beast Master Association have appeared here one after another.

In addition to the national personnel of Daxia, there are also many outsiders.

There are transcendent realms that are well befriended, such as the Divine Dragon Kingdom.

There are also visitors from the unkind human kingdom, such as the seven islands.

But no matter how you say it, as a country of etiquette, the number of rites in Daxia is indispensable.

In front of the imperial capital university.

Lin Ge and his party arrived here, led by Lu Lingyi all the way to the university with the strongest faculty in the Great Xia Dynasty, Didu University.

Fang Tianyuan said: "Lin Ge, I won't go in with you, I have to go to the general association and help you complete the registration process for extraordinary appraisal by the way."

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly: "Then thank Vice Chief Fang."

Fang Tianyuan waved his hand, then took his leave, then stopped a taxi and went to the headquarters of the Royal Beast Master Association.

Above the ground, only Lin Ge and his group were left.

Zhao Yun said: "It's not good for us to block the door of people's schools like this, right?

Lu Lingyi said: "I'll go report it, and then we can go in and find Professor Lin." "

Lu Lingyi was originally a student admitted to Didu University, and he was still familiar with the rules of Didu University, and if he simply reported it, he could take Lin Ge and them in.

It's just that as soon as everyone walked into the imperial capital university on their front feet, there was a young man with Qi Yu Xuan Ang and sword eyebrows walking towards them.

The young man is very handsome, well-mannered, well-educated, and young and promising.

Zhao Yun poked Lin Ge with his elbow and said sideways: "Lin Ge, come at us."

Lu Lingyi also looked at the young man, his face was a little puzzled, and Qin Qingyun and Chen Yunjing were also staring closely.

"First meeting, hello, my name is Gao Shenglong, are you a student of Professor Lin's research group from Nandu No. 1 Middle School?"

This person was the young man who drove Professor Lin that day, and he was also one of Professor Lin's students.

Lin Ge stood up and nodded, "Yes, we are, is there anything wrong with this senior Gao?"

Goldman Sachs Dragon smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just a little different from what I imagined, some... It's different.

Lin Ge snorted and said, "Senior Gao, if it's okay, we'll leave."

Goldman Long did not speak, did not block, smiled still kindly, slightly sideways to give way.

And when Lin Ge and they passed by, Gao Shenglong spoke up: "We will meet again, I wish you a happy time in the imperial capital university."

After that, Goldman Sachs Long also walked away.

Lin Ge and they looked back, and couldn't help but muttered in their hearts, this is really a strange person.

And when that Gao Sheng Long walked away, Lu Lingyi and Qin Qingyun looked at each other.

Lu Lingyi said: "Lin Ge, that person is so strong!" For example, the deputy chief is even stronger!

Lin Ge was suddenly surprised and said, "It's impossible, right? Why don't I feel it?

Qin Qingyun replied, "Because that person only glanced at us and deliberately avoided you, seemingly intentionally."

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing looked at each other and said suspiciously: "The two of us didn't feel it."

Lu Lingyi replied, "You haven't reached level ten yet, and that person doesn't want to oppress you too much, but... I could feel that the person had no malice and seemed to be just curious about us.

Lin Ge was puzzled in his heart, and immediately waved his hand and said: "Don't pay attention to him, anyway, this is the imperial capital university, and he doesn't dare to mess around." "

Didi Didi——The

mobile phone rang, Lin Ge opened it and saw that it was Professor Lin who called.

"Hey, Lin Ge, where are you?"

Lin Ge replied: "Professor, we have entered the imperial capital university, and just now we met a strange person, who looks polite, but always has the charm of examination, what is Goldman Sachs Dragon?"

Professor Lin smiled and said, "He is my former student, don't pay attention to him, I am now in the scientific research building of the imperial capital university, you guys come quickly." Hanging

up the phone, Lin Ge couldn't help but wonder, Professor Lin's former student?

But since there was no malice, Lin Ge didn't want to ask further, but just said to Lu Lingyi: "How to go to the scientific research building?"

Lu Lingyi immediately led the way: "Come with me." "

The imperial capital university covers a vast area, even with Lu Lingyi leading the way, Lin Ge and everyone walked for almost half an hour to arrive.

In front of a building full of science and technology, Professor Lin, the old man, has been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Lin Ge and their arrival, Professor Lin was relieved in his heart and showed a smile: "It's all here, let's all come first, put things away." "

These Lu Lingyi can arrange it himself.

Lin Ge walked up to Professor Lin and said, "Professor."

Professor Lin bowed his head slightly: "There is no need to say anything else, you can study the Dragon Guard Palace in just three months, which proves that your theoretical knowledge of pet beasts is already very deep, and it was quite a hard time, right?"

Lin Ge smiled indifferently: "It's not hard, there is progress every day, and I enjoy it."

Professor Lin clapped his hands and praised: "Young people have to have this kind of drive.

The two went all the way to a scientific research room, and Professor Lin said: "Come on, summon the Dragon Department Palace to take a look."

Lin Ge nodded and released the Dragon Guard Palace that evolved from the dark system that he brought over with Xiao Jin.

As soon as this dragon guards the palace in an unfamiliar environment, it is a dragon tooth grinning to show the territorial consciousness of the dragon system.

But with only a sixth-level he, how could he be the opponent of Professor Lin and Lin Ge.

Professor Lin looked at it, nodded silently, looked at Lin Ge again, and said, "I heard, you have a more powerful one?"

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly, and also summoned Xiao Jin: "Yes, originally Xiao Jin was similar to the Dragon Guard Palace of the Research House, but after getting the inheritance of the Red Dragon Ruins, Xiao Jin became stronger.

Professor Lin made a comparison and said: "It seems that the Dragon Department Guarding Palace still has a very strong compatibility, which is a research direction that can be deeply developed."

"By the way, what about your mechanical pet beast? Summoning it was an eye-opener for me.

Lin Ge smiled and replied, "Professor, I summoned him out several times, and now the overlord has a tantrum with me, and it is estimated that he is not willing to come out before I break through the tenth level."

Professor Lin glanced at it: "How many levels are you now?"

Lin Ge wiped his nose and replied, "I just broke through to level nine last week, and it's still a little far from level ten.

Professor Lin bowed his head slightly, and immediately dialed a call: "Hey, Xiao Gao, trouble send a Longyuan Fruit over." "

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