Dragon Machinery!

At this moment, Lin Ge on the stage was particularly dazzling, standing in front of that dragon machine, with his arms open, confident and proud!


the clicking sound of countless cameras taking pictures kept sounding, and at this moment, the entire Phoenix Nest Stadium was already standing up!

This is true of the five judges, as well as of all the research teams!

Even the people of Nanashima's Sakurakako team couldn't help but stand up!

Sakurako looked at Lin Ge on the stage with an unusually calm face, this imperial beast master from the seven islands, for the first time, admired a peer from another country so much.

And that old woman was already looking at the dragon mechanical information on the big screen, so angry that her face was distorted.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! "

I saw that on the big screen behind Lin Ge, and even on all the TVs that were broadcast, the racial attributes of the dragon system machinery were already announced!

[Species: Mechanical Pet Beast

] [Name: Dragon Mechanic] [Advanced Transcendent

Race] [Attributes: Mechanical

, Dragon, Dark] [Race Level: Seventy-five

] [Growth Level: Level 15] [

Awakening Skill:

Super Dragon Dance, Super Dragon Claw, Super Dragon King Realm, High Dragon Roar, Advanced Dragon Scale Defense, High Order Dragon Zhen, High Order Dragon Soaring Jiuxiao, High-order multiplication...]

When this attribute panel came out, there was no one in the entire Phoenix Nest Stadium who was not crazy!

Because it's so unexpected and so exciting!

No wonder that old lady in Seven Islands will gaffe, three super-level skills, five high-level skills, and there are more than a dozen intermediate and low-level skills below!

This is terrible!

Seeing this scene, the jury couldn't sit still, and immediately went to the stage to check.

Li Muzhi was even more excited and hurriedly asked, "Lin Ge! Has your evolutionary system matured?!

Lin Ge nodded heavily: "With the help of Senior Gao Sheng Dragon and the assistance of the White Dragon King, now the evolution of this dragon system guarding the palace has fully matured!" Of course, the cost may not be low.

Li Muzhi waved his big hand and said, "The cost is a fart!" Even if it is a billion to smash one, we have earned it in Daxia! "

Level seventy! This is a seventy-level extraordinary pet beast race! And it's still a dragon line!

In other words, Lin Ge has mastered a complete evolutionary path from the tenth-level palace guarding system and evolved all the way to seventy level!

Just imagine, in the future, everyone in the Great Xia Dynasty will be a level 30 Royal Beast Master! Even everyone can impact the level of seventy!

This makes the comprehensive strength of Daxia grow by leaps and bounds!

In this way, the ghost demon knife of the seven islands is a fart! It's nothing!

It was a big deal to move the Jiang family to other places and change someone to wrestle with Nanashima.

Your Ghost Demon Dao of the Seven Islands can only cultivate to level fifty at most!

However, my Daxia has a dragon mechanical road that reaches level seventy!

In this way, this time the extraordinary appraisal of Daxia can be said to be numb!

After all, now the Great Xia Dynasty is still weak, far from it, just look at the southern capital of one city, the entire southern capital only the mayor and the president of the Royal Beast Master Association are seventy levels!

So get a glimpse of the panther! How scarce high-level Imperial Beast Masters are!

High-level imperial beast masters are still like this, then the extraordinary pet beasts linked to them are naturally extremely rare!

Within the Great Xia Dynasty, it can be said that Lin Ge's Dragon Palace Guardian Evolution System is related to the future strength of the Great Xia Dynasty!

Lin Ge smiled heartily, this is the result he wants! Step on Nanashima in one fell swoop and ascend to a high place!

On the other side, Liu Meng had already walked in front of the dragon machine, and this rough man had already taken a look at this evolved dragon machine.

With a huge body of twelve meters and a weight of several tons, Liu Meng can hold it up with one hand, which shows its great strength.

The dragon machine was completely shivering.

Liu Meng laughed and said, "Don't be afraid of small things, I always like you."

Guo Hongyu looked at the race panel on the screen, and then looked at the dragon machinery, and immediately turned to Lin Ge and said: "You really opened our eyes, the dragon palace guarding system has once again added a good road to my Daxia."

Zhang Qingfeng waved the dust and said: "This panel attribute is also strong enough, although there is no dragon blessing, but there is also a dragon dance that is also a super level, offensive and defensive skills are available, not bad, even in the seventy level of the race is considered high." Hua

and Rong knocked on the metal armor of the dragon machinery, and the sound of the bell sounded, and sighed slightly: "It's a pity, this dragon machine is still suitable for you men, not in line with our women's aesthetics, but it is really strong enough."

Lin Ge pulled the microphone and asked, "In that case, please ask the judges to score!"

Li Muzhi and they silently glanced at each other, and then turned to look at the audience.

"One hundred points! One hundred points!

"One hundred points! One hundred points! At

this moment, there is no need for their five judges to score, tens of thousands of viewers have given the scores in their minds!

The dragon system machinery with an upper limit of seventy has not reached one hundred points? How strong is that transcendent race?

Li Muzhi had the highest status, so he was the first to speak: "It seems that this time the extraordinary appraisal play-off competition does not need our judging."

After speaking, looking at Seven Islands, Li Muzhi spoke up: "Friends of Seven Islands, Lin Ge's team is very exciting, there is no doubt about one hundred points, do you have any objections?" The

old woman's face was distorted, her teeth were clenched, and the two young men looked at Lin Ge on the stage with grim faces.

Sakurako seemed to have expected it, and said lightly: "Lin Ge's team's dragon palace guarding system is really eye-opening for us, the system includes low-level transcendent, medium-transcendent, high-level extraordinary, from the small ten-level palace guarding all the way to the seventy level, our fifty-level ghost demon knife is completely incomparable, this playoff, we lost the heart." With

a ninety degree bow from Sakurako, this play-off was finally brought to a successful end!

Li Muzhi immediately shouted loudly: "In that case, it has been judged and approved by everyone!" The champion of this extraordinary appraisal was won by the dragon system guarding system of the Nandu Lin Ge team! "

Boom -

the entire Phoenix Nest Stadium immediately boiled!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the first place in the Extraordinary Identification! Reward the power of the beast level 1! Reward the Dragon System Palace Guardian Inheritance Skill with one! Reward a piece of mechanical deformed metal! Reward mechanical skills one!

"Ding! Post the task! Please strike while the iron is hot and announce the mechanical department! Reward the power of the imperial beast level 1, reward a mechanical research laboratory! The

voice of the system sounded, first claiming the previous mission reward, and then continuing to post new tasks.

The corner of Lin Ge's mouth smiled slightly, this feeling was really refreshing.

Li Muzhi also announced at this time: "Then this extraordinary appraisal is over..."

But before the words were finished, Lin Ge had already stopped Li Muzhi first, and said: "Everyone! Delay everyone for a while! I, Lin Ge, have another very important thing to announce! "

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