The next day, Saturday.

Lin Ge got up early, ate breakfast, said goodbye to Lin Mu, and hurriedly went out.

Since knowing the birth process of Longwei's skill last night, Lin Ge was excited.

A dragon pet beast who is proficient in dragon power, he Lin Ge does not expect this kind of existence to teach himself, but it is not difficult to find an extraordinary beast with extraordinary will in Nandu

! Lin Ge knows that there is a place that is suitable for people with low royal beast levels like him to go

! Nandu Extraordinary Beast Forest Park!

This is a five-star forest park, covering a very large area, and this forest park was jointly created by some powerful imperial beast masters in the southern city.

There are generally extraordinary beasts below level ten, of course, there are also extraordinary beasts above level ten, and even level twenty.

Because Nandu Forest Park is the place where Nandu City assesses the level ten and twenty imperial beast masters, every extraordinary beast that reaches level ten here will become the target of assessment.

And beyond the assessment level, the strength of the extraordinary beasts is not nothing, these are all the existence of the king of the mountains in the Nandu Forest Park, and they are powerful extraordinary beasts with a level of twenty.

And these extraordinary beasts are the assessment targets of those twenty-level imperial beast masters

! And in this Nandu Forest Park, there are three extraordinary overlords with extraordinary will!

They are level 20 rock and soil dual-line extraordinary beasts and rock lizards.

Level 20 Wind System Extraordinary Beast, Wind Speed Wolf.


three are old actors in Nandu Forest Park, I heard that they have been serving as level 20 examiners for three or four years, especially the powerful orangutan, the fighting skills of the martial arts pet beast are very powerful, and this powerful orangutan heard that he was here six years ago.

Regarding the layout of Nandu Forest Park, as well as these three alien beast overlords with extraordinary will, Lin Ge is now very familiar.

Boarding the bus to Nandu Forest Park, Lin Ge also prepared a large backpack, as for what was inside, it was already obvious.

This weekend was spent in Nandu Forest Park.

Because of the fact that the end of the semester is approaching, there are actually not many people on the bus, and even a lot of them.

Because there are also some first-year or sophomore seniors in Nandu University who have reached the bottleneck and need to come to the Imperial Beast Master badge, hoping to get a good score in this semester for the New Year.

Good academic performance is a plus when evaluating the Royal Beast Master badge.

Lin Ge is well aware of the importance of this, so the predecessor has been studying hard since he was a child, although the talent of the imperial beast is not good, but in terms of academics, the predecessor's grades have always been in the top three of the grade, which can be regarded as a disguised satisfaction for his regret that he cannot become a royal beast master.

Otherwise, he would not have been admitted to the first class of Nandu No. 1 Middle School and High School as an ordinary person, and he could still be the deputy class leader.

"Hello, may I ask if there is anyone in this position next to you, if not, can I sit here?" At

this time, a man and two women got into the car, and one of the round-faced women came to Lin Ge and said.

Lin Ge held his backpack and smiled politely: "If I say that there are people here, will you believe

it?" Jiang Meier nodded: "Believe, if there is someone next to you, little handsome guy, can I sit on your lap?"

Chen Yunjing on the side coughed repeatedly, pulled Jiang Mei'er, and let her sit with her sister Chen Yunqian, and then he sat in the position next to Lin Ge.

Chen Yunjing said a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry for this classmate, this girlfriend of my sister is like this, you don't care about it."

Lin Ge pushed the black-framed glasses and said with a smile: "Don't mind, this sister is very good, and she looks beautiful."

Jiang Meier suddenly snorted: "This younger brother can really talk, but it's a pity that he has lost some weight, and he doesn't look very meaty, otherwise you must be my sister's dish."

Lin Ge smiled: "This beautiful sister, if you don't try it, how do you know that my brother I don't have meat? "

This time it was Jiang Meier's turn to be a little shocked, she usually shows off her car skills, and she didn't expect to meet the car god today.

Chen Yunqian pulled Jiang Mei'er back at this time, and said in a loud voice: "Do you want to die, don't make trouble for me, besides, this time, you are here to accompany me to complete the assessment!

Jiang Meier stuck out her tongue, and then threw a wink at Lin Ge behind her.

"Little brother, let's communicate again when you have time.

Lin Ge was still smiling politely, and made contact for a short time, judging from Jiang Meier's hesitation just now, this beautiful sister had some car skills, but she should not have been on the highway.

Chen Yunjing, who was sitting next to Lin Ge, caught a glimpse of Lin Ge's school emblem and spoke: "Huh, this classmate, you are also a student of Nandu No. 1 Middle School?"

Chen Yunjing also said politely: "It turns out to be a senior, I am Chen Yunjing from the first class of Nandu No. 1 Middle School and High School, the one who drove with you just now is called Jiang Meier, and the other is my sister, Chen Yunqian."

Jiang Meier immediately turned around, grabbed the words and said: "Brother Lin, I'm waiting for you at Nandu University, I'm only a freshman, and my college life is good."

Lin Ge suddenly smiled again: "May I ask Senior Sister Jiang, is this 'good college life' a broken sentence?" Jiang

Meier read it lightly, and suddenly her face turned blushing and stopped talking to Lin Ge.

Chen Yunjing, who was beside Lin Ge, suddenly gave a thumbs up: "Senior, Niu's." On

weekdays, Jiang Meier drives in front of him, he can only express his position through coughing, and he can't imagine that now there is someone who can restrain Jiang Meier and put the brakes on her.

Lin Ge only then spoke: "Senior brother, just now I heard your sister say that you went to Nandu Forest Park for assessment?" Chen

Yun nodded: "Yes, there was no need to bother so much, but I didn't expect that my sister's assessment target before was killed by someone on the side of Sanyun Mountain, so I had to change the assessment task." Hearing

this, Lin Ge's heart suddenly became nervous, wouldn't it? Jiang

Meier turned back and interjected: "Yes, yes, I don't know who is so perverted, and actually killed that Firefox with a sharp weapon, it was almost successful, hmph!

Chen Yunqian also spoke: "Forget it, anyway, the Firefox thing is my bad luck, blame me for being careless, and who would have thought that Firefox would cheat the skill and give it an escape."

Jiang Meier also nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, Senior Brother Lin, you are not strange, that Firefox can learn fraud skills at level ten, otherwise he will be killed by that mysterious person."

Lin Ge could only smile to relieve the pressure, no wonder he felt that the Firefox was wrong, and the strength of the fifth level was killed by the overlord without exerting it.

Chen Yunjing said again: "Firefox's assessment task was rushed first, my sister can only replace the new assessment task, and it was delayed for five days.

Lin Ge could only look for a topic: "Then I don't know what your assessment task is this time?" Jiang

Meier already said quickly: "It's the eleventh-level wind fox in the forest park."

"A fox again?" said Lin Ge softly.

And Jiang Meier had already asked Lin Ge: "Hey, Senior Brother Lin, what are you doing in the forest park?" Lin Ge

pushed her glasses and smiled lightly: "Oh, I'm here to do an academic research."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Meier and the three suddenly looked at Lin Ge with a little surprise.

Chen Yunjing exclaimed: "The senior is amazing! I did academic research in my third year of high school.

Chen Yunqian couldn't help but look at Lin Ge a little more, but didn't speak.

Jiang Meier gently covered her mouth with one hand and made a surprised expression.

"Wow, Senior Brother Lin, are you so powerful, you can do academic research in the third year of high school?" Lin

Ge nodded: "No way, my imperial beast talent is not good, so I can only hope that I will achieve something in other aspects."

Chen Yunjing suddenly remembered something, and said: "You are the Lin Ge who often goes to the school research room recently, and the one who has been recommended to Professor Lin by your class teacher?

Chen Yunqian suddenly spoke: "Professor Lin, is that Professor Lin from Nandu No. 1 Middle School who specializes in dragon pet beasts?!" Before

Lin Ge could reply, his younger brother Chen Yunjing already nodded and said, "Yes, sister, it's the Professor Lin you know."

Jiang Meier suddenly made a fist with both hands and snorted: "Brother Lin is so powerful."

Chen Yunjing is also very impressed, Lin Ge is actually not low in the Nandu No. 1 Middle School, after all, can people who can enter the first class with the theoretical knowledge of pet beasts be poor?

Lin Ge took out a printed academic topic from his backpack.

"On the Extraordinary Will of the Transcendent Overlord and the Strength and Weakness of the Dragon Pet Dragon Power Skill"

Lin Ge was fully prepared.

The three of them looked at this topic and felt incredible, Lin Ge's small body can do this kind of research?

Jiang Meier reminded: "Senior Brother Lin, extraordinary overlords are all violent tempers, you are afraid that you can't do it even if you connect closely, right?"

Lin Ge smiled lightly: "It's just a study, and you don't have to work hard, I can feel it all the way away." The

three nodded, if Lin Ge went up alone to bear the will of the extraordinary overlord, I was afraid that something would happen.


Ge explained: "Because the dragon pet is powerful, not to mention that I am a student of Professor Lin, no matter what I study, I have to be related to the dragon system." The

three of them suddenly thought about it, it seems that there is nothing wrong with saying this, Professor Lin himself is famous for studying the dragon department, as a student, academic research does not seem to be related to the dragon department.

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