
With the end of the extraordinary appraisal, visitors from all parties also left the imperial capital one after another.

Especially after the end of the mechanical department conference, some scientific research teams have long been impatient and returned by car overnight.

According to the past practice, after the extraordinary appraisal is completed, the Royal Beast Master Association will hold an exchange meeting for about three days, so that these scientific research teams can speak freely and exchange ideas.

But I didn't expect that a mechanical department was born this year, so that these scientific research teams could not sit still.

After the mechanical department conference ended, these scientific research teams had almost run.

There is no point in holding exchange meetings for the rest.

But Guo Hongyu can see this, you don't hold exchange meetings, just to save the association a sum of money.

And Li Muzhi is already concentrating on preparing for the negotiations of the countries, and the human countries will definitely be slaughtered, but how to slaughter and how much can be cut depends on how to judge.

It is necessary to cut them in pain, and to make them willing.

In this way, Lin Ge and they were not prepared to stay in the imperial capital for a long time.

Early this morning, I already arrived at the imperial capital airport to wait for the flight.

And Li Muzhi also came to say goodbye to Lin Ge and them in their busy schedule.

Li Muzhi instructed, "After you go back, everyone must work hard to cultivate." "

Lin Ge, they are all the most important.

Professor Lin hasn't arrived yet, and I don't know what has delayed him.

Gao Shenglong is also there, and now this senior Gao has received an order, and it can be regarded as a good holiday.

Li Muzhi also said to Gao Shenglong: "Sheng Long, scatter your mind, and you can't rush to practice."

Goldman Long nodded: "Okay, secretary." "

He is now a seventy-nine level bottleneck, and he has no clue before breaking through the eighty-level level.

Li Muzhi patted Lin Ge's shoulder and said: "Study more, don't touch high-level machinery, if you really want to study, try to enrich the extraordinary beasts of the mechanical department, now there are too few extraordinary pet beasts in the mechanical department."

Lin Ge nodded: "Got it, secretary, I will continue to work hard." "

Now there are only dragon mechanics and overlords in the mechanical department, and these two have not yet been born in batches.

Moreover, Lin Ge didn't plan to study dragon machinery next, and planned to do something else.

After all, the mechanical department cannot be the only one, and it is not necessary to enrich the amount of seeds.

It is even possible to consider studying some mechanical evolution, or the transcendence of other lines of bionic mechanical evolution.

At this time, Professor Lin finally arrived, a bit like a dust servant.

"Whew! was pulled by Lao Li to chat for a while, did not delay?

Gao Shenglong said: "Just in time, teacher, we can go in now."

Professor Lin nodded: "Good!" Let's go back to the southern capital, secretary, let's leave.

Li Muzhi waved his hand: "Okay, well, I'm waiting for your good news in the imperial capital."

Everyone waved their hands before finally entering the airport and waiting for their flight.

Zhang Qingfeng said: "It's not easy, Secretary.

Hua He smiled and said: "It's actually not easy, no one expected it, Lin Ge's little friend is so not simple."

Liu Meng crossed his arms around his chest and also said, "Why talk about so much? I now have a headache how to move that piece of starry metal.

Guo Hongyu said: "You can move a distance a day, move it for two or three months, and it is estimated that you can reach the southern capital."

Liu Meng's eyes widened: "Then I won't be a wild man?"

Hua and Rong said: "You are no different from wild people on weekdays, right?" Don't you yourself live in the shelf?

Liu scratched his head: "It seems to be oh, hey!" Move it, what a big deal.

While they were talking, a figure suddenly appeared beside Li Muzhi like a ghost.

It was a man who looked to be in his thirties, but he was actually much older than that.

The man's eyes were deep, wearing a very ordinary white casual clothes, the white clothes faintly saw the dragon shadow, his appearance was as bright as a knife, his back was as straight as a pine, and his eyes looked at Lin Ge in the airport indifferently.

As soon as this person appeared, Liu Meng and they all obediently stopped talking in an instant.

Only Li Muzhi was calm as usual, and he didn't even pay attention to this man.

After leaning less, Li Muzhi said lightly: "Really don't want to talk about two words?"

The man was silent and immediately shook his head.

There was another silence, and Lin Ge in the airport began to check in and board.

Li Muzhi then said: "He is very good! Just like you, he is the pillar of my Daxia Kingdom, but his future is even more immeasurable, and the potential of the mechanical department is too terrifying.

The man smiled gladly and replied, "I saw it, it's very good, the mechanical department is indeed a little strange."

Li Muzhi nodded: "In the negotiations between the countries, I am tired of you, otherwise those countries are afraid that it will be difficult to gnaw." The

man nodded and replied, "Hmm." The

two were silent again.

This atmosphere made Liu Meng, Guo Hongyu, and they all tensed.

Fortunately, Li Muzhi spoke again, and repeated the first sentence: "Really don't say two sentences?"

The man was still silent, and then shook his head and said: "With Uncle Lin watching, I am very relieved, I have also heard his growth trajectory, it is already tens of thousands of times more than I imagined, it is no longer important to talk about it or not."

Li Muzhi pouted and said, "Since that's the case, it's up to you, anyway, no one can talk about you in Daxia."

The man smiled lightly and said, "Yu Guo, I am worthy of anything, Yu family... I don't owe it for a few lifetimes.

Li Muzhi nodded in agreement and said, "This point is my Great Xia Li to you." The

man said flatly: "It's nothing, at least it's better than I expected, my heart knot fell, I have a hunch, within half a year, I can go further."

As soon as these words came out, Guo Hongyu and they all suddenly looked up in shock and looked at this man incredulously.

Li Muzhi also turned his head gladly and looked at it: "This is a happy accident, don't celebrate and celebrate?"

The man smiled heartily and said, "Is it time to celebrate, I heard that the Yunlin Jiang Clan failed to accept the Deep Sea Demon Seal of the South China Sea?"

Li Muzhi nodded: "Yes, not only was he escaped by the Deep Sea Demon Chapter, but the head of the Jiang family was also a little injured." The

man nodded: "Understood, I'll go and slaughter that Deep Sea Demon Chapter, which can be regarded as a celebration gift."

Li Muzhi said with a smile: "Hard work."

The man raised his head, looked at the sky, and suddenly smiled: "God is fair to me, I will go back quickly, and strive to rush back before the negotiations between the countries begin."

Li Muzhi nodded.

In the next second, the man's figure disappeared instantly, and there was only a gust of wind in place.

As soon as the man left, Guo Hongyu and they were relieved.

Liu Meng's teeth chattered even more, and said, "Further? Isn't he level ninety-six then?

Li Muzhi shook his head and shocked everyone: "No! It's level ninety-seven! "

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