Seven Islands.

As the smallest human country on the Royal Beast Blue Star, the high-level of the Royal Beast Master of the Seven Islands all did not want to occupy more territory.

Due to the small number of territories, the seven islands have developed over the generations, and the local extraordinary beasts have become more and more single, until after modern times, the extraordinary beasts of the seven islands are basically based on the dark system.

The Imperial Beast Masters of the Seven Islands have gradually become pure Dark Imperial Beast Masters.

Although the Dark System is indeed strong, Nanashima has also given birth to these powerful extraordinary beasts such as the Dark System God.

It's a pity that the dark department has always been restrained by the demon department, and the ambitions of the seven islands have also been suppressed by the Yunlin Jiang clan of the Great Xia Dynasty!

As a last resort, the shrine leaders of Nanashima began to seek a way to solve it, hoping to break the deadlock and spread the pace of Nanashima.

Under various coincidences, the ghost demon knife was born!

The combination of grievances and weapons derived from the ancient extraordinary warriors of the seven islands, and finally derived the special extraordinary weapon of the Ghost Demon Knife!

And what made Nanashima Shrine crazy the most was that they found that the ghost demon knife was not afraid of the restraint of the demon line, and even restrained the demon system in turn.

So there was the matter of Sakurako leading a team to Daxia to participate in the extraordinary appraisal.

The purpose is to fight against Daxia, and at the same time tell Daxia from the side, I Seven Islands are not afraid of your Yunlin Jiang clan, so hurry up and change someone.

Once the Yunlin Jiang Clan is transferred away and the foundation is turbulent, Seven Islands will have the opportunity to take advantage of the chaos of the Great Xia Dynasty to install their own dark son!

It's a pity that the sky is not fulfilled, and in the extraordinary identification, I saw the ghost demon knife reach the peak! Seeing the ghost demon knife rise high!

In the last Lin Ge's wonderful play-off, the high-level of the seven islands saw the building of the ghost demon knife collapse!

That feeling of ups and downs is like riding a roller coaster.

It was clear that their Ghost Demon Knife of the Seven Islands had crushed all the scientific research teams in the Great Xia Dynasty!

But that young man named Lin Ge, a play-off broke their hopes!


Nanashima Shrine, a meeting was held today, and seven high-ranking officials of Nanashima, as well as the shrine goddess Sakurakako, are here.

"Abominable Daxia! Abominable Lin Ge!

A high-ranking Nanashima official with a mustache said, "Sakura Ko-chan! Didn't you lure that Lin Ge to join us in the seven islands?

Sakurako replied with a modest expression: "Nisha-san, Sakurako has done everything she should do!" That Lin Ge oil and salt do not enter! Even completely look down on our Nanashima! "


A huge sound of slapping the table sounded, and the mountain two companies were furious.

"Abominable! Our drop ghost demon knife has been defeated! What mechanical department does Daxia have one more? This is completely hitting us in the face! The

president in the center spoke, and said: "Everyone has seen the competition of the Great Xia Extraordinary Appraisal, and we don't need to talk about the potential of the mechanical department!" Our technology in the seven islands is no worse than that of Daxia, why can't we study it? What is that Lin Ge's ability? "

The crowd did not speak. After all, when the mechanical department was launched, it was really shocking.

Who dares to think that scientific and technological means create extraordinary beasts? Who can do it?

Sakurako spoke up: "President Shindai, the Great Xia Dynasty has summoned the countries to negotiate, shall we..." The Grand President named Jindai spoke up: "

I must participate, Mechanical Department!" We Nanashima can't let go! The potential of this department is too great! I speculate that the mechanical system is very mature! It can even be used to create a level ninety transcendence!

"We Nanashima must get! And also to study it in a big way! Beyond Daxia! "


the West, the Dragon Country.

With the Imperial Beast Master who had infiltrated the Great Xia Extraordinary Appraisal, he returned to the West.

At the same time, the mechanical department has also been transmitted to the Western side through various broadcasts.

The human kingdoms in the West are all excited, grinding their fists, and they can't wait to rush to the Great Xia Dynasty to snatch the mechanical department now!

"Mechanical Department! More attractive than energy! "

On the Western side, the Dragon Kingdom has existed since ancient times.

The Dragon Kingdom is two different countries from the Divine Dragon Country.

One is the Western Dragon and the other is the Eastern Dragon.

Unlike the previous generations of the Shenlong Kingdom and the Great Xia Dynasty, the Dragon Kingdom is dictatorial, and every dragon is extremely untamed!

Moreover, the Dragon Kingdom belongs to the Extraordinary Beast Country, and in this kind of country, the status of the human Royal Beast Master is very low, basically belonging to the slave level.

Only some slightly better slaves will improve their status after waiting for the dragon's reward, such as dragon knights....

But even the Dragon Knights only exist to serve the dragons.

However, due to the different system systems, there are still many beast masters in the West who are willing to become dragon knights and then make a contract with dragons.

After all, with the development of peacetime, the dragons of the dragon country are no longer particularly irritable.

It also gave birth to a part of the dragon knight family that can truly coexist peacefully with the dragon.

For example, the Tangeri family ....

And this Western Royal Beast Master who can have the strength to sneak into the Great Xia Extraordinary Appraisal is from the Targari family!

Targaret Chernols.

After Che Nors returned to the Dragon Country, the first thing he saw and heard in the Great Xia Dynasty was to report it!

And the Tangeri family also attaches great importance to it! After all, a broadcast is just a broadcast, and it will never be better than watching it live!

In particular, Chernoles also specially took some high-definition pictures of the evolution of the dragon palace guarding machinery! Those dragon inscriptions!

For the Targaret family, the dragon inscription is the foundation of their family!

These inscriptions can not only be applied to the body of extraordinary beasts!

It can also be used on their Dragon Knight's weaponry! Build a mighty legion of dragon knights!

So after getting the picture of Chernols, the Tangeri family also cheered up!

After all, they don't watch videos very comprehensively, and some pictures are fleeting.

"Fantastic! Che Nors! You've done a great job for us! Like

a knight, Chenoles knelt half-in the hall, with one arm on his chest and a respectful expression.

"It is right to serve the family! We are all glorious dragon knights!

On the main hall of the Targari family, a white-haired old man with blue eyes said: "It is becoming more and more difficult for the dragons of the Dragon Kingdom to give the dragon inscription!" There are also fewer and fewer engravers in our family! The heritage of our Targaret family is also being attacked by other knights! We must get these seven dragon clan inscriptions from the Great Xia Dynasty! "

With the equipment blessed by the dragon inscription, the attacks sent out are not weaker than the extraordinary beasts!

And this kind of thing has always been sought after by Western beast masters! Regarded as a high glory!

"The Great Xia Dynasty has convened negotiations among the countries! Our Targaret family is also moving quickly! Can't let other knight forces get it! And that Lin Ge who developed the mechanical department! If you can! Arrest this person! "

With the negotiations between the countries in the Great Xia Dynasty, the influence of the mechanical department has also increased!

Beneath the calm lake, there are undercurrents!

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