"I'll fight you in the most standard configuration, no problem?"

As Lin Ge's words fell, Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing both nodded one after another, indicating that there was no problem, and immediately the two summoned their pet beasts.

Learn Wu Rabbit! Extraordinary Index: Nine thousand.

Beast Hunting Dog! Extraordinary Index: 10,000.

Fang Tianyuan frowned slightly, this is the combat power detector of the extraordinary beast?

Lin Ge also bowed his head slightly, and immediately summoned the overlord...

[Royal Beast Master: Lin Ge

] [Royal Beast Level: Level 12] [Advanced Extraordinary Mechanical Beast: Overlord

] [Attributes: Mechanical, Dragon

] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 60] [

Growth Level: Level 17].

[Extraordinary Skills: Super Intelligent God Network (Excellence), Super Dragon Blessing, Super Super Electromagnetic Cannon, Advanced Mechanical Sword, Advanced Super Speed, High Order Dragon Roar, Advanced Dragon Flame, Advanced Self-Learning, Advanced Dragon Power (Proficient), Advanced Flame Immune, Intermediate Mechanical Steel Claw, Intermediate Raptor Swing Tail, Intermediate Mechanical Shoulder Cannon, Intermediate Mechanical Analysis, Low-level Jet Propulsion, Low-level Tearing. 【

Extraordinary Index: 220,000! When

this data panel appears on the projection screen in this assessment field.

Fang Tianyuan's eyebrows jumped, obviously some of them were frightened.

And Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing are looking at each other, some want to cry without tears, this is so fighting? There are more than a fraction of the extraordinary index!

"This is too fake!"

Zhao Yun was shocked, and said, "Lin Ge, did you secretly change the data of the overlord, you are a twelfth-level imperial beast master?" The strength of a seventeenth-level extraordinary pet beast should have?

Chen Yunjing also followed: "Yes, Senior Lin, you are too perverted."

Lin Ge smiled lightly and said: "Don't be surprised, the overlord is originally mechanical extraordinary, the high point of the transcendent index is normal, and unlike you, the overlord has three super-level skills, and there are seven high-level skills, these are more or less pluses, and the extraordinary index of 220,000 is really not much."

This value seemed high, but Lin Ge still felt dissatisfied.

Because the strength of the mechanical department is far more than that, but because the mechanical technology has not yet exploded, Lin Ge can only wait.

When mechanical technology explodes, various weapons and equipment emerge, or when Lin Ge's research building is built, it is time for the second upgrade of Overlord.

Zhao Yun said: "Say it! Only standard skill configuration is used!

Lin Ge nodded: "I know, and I won't regret it." "

Overlord is level seventeen, that is, according to the most standard configuration of level twenty extraordinary beast skills.

That's two intermediate skills paired with four low-level skills.

However, the overlord's low-level skills are too few, which can only lead to insufficient low-level skill matching.

"Then use the four skills of mid-level raptor tail swing, intermediate mechanical analysis, low-level jet propulsion, and low-level tearing, so as not to say that I bully you."

After thinking slightly in his heart, Lin Ge smiled slightly, looked at Zhao Yun and them, and said, "Are you ready?" Zhao

Yun and Chen Yunjing were still panicked in their hearts, although Lin Ge agreed to use only the minimum configuration, but the current form of the overlord looked shocking enough.

The mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex about fifteen meters tall looked like a combat state, both eyes were red at the moment, and the metallic luster on his body was shining with a slight chill!

Zhao Yun said to Chen Yunjing: "These twenty minutes are a bit difficult.

Chen Yun nodded: "But there is no way, Senior Lin can only use four skills, it should be no problem for us to hold on."

Zhao Yun snorted and said, "Good! We have to drag on for these twenty minutes!

"Xiao Wu! Above!

Xuewu Rabbit looked at the overlord's fifteen-meter-tall huge mechanical body, and couldn't help but be slightly stunned, but after hearing the words of the Royal Beast Master, Xiao Wu still rushed out!

Chen Yunjing also waved his hand: "Xiaobao! Unintroverted! Use Run! "

[Low-level Rush: The beast is an offensive auxiliary skill that greatly increases its speed in a short period of time. Seeing

Xuewu Rabbit and Beast Hunting Dog rushing together, Lin Ge nodded slightly.

"A bit cooperative, but not enough! Overlord! Use mechanical analysis! The

Overlord responded immediately, and the mechanical eyes of the combat state lit up red!

[Intermediate mechanical analysis: After use, you can increase the effect of finding opponents' flaws! ] Soon

the overlord finished his analysis, and under the action of the soul fruit, the overlord could even feedback information to Lin Ge in real time!

At this moment, it was as if Lin Ge was using his mind to control the overlord!

"Overlord! Use jet propulsion! Knock them out! "

The Overlord immediately made a move, and the metal behind it changed regularly, revealing the jet device, and then the jet device suddenly advanced, providing the Overlord with an instant breakthrough effect!

But Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing naturally did not sit still, and immediately ordered!

"Xiaobao! Use Dodge! Dodge the Overlord's advance!

"Xiao Wu! Use Jump! Jump over the Overlord's head! The

two obviously had communication, and with this momentary cooperation, one hid to the right and the other jumped into the sky!

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing both smiled, and said with a smile: "Lin Ge!" You've got it!

Chen Yunjing immediately ordered, "Xiaobao! Use the beast to scratch!

Zhao Yun was even more unceremonious, and ordered, "Xiao Wu! Use Quick Fist to hit faster!

As the orders of the two fell, the beast hunting dog immediately showed its sharp claws and scratched towards the overlord.

Xuewu Rabbit turned pale, and then used a quick punch and fast fight against the overlord with a little hatred!


Knock knock!

The sound kept ringing, and the attack of the beast hunting dog and the learning martial rabbit was very hard.

But in Lin Ge's opinion, these mid-level skills were not enough to cause any damage to the Overlord.

The only estimate that there is substantial damage is that the scratching of the beast hunting dog is indeed scratching the metal surface of the overlord.

"It's not painful, your cooperation is indeed there, but the martial arts rabbit and the beast hunting dog are both junior extraordinary beasts, and they don't have any powerful attack skills, and it is difficult to break through the natural defenses of the mechanical department by relying on these alone."

Lin Ge immediately waved his hand: "Overlord!" Use the Raptors to swing their tails! The

overlord enjoyed it slightly, the massage of these two guys was in place, one scratched and itched, and a small fist relaxed.

However, after hearing Lin Ge's order, the overlord still had a fierce expression, immediately roared, suddenly turned around, and the mechanical tail swung!


The overlord is still a powerful control, after all, he also understands that these two are small friends, not the thick-skinned Scorpio Demon Cow.

The Xuewu Rabbit and the Beast Hunting Dog immediately flew out, and they all fell back to their respective Royal Beast Masters.

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing both hurried forward to investigate, obviously a little worried.

Lin Ge said: "Don't worry, the overlord has a measured shot, and the control power of the mechanical department is leveraged." "

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