Daxia, the imperial capital.

On this day, Daxia secretly held a high-level meeting!

On the right side of the long conference table, there are Li Muzhi, Guo Hongyu, Hua Herong, Zhang Qingfeng and other acquaintances, and even Professor Lin is here.

As for Liu Meng, that guy is still moving that metal stone, so don't call him.

On the left side of the conference table, there are five chairs, but at this moment, these five chairs are obviously empty and empty.

But Li Muzhi and they were not in a hurry, so they waited quietly.

Until a certain moment, there were suddenly illusory appearances on the chair, each of which could not see the face clearly, but the breath was extremely powerful.

"The meeting begins."

On the top seat of the conference table, a voice was transmitted.

"First thing, the mechanical department has all been sold to other human countries, and it is expected that before the imperial beast college entrance examination this year, the extraordinary machinery of the mechanical department is about to break out in full, and your first battle without gunsmoke will begin."

Li Muzhi looked at Professor Lin and said, "Professor, did Lin Ge make any moves?" It's still safe, right?

Professor Lin's expression was extremely serious, he nodded heavily, and then launched a document.

"This is Lin Ge's development of the future mechanical department of Daxia, and we can accelerate it in Daxia!"

The content of this document is impressively about the explosion of mechanical technology and the development of countermeasures!

Li Muzhi took the document, glanced at it slightly, and then nodded gently.

"Second thing! By the legend of the dragon line, successfully killed the Abyss Demon Chapter in the South China Sea, my Daxia South China Sea territory is temporarily lifted, and I can mobilize some forces to go to the northern territory, is there any objection?

Among the five shadows, one raised his hand: "I have an objection!" "

Patriarch Jiang, please say."

This phantom represents the head of the Yunlin Jiang clan!

The head of the Jiang family said: "I, the Yunlin Jiang clan, are willing to have twice the military merit in exchange for the extraordinary core of that Abyss Demon Chapter.

"I'm very sorry, Master Jiang, that transcendent core has already been traded."

"Who? I can go and buy it back.

Li Muzhi spoke up: "Don't ask about the Jiang family master, for your injury, Daxia will compensate."

The head of the Jiang family frowned: "Can't you ask?"

Li Muzhi said bitterly, "That extraordinary core was sent by the legend of the dragon lineage. Hearing

this, the head of the Jiang family suddenly stopped speaking, and silently sent a message to his eldest son.

"The third thing, after possessing the Ghost Demon Saber, Seven Islands has repeatedly provoked the frontier defense of my Daxia, please pay more attention to this point of the Jiang family master."

The head of the Jiang family bowed slightly.

"Fourth thing! The Targari family, the dragon knight family of the Western Dragon Country, is about to move, and the evolution inscription of the dragon machine is very important to them, and it seems that there must be an action, so they must be careful. "


"The fifth thing... The legend of the dragon line may break through within half a year, and you must protect your jurisdiction. Those

five phantom shadows suddenly sat up and nodded solemnly!

"And the last one... About the legend of the dragon line and the matter between the one and Lin Ge in the Divine Dragon Kingdom..." ————

Nan City, as the days passed, the weather gradually tended from cool like a breeze to a hot and dry hot summer.

Lin Ge's life is still calm, and every day is a fixed three-point first-line lifestyle.

Now as time passed, the college entrance examination for the imperial beast master in the Great Xia Dynasty was getting closer and closer.

Although Lin Ge had an extraordinary appraisal score guarantee, he still wanted to participate in the imperial beast college entrance examination.

As for the friends in the team, they naturally have their own fate.

Lu Lingyi returned to the imperial capital, if she still wanted to study with Lin Ge and them in college and do research together, then she had to transfer her student status file to the southern capital, which was estimated to take a lot of time.

Qin Qingyun was sent to Nandu University, but she did not need to take the Royal Beast College Entrance Examination, nor did she want to participate in the Royal Beast College Entrance Examination.

After all, with her strength, I am afraid that none of the imperial beast college entrance examinations in Nandu can fight.

Maybe Lin Ge could beat her, but that didn't make much sense.

Because in Qin Qingyun's opinion, with this little time, it is better to go to tutor and study operational knowledge.

Zhao Yun still accompanies Xiaowu to fight iron every day, but it is more difficult to break through the fast punch and fast fight of perfect proficiency.

It seems that if you want to reach the extraordinary level of skill proficiency, you need to practice harder!

Chen Yunjing is still on leave, discussing the matter of skipping grades with his family, and because the Dragon Guard Palace has begun to multiply, the Chen Group also needs Dragon Machinery to participate in research.

Therefore, Chen Yunjing can't come to school for the time being.

Professor Lin is still on a business trip, and after the release of the Department of Mechanics, Professor Lin seems to be busier.

Gao Sheng Long was called away by Qin Mu, vice president of Nandu City, saying that he wanted Gao Sheng Long to help him with something.

For this situation, Goldman Sachs Dragon is naturally willing to serve.

Nandu No. 1 Middle School.

The school's research room, with Professor Lin's business trip, this research room is basically Lin Ge's world.

Now in a casting room, the sound of jingling is non-stop.

Lin Ge and Zhao Yun were both busy, Xuewu Rabbit was forging a piece of red iron silver burned by small gold, and the jingling sound was exactly what he made when he hit the iron.

Through quick punches and fast fights, there is not the slightest trace of scorched black on the fist of Xuewu Tu's fist.

These two perfect proficiency skills allow Xuewu Rabbit to forge these metals quickly!

This is much easier than Lin Ge and Zhao Yun slashing a sledgehammer together.

On the other side, Xiao Jin is lying on the ground, constantly breathing fire towards the furnace, practicing his skills while also melting molten metal.

As for what Lin Ge and Zhao Yun were making, it was already clear at a glance.

The two of them are making the soil embryo of the finished parts for pouring!

This point is naturally difficult for Lin Ge, who has obtained the mechanical knowledge rewarded by the system, these are just common sense.

During this time, Zhao Yun asked, "How many metal dolls are we going to build?"

While scraping off the excess soil on the soil embryo, Lin Ge replied, "No matter how many you build, just have work to do."

Zhao Yun looked at the earthen embryo molds that had been made next to him, each one was different, head, limbs, dorsal fin, metal torso, tail.

Some are human-like mecha styles, some are monsters from TV series, and even some are like Gundam toys?

Zhao Yun couldn't understand it, because there were too many, they not only made these soil embryos, but even had some metal parts that had already been built into toys!

Zhao Yun said puzzled: "I said Lin Ge, can't we order with the plastic toy factory?"

Lin Ge suddenly shook his head with a smile and replied: "I want the realism of the machinery, not a bunch of plastic toy models, not to mention that you don't really think that these are just models, right?"

Zhao Yun scratched his head and said, "This is not a model yet? And what can it be?

Lin Ge pushed his glasses and replied: "What we have built is not just a model, every metal part of these things is equippable and replaceable, and even to put it bluntly, they can become extraordinary machines after loading the mechanical program!"

Zhao Yun suddenly asked, "Let these models become extraordinary machines?" Wouldn't that be wasteful?

Lin Ge explained: "It's not for them to become extraordinary machines, I'm just using it to do research, and the large machinery manufactured in the future will be used to refer to them!"

Zhao Yun suddenly realized and said, "So, you are building this model for trial and error?"

Lin Ge nodded: "Almost!" "

These models are all full-scale models that have been rigorously designed by Lin Ge! In the future, when needed, the enlarged version can be directly manufactured!

But before that, Lin Ge's actions were really done with reference to toy models.

On the other side, Xiaojin's molten metal was finally forged, and Lin Ge's soil embryo mold was finally ready.

Without wasting time, Lin Ge and Zhao Yun worked together to fill all these manufactured soil embryo molds with molten metal until they overflowed.

The process is iterative, very patient and time-consuming.

Xiao Jindu was already listless, and Xuewu Rabbit was still full of energy.

Because Zhao Yun had already instructed him, he must work hard to exercise his skill proficiency.

Only in this way can he get the opportunity to evolve and become stronger!

When the molten metal inside the mold cooled down, Lin Ge and Zhao Yun immediately broke the soil embryo and took out the metal mold inside.

If there is a slight unqualified place, it will continue to be calcined until it is red, and then let Xuewu Rabbit correct it.

In this way, it was busy in the afternoon, and all the metal parts were finally collected.

Lin Ge took out the drawings he had drawn, which were all drawn with reference to the mechanical creations of his previous life.

It is not as fine as the drawings rewarded by the system, but at least it is passable, and it is not difficult to assemble with reference to this drawing.

Lin Ge and Zhao Yun meticulously assembled these metal parts that had long been melted and cast.

The small metal is integrated one by one, piece by piece, and soon begins to have a contour foundation.

Arms, legs, torso, head, weapons, and even some weird metal parts.

Zhao Yun saw the clouds in the fog, while Lin Ge's eyes were fiery, and he got the next corresponding metal part to be spliced when he got up and down!

Soon, three one-meter-tall metal toy models appeared in the laboratory.

One looks like an overlord, with a slightly smaller head and a straighter stand, but a thicker tail that appears more powerful, and a more prominent dorsal fin, which is unusually sharp and very domineering.

A mecha model in human form, without any bells and whistles, with a straight posture and burly shape, like a sturdy hunter, even if it is not activated, you can feel the powerful power contained in the mechanical metal body! ! .

The last one, also a humanoid mech, is clad in armor, has retractable wings on both shoulders, and seems to have an empty space on his back for weapons!

Zhao Yun swallowed his saliva when he looked at it, to be honest, these three toy models, although they have not been colored, but no matter which one he likes very much!

However, Lin Ge seems to be a little picky, take a look here, take a look, and then set out a small book to make notes.

Zhao Yun was puzzled: "This production has reached this level, still not satisfied?"

Lin Ge said with a smile: "No, it's not that you are not dissatisfied, and there are still some details to record."

Zhao Yun didn't ask, anyway, he didn't understand this, so he came to the three models and squatted down.

Then I tapped my fingers again, because it was still a model, and the core inside had not yet been built, so when I knocked it up, the sound was a little hollow.

"Without internal parts, your activation is useless."

Lin Ge pushed his glasses and said: "If you make internal parts, the time and consumption required is too large, so let's make a model for the time being, and slowly increase the internal parts and program settings later."

Zhao Yun suddenly looked up: "You don't really want to build all three, do you?"

Lin Ge shrugged and said, "How is it possible? I ran out of money.

Zhao Yun suddenly made an expression of disbelief and said, "That is, if you have money, you will do it?"

Lin Ge spread his hands and replied, "It depends on the situation, maybe I can play with it."

Zhao Yun snorted dryly, indicating that he didn't believe it.

Lin Ge continued to observe the three models and said: "At present, all the ordinary metals used are ordinary metals, if you really want to create the real body of these three models, you have to use more expensive ferroalloys, or extraordinary metals, or even some special metals." After

saying this, Lin Ge's eyelids jumped, how much does this cost?

With the little dead salary of the Royal Beast Master Association alone, he can't make one until he dies.

Take the Overlord as an example, the five million bonus of the Red Dragon Grand Master's ruins, and then borrow Chen Yunjing's money and Professor Lin's money, just enough to make up the cost of the first upgrade.

There are still systems to help with this, and there are many things that don't cost money, such as energy reactors, such as mechanically deformed metals.

If you make it from scratch and then build these three behemoths from scratch....

I'm afraid I don't have to work until now.

Lin Ge rubbed his eyebrows, it's time to develop some extraordinary machinery to collect accounts, and then sell patents and wait to collect money.

There is also the extraordinary mechanical race that has studied ten races for the Great Xia Dynasty with a value of fifty, and I don't know what reward the system can give.

Only one of the ten extraordinary mechanical races has been completed so far, but because the dragon mechanical has not been born a second, this reward is still stuck.

The extraordinary index detector should be able to sell for a sum of money, but it will certainly not be very large, and after mass manufacturing, this thing is estimated to be only a few thousand dollars.

However, the advantage is that this extraordinary index detector can be upgraded to mechanical pet beasts as parts, and the boutique should be more expensive.

"Oops! What a headache! Headache!

Lin Ge immediately sat down on the spot and gave himself an eye exercise.

And taking advantage of this effort, Xiao Jin ran over restlessly.

The Overlord was degraded by Lin Ge to digest the inheritance of the Red Dragon Grand Master.

So Xiao Jin couldn't find a chance to take revenge, but it didn't matter, he had a similar one in front of him.

Xiao Jin came to the big-tailed version of the overlord model, behind it, he opened his mouth slightly, and when he was about to spit fire, his expression froze.

I saw Lin Ge open his eyes and stare at him coldly, and the scene was suddenly a little embarrassing.

Xiao Jin had to converge his expression, and then ran away casually and went to play with Xuewu Rabbit.

Zhao Yun also sat down next to Lin Ge, looking at these three mechanical models, he understood that these three represented Lin Ge's future hard work.

Some words, Zhao Yun knew what to say, while some would rather rot in his heart than say it.

So for Zhao Yun, it is best not to ask at this moment.

"I can feel that Xiao Wu's skill proficiency is increasing more and more slowly."

Lin Ge looked at Xuewu Rabbit, although he was still working hard to strike iron during this time, there was no sign of a breakthrough.

Lin Ge said: "The higher the skill level proficiency of the extraordinary beast, the more difficult it is to break through, this is normal, besides, Xiao Wu is only at the twelfth level, and it is not easy to master the proficiency of the perfect level."

Zhao Yun nodded gently: "However, the sooner the evolution, the better, and then the race value and potential can be improved."

Lin Ge patted and said, "No hurry, there are still more than three months, enough."

Zhao Yun nodded and said, "Hopefully, after evolution, I will go to the Junior Beast Master Badge, and then contract a dragon machine, so that I can catch up with your steps."

Lin Ge nodded slightly, Zhao Yun's path is already obvious, after catching up, he can still continue to exercise Xiao Wu and strive to evolve towards the grandmaster rabbit, and then Zhao Yun will be the double master pet.

Zhao Yun suddenly asked Lin Ge, "Didn't your little gold evolve towards the dragon system?"

Lin Ge shook his head and said: "I already have an overlord for dual-line mechanical pet beasts such as dragon and mechanical systems, and Xiaojin will evolve in this direction again, and I always feel awkward to have two at that time, so I don't plan to let Xiaojin evolve into a dragon machine, but to see if I can find another evolutionary path, suitable for Xiaojin's evolutionary path."

Zhao Yun thought for a while and said, "How can the evolutionary path be so easy to discover.

Lin Ge smiled indifferently and said, "The Dragon Department Palace Guarding System and the Mechanical Department have not been announced by me?"

Zhao Yun smiled lightly and said, "My ability is limited, and in the future, there may only be two pet beasts, Xiaowu and Dragon Machinery."

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly: "It's not bad, you can concentrate on cultivating two, no need to be distracted." "

There is a contract position at level ten, so the imperial beast masters are particularly rigorous and cherished in the matter of treating the new favorite beast of the contract.

Because one more pet beast means one more existence to take care of.

The royal beast master and the pet beast are auxiliary multiplication, unless they really have no desire and no desire, and they just want to contract a mascot, and that kind of thing is not mentioned.

This point Lin Ge has analyzed with emphasis, the benefits of one only one, the benefits of many only many, but how many can be cultivated, this point is different for each imperial beast master.

Don't be unable to cultivate it at that time, pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelon.

Lin Ge and Zhao Yun sat and rested like this, and the quiet afternoon time gradually passed, and only the sound of Xiaowu hitting iron remained in the laboratory.

Until the evening, Lin Ge's mobile phone suddenly vibrate.

Lin Ge has this habit in the laboratory, silent or vibrating, trying not to disturb his own research.

I took out my mobile phone and looked at it, and Liubai called.

Jiang Meier: "Hey, hey, hey!" Is Senior Brother Lin there?

Lin Ge replied, "Yes, yes!" Does Senior Sister have anything?

Jiang Meier: "Huh! Senior Brother Lin, you are so good, how? The extraordinary identification is famous, is it cold to my senior sister?

Lin Ge said: "No, it's just that I'm doing some research on the mechanical department here, and I'm a little busy."

Jiang Meier suddenly chuckled, "Senior Brother Lin, guess where I am?"

Lin Ge said very directly: "It doesn't matter where, but senior sister, I heard the roar of the engine, senior sister, your boat speed is a little fast."

Jiang Meier replied, "Junior Brother Lin, I'm at sea, do you have time to play at sea?"

Lin Ge was puzzled and said, "Sea? What are you doing there?

Jiang Meier said: "That's right, my brother drove a yacht to send me and Sister Yunqian back to Nandu, but when I arrived in the South China Sea, I suddenly found a fun thing." Hehe, you definitely can't think of what. Lin

Ge's eyes narrowed, the Yunlin Jiang Clan is a demon line royal beast family, and the South Sea is the territory of the famous demon abyss demon chapter!

"The Abyss Demon Chapter of the South China Sea is dead, and his body has surfaced?"

Jiang Meier was surprised and replied, "Wow! Senior Brother Lin, you are really powerful, but you guessed wrong! There is no dregs left of the dead of the Deep Sea Demon Seal, and what has surfaced is the Deep Sea Demon Seal has been guarded for a long time in the South China Sea Sand Islands!

Lin Ge's heart suddenly accelerated a little: "Can you go up?"

Jiang Meier replied and said, "Senior Brother Lin, you would never have imagined that the South Sea Sand Islands would be used as the venue for the imperial beast college entrance examination in the southern city this time!" Others may not be able to come up, but you can!

Lin Ge said, "Then I'm not cheating, right?

Jiang Meier was puzzled: "Senior Brother Lin, you won't want to participate in the imperial beast college entrance examination, right?" Hit the baby cup? You're so bad.

Lin Ge glanced at his thoughts and said, "I landed on the island as the president of the mechanical department, what does it have to do with Lin Ge as a student?"

Jiang Meier smiled and said, "Well, Senior Brother Lin, come quickly, the South Sea Sand Islands have been guarded by that big octopus for so long, and there are a lot of treasures on it."

Lin Ge immediately stood up and said with a smile: "Senior Sister Jiang, you are really my lucky star, and your blessings are all over."

Jiang Meier twisted and pinched and said, "Ouch, Senior Brother Lin, what are you talking about!" How could Senior Sister make this kind of thing slow down?

Lin Ge suddenly smiled, "Yes, the speed of the old driver is still so fast."

Jiang Meier said: "In that case, I will send you the coordinates."

Lin Ge snorted and asked again, "How many of you are over there?"

Jiang Meier counted her fingers and replied: "Mayor Luo of Nandu, President Ma Bao of the Royal Beast Master Association, I, Sister Yun Qian, my brother, oh, by the way, that tall and handsome Gao Shenglong is also there, wow, junior brother, I really want to tie them both."

Lin Ge was slightly embarrassed and said: "This is not necessary, Senior Sister Jiang, this kind of thing can be knocked on, by the way, trouble let Senior Gao come back to pick me up."

Jiang Meier nodded her head a few times: "No problem!"

Lin Ge got up, put away the three mechanical models, and then said to Zhao Yun: "I'll go out, and I'll leave it to you here."

Zhao Yunbi gestured and said that there was no problem.

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