Nanhai Sand Islands, Nansha Island.

The distance between the islands is not very far, and Lin Ge can safely reach the opposite side of the island by using the Overlord's high-level super speed and low-level jet propulsion.

The overlord landed steadily, and Lin Ge also jumped off the overlord's shoulder.

As soon as Lin Ge landed, the mechanical sound of the system sounded again.

System: "Ding! Discover the water element level 50 extraordinary treasure 'Purified Water', please go and collect it! "

Purified water?!"

Lin Ge was slightly surprised, this purified water is a treasure, it can purify the negative state of pet beasts, and even for some extraordinary beasts of the water system, this 'purified water' is a rare evolution!

"System, I remember you seemed to have said before that you would not participate in anything other than the mechanical pet beast, but this time you changed your sex?"

System: "Ding! Don't get me wrong, 'Purified Water' is also helpful for mechanics and can be used to purify some negative metals or cursed metal ores.

Lin Ge slightly realized, so it was, suddenly, Lin Ge said: "System, whether it is linked to the mechanical department, you will do it." System

: "Ding! Yes! The responsibility of this system is to help the host develop the mechanical system.

Lin Ge smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Well, please help me deduce, is there a transcendent beast race suitable for taking the path of bionic evolution in this South China Sea Sand Islands." System

: "... Bite! Suitable for bionic mechanical evolution of the transcendent alien beast race——!

"Ding! Host, trouble don't let this system do such low-level things in the future.

Lin Ge spread his hands and said, "My research building has not yet been completed, and the mechanical assistant has not yet arrived." "

System: .

. "Ding! Bionic mechanical evolution deduced successfully! The species suitable for biomimetic mechanical evolution in the South China Sea Sand Islands is the aquatic blue water turtle!

Lin Ge was slightly stunned, and couldn't help but say out loud: "Water arrow turtle? "

The system didn't make any more sounds.

Lin Ge shook his head and said, "Forget it, anything, as long as the race exceeds level fifty after the bionic mechanical evolution." "

Completing ten mechanical systems with a race value of level fifty is extraordinary, and you can complete the tasks of the system.

Lin Ge is still quite concerned about this, and I don't know what the task reward will give at that time.

"Forget it! Start by looking for purifying water.

Lin Ge jumped up, sat on the overlord's back, clamped his legs, and immediately commanded.

"Overlord! Walk! The

overlord roared, and then immediately ran, full of mechanical sense.

Except for the middle one in the Zhongsha Island, the rest of the islands in the South China Sea Sprat Islands are not large.

With the power of the overlord's feet, he soon found the location of the purified water.

It was a small pool hidden under the stone, about the size of a square meter, and the purified water saved should be a hundred pounds.

That's not a lot, but it's a lot.

What made Lin Ge even happier was that next to this purified water, there was also a blue water turtle guarding it.

The blue water turtle is very large, the back shell is already about one meter eight long, the height of the body is one meter two, the short limbs are thick and powerful, the whole body is light blue, seeing Lin Ge they broke into his territory, they are whistling with some anger.

The blue water turtle looked at Lin Ge fiercely, his limbs bent slightly, and made an attack posture.

[Primary Extraordinary Beast

: Blue Water Turtle] [Race Level: Level 20] [Growth Level: Level 29 (Limit)]

Lin Ge was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect that this Blue Water Turtle had grown to the limit of the race value.

Lin Ge's gaze lifted slightly, looking at the purified water hidden under the stone pool, next to which were paw prints, and the soil turned over by the plough was regularly piled around.

Lin Ge immediately understood what the reason was, and looked at the blue water turtle again, smiling slightly.

"It turns out that you want to use this 'purifying water' to complete your evolution, which is really smart."

In the past, this South Sea Sand Islands was suppressed by the Deep Sea Demon Seal, and it was the private territory of the Deep Sea Demon Seal, and this blue water turtle naturally couldn't help it.

However, now that the Deep Sea Demon Seal is dead, the South China Sea Sand Islands have surfaced.

This blue water turtle whose cultivation had reached the limit of race value naturally had the idea of this purifying water.

Lin Ge tilted his head slightly and said to the blue water turtle: "Even if you complete the evolution with this 'Purification Water', your race value will only reach the level of the giant water turtle ranging from level forty, do you want to consider my plan?" How about I help you evolve above level fifty? "

The blue water turtle is still whistling viciously, and the evolutionary desire from instinct makes him no longer afraid, no longer timid!

Lin Ge continued: "Although you are only at level twenty-nine now, you have reached the limit of your race value and already have a certain amount of wisdom, it shouldn't be difficult to understand my words, right?" "

The blue turtle still didn't move, just maintained that offensive posture, as if it could still be maintained.

Lin Ge shook his head, "Hey, wild transcendent beasts are just difficult to speak. Immediately

after Lin Ge stepped out, so did the overlord, and this kick in the eyes of the blue water turtle was a declaration of war!


The blue water turtle suddenly opened its mouth, and a column of water immediately sprayed towards Lin Ge and them!

Lin Ge's heart moved, and the overlord immediately made a move, opened his mouth and sprayed, and the dragon flame burned out!

Fire and water collide!

Croak -

The dragon flame and the water column are intertwined, and the transpiration heat wave also appears, as if boiling water is boiling hot.

The water vapor was pervasive and steaming, and the steaming Lin Ge couldn't open his eyes.

"Overlord! Jet propulsion! Dragon tail swing! Taking

advantage of the disappearance of the blue water turtle's water column, Lin Ge quickly gave the order.

The Overlord's back immediately had a fumarole transformed, followed by jet propulsion!

Near the blue water turtle, the overlord turned around gorgeously, and the raptor swung its tail!

But the expected pat did not appear!

I saw that the blue water turtle shrunk its body, and the whole turtle shrank into the turtle shell!



The blue water turtle steadily took the overlord's raptor swing tail, and was not shaken in the slightest!

Not only that, even if the overlord's raptor swung its tail and wiped out the sparks.

The blue water turtle was still calm, until after the overlord attacked more, the blue water turtle suddenly came out of the turtle shell, and then pushed out towards the overlord!


The overlord was hit by the impact of the blue water turtle and retreated one after another.

Knock knock!

The overlord stepped heavily on the ground and made a dull sound, but did not fall to the ground, but grabbed the back shell of the blue water turtle with his small short claws.

Lin Ge was slightly surprised and said: "Not bad, this wisdom is very high, but that's all, the overlord used a mechanical sword to pick him up!" The

Overlord immediately took out the mechanical sword with his tail, and then instantly placed it horizontally under the belly turtle shell of the blue water turtle.

Immediately after that, the overlord suddenly got up, his tail was forceful, and he turned the blue water turtle out on the spot!

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