National Beast Control: My battle pet is super powerful

Chapter 1178 The decisive battle is imminent

"King of Destiny."

Hearing this, Ye Fan's heart stirred up, and he looked at the other party with mixed feelings for a moment.

Now that this battle has reached this point, the death of King Ming is necessary.

But looking back a few years, or even more than ten years, he shouldn't have been here. Too many what-ifs finally pushed everything to where it is now.

"Huh." After a long time, watching King Ming return to the palace again, Ye Fan's eyes became firm again and he put away his long bow.

Along the way, everyone has their own reasons, and everyone is unwilling to give up.

Everyone wants to see the final outcome, for the human race, for themselves, for hatred, obsession, or for illusory dreams.

"You are better than the King of the North. He thinks about more than just the human race. If he is the emperor, the human race may not be able to live a better life." Before the palace, Ming Wang suddenly stopped and turned to look at Ye Fan who was staying in the sky. , smiled slightly.

"Ye Fan, I'm waiting to see you again and see you all again."

"Now as long as the rendezvous is successful, we can launch the encirclement and suppression of Duga."

As the army advanced, Ningxia Chuan and Huan fell behind the general. Looking at the increasingly larger team around them, Huan couldn't help but be surprised by the general's ability.

"He is really a very capable man. Along the way, the number of troops has increased."

"Even the generals of the Demon Family are willing to surrender to him."

"In this regard, Ye Fan is a bit like him." Ning Xiachuan replied. Following the general, he experienced a super battle with the Overlord, and experienced many wars, large and small. He also felt this ability.

Not only is he good at commanding troops and strategies, but he is also good at coordinating and winning over people's hearts. He can often grasp the other party's pain points and win over and make promises in just a few words.

The resistance along the way was far less than they imagined, and this was all due to the general.

"No wonder Emperor Gao was afraid of him." Ning Xiachuan lowered his voice: "Such a person can easily become king as long as he wants to."

"A sword has two edges. When a sword is extremely sharp, the user's worry about hurting himself with the sword is also the greatest. When it exceeds a certain limit, the sword becomes a source of sleepless nights for the user. Huan Da looked at the general's back, thoughtfully.

"Human thoughts seem to coincide with the laws of heaven. When the cup is full, it overflows, and when the moon is full, it falls short."

"You have realized such a profound truth now?" Ning Xiachuan was a little surprised. Although Huan was smart in the past, there was always a barrier to the thoughts of the human race.

After all, beasts are different from humans. The one that beasts think of is just one, but the one that humans think of may be the birth of two, three, and all things.

"I'm trying to understand people's thoughts." Huan looked at Ning Xiachuan, "Just like I understand you."

"You guy." Ning Xiachuan was startled, and then rubbed Huan's head vigorously, "It would be great if you were a woman, then I would have a confidant."

"There should be deeper emotions between you and me." Huan Que said seriously: "I am willing to die for you, but women will not."

"Except Shiyu."

"Why do you say it is so forbidden?" Ning Xiachuan smiled and continued to rub Huan's head, "Okay, in my heart, you are not comparable to women."

"We want to rule the entire human race together, have you forgotten? Follow my instructions and establish a truly great country."

"But your governance policy seems to make it difficult to create a great country..." Huanda was about to say something more, but the general in front suddenly stopped.

As soon as he stopped, everyone around him became quiet. Then, the ground protruded from far to near, and then, a small man emerged from the ground.

"General, Duga has seen through me!"

"Huh?" With one word, the atmosphere seemed to freeze a little. The general looked at Li Jiu: "What did he do?"

"He, he didn't do anything." Li Jiu replied, slightly embarrassed: "He asked me the reason for my betrayal, and then let me go."

"Just let you go like this?" The general frowned when he heard this and looked at Ningxiachuan behind him.

Ning Xiachuan understood, patted Huan silently, and pulled away.

With the general as the center, two people and one beast formed a triangle.

"Yes." Li Jiu replied, looking at the general frowning, not realizing the general's worries yet, he said to himself: "I thought I was dead, but I didn't expect that he really let me go..."

"Did he make any arrangements?" The general stared at Li Jiu.

"It seems not, I don't know." Li Jiu scratched his head: "I was a little scared. After he let me go, I fled all the way here."

"In this way..." The general muttered, but his eyes were always on Li Jiu.

Lijiu, on the other hand, was fine. With a glance from the corner of his eye, he noticed Ningxia Chuan and Huan, who had moved their positions at some point, and saw the vague murderous intent in their eyes.

At this moment, Li Jiu finally realized what was wrong in the general's eyes.

"General, what I said is true." After saying that, Li Jiu knelt down, "If it is true, just let me go!"

"I'm not going to turn to him again!"

"I know." The general supported Li Jiu's figure who was about to kneel. At this moment, he had eliminated Li Jiu's danger.

Lijiu is very timid, and he is very aware of his sensitivity. If he is really lying, he will be extremely cautious and worried.

It was obvious that he had deliberately arranged the encirclement of Ningxia Chuan and the others. If he had such a mentality, Li Jiu would have noticed it as early as the beginning of the arrangement.

"Your importance to him is self-evident. No matter what, he shouldn't let you go." The general analyzed, his brows still furrowed: "He will let you go unless he has the capital to no longer need you..."

At this point, the general seemed to think of something.

"Zifang, show me the map." The general said.

"Okay." The musician quickly handed over the map, and Ning Xiachuan and Huan also came over.


Opening the map, the general immediately locked onto the last base camp of Dujia marked on it.

"This place seems to be not far from Changping." The general found something wrong and looked at the musician beside him: "It is said that the ancestor of the Quan Emperor had a fierce general who proved his truth by killing and killed a million enemy troops in Changping Town." "These million enemy troops were not all killed in the battle, but were pitted after surrendering. Although their bodies were cold, their souls were not extinguished. It was too gloomy. Later, it was passed down and set up as a soul-raising pit by the Quan Emperor with great means." "The souls of the terracotta warriors came from it. It is said that there are still a million terracotta warriors in the soul-raising pit, but they are buried deep underground and cannot see the sun." "After we conquered the world, we did not find the so-called soul-raising pit." The musician was obviously impressed and his face became ugly: "Could it be that the soul-raising pit really exists?" "Let's not talk about whether it exists or not. The key is this time and this place..." The general showed a thoughtful look again. After a while, he seemed helpless and said: "If nothing unexpected happens, the Quan Emperor has been resurrected." "Really resurrected?" At this time, no one questioned the general's judgment, but was shocked. "What should we do?" Huan said, "With the return of the Quan Emperor and a million troops, will we be invincible?"

"I don't know. The Quan Emperor's methods may be beyond our imagination." The general shook his head, and then he stopped hesitating, "But it has come to this point. We have no choice."


As he spoke, the general picked up the flag.

"Go at full speed and meet up with the coalition forces as soon as possible!"

"The decisive battle is imminent, everyone, please go at full speed!!"

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