[System reminder: Silver +10]

  [System Reminder: Gold Nugget +10]

  [System reminder: Jade +4]

  [System reminder: Wood Spirit Crystal +2]

  [System reminder: Wind Spirit Crystal +1]

  [System Reminder: Mud Puppet Evolution Drawing +1]

  [System reminder: Rare rock armor manufacturing blueprint +1]

  Compared to the silver treasure chest in the afternoon, this one is very good, with wind crystals and evolutionary blueprints.

  There is also a rare psionic equipment manufacturing blueprint!

  [Rare rock armor manufacturing blueprint: This is a rare psionic defense equipment. It can effectively resist damage when worn on the body. It has excellent defense effect against physical attacks, and slightly poor defense against spell attacks.If it is worn by an earth-type creature, the rock armor can be fused with the body and cannot be seen by the naked eye.At the same time, this equipment also has an active skill, which can condense a rock shield for 10 seconds. 】

  [System reminder: Do you want to learn rare rock armor manufacturing blueprints? 】

  Overall, this is a very good defensive piece of gear.

  Although Lin Feng already has [Rare Frost Armor], the rock armor is better at resisting physical attacks, and can condense a rock shield that lasts for 10 seconds.

  In short, the two rare armors have their own advantages and disadvantages.


  As soon as the voice fell, the rare blueprint turned into a ray of light and entered Lin Feng's body.

· · Flowers 0 0

  "Go, go home."

  Lin Feng led the pets away.

  The stone face statue and the moon stone statue rose from the ground, and the two small legs struggled to keep up with Lin Feng's pace.

  When these two guys were in ambush, they were a bit temperamental, but when they walked and moved, they looked funny and made people want to laugh.

  Get out of the hole.

  Lin Feng looked up at the dim sky and the steep rock wall.

  "Can you two climb up?"

  Lin Feng looked at the thin arms and legs of the stone face statue and the moon stone statue.


  The Moonstone said they were able to climb up, but very slowly and with difficulty.

  This will not work.

  There are still underground beasts and monsters nearby. The stone face statue and the moon stone statue are seriously injured, and their frontal combat ability is poor. Now they are easy to kill.

  Therefore, Lin Feng and the pets must act with them.


  "I have a way."

  Lin Feng took out the psionic flying claw and wrapped one end around the moon stone statue.

  Then Lin Feng used the spider gloves to climb up to a height of several dozen meters, and then used the [Earth Spirit Orb] skill [Soil Transformation] to create a rock step.

  Lin Feng stood on the steps.

  When you shrink the psionic flying claws, there is a pulling force that pulls the moonstone statue up.

  In this way, the moonstone statue also climbs faster.


  When Lin Feng came to the ground, the sky was completely dark.

  After the stone face statue and the moon stone statue came to the ground, they looked around curiously.

  If it is daytime, they can appreciate the surface world well.

  After ten seconds.

  Lin Feng and the pets returned home.

  The stone face statue and the moon stone statue were stunned for a while, looking at the towering courtyard walls and the majestic four-story castle.

  In fact, the two had a soft spot for buildings, and were a little reluctant to leave the underground ruins just now.

  But compared to this castle, the underground ruins are nothing but scum!

  [System Reminder: Your pet's stone face image will recognize your homeland and gain +2 loyalty]

  [System Reminder: Your pet Moonstone Statue recognizes your homeland, loyalty +2]

  Lin Feng was stunned for a moment.

  One glance at the home directly increases loyalty?

  Each pet adds loyalty a little differently.

  Like the golden cracker, it doesn't feel anything about its homeland or food. When Lin Feng helps it gain strength and become stronger, its loyalty will increase rapidly.

  "By the way, there is also a bottle of low-level power spring water that can be drunk by the Golden Splitting Lizard."

  "There is also a monkey, its evolutionary materials have been collected, and it can start to evolve tonight!" Zero.

Chapter 142

  "Come on, let me introduce you, this is a stone face statue, this is a moon stone statue, and they will be their own in the future."

  Lin Feng introduced new partners to Ice Crystal Monster, Snowflake Boy and Treasure Mouse.

  "Xiaohua, treat them all."

  Lin Fengdao.

  The Gold Splitter Lizard has been fighting meleely, and there will always be some injuries on his body.

  Especially the ice crystal monster is not there, it is a melee tank, attracting most of the firepower.

  Monkey and Xiaohuo also suffered some minor injuries.

  The most seriously injured are undoubtedly the moon stone statue and the stone face statue.

  Especially the stone-faced statue was hit with a [Gold-Breaking Cannon] by the Gold-Breaking Ground Lizard, and was hit with several claws.

  Xiaohua took small steps and came for treatment.

  However, she first treated Xiaohuo and the monkey, and then the moonstone statue and the gold-splitting ground lizard.

  Finally, the stone-faced statue with a ferocious face was treated.

   I saw that the body of the stone-faced statue was covered with a layer of cool and icy snowflakes, and it showed a very comfortable and enjoyable look, because the headache was finally relieved.

  "Come on, big lizard, you performed well today and defeated many powerful enemies. I will help you improve your strength!"

  Lin Feng said to the Lizard Road of the Split Gold Ground.


  The golden-splitting ground lizard's eyes twinkled brightly, and he was at a loss with excitement.

  The master is awesome, long live the master!

  It's cool to follow the master, take risks every day, and improve your strength!

  Lin Feng took out a slender red vial, which contained a pure red liquid, shining brightly.

  After seeing the spring water inside, the Gold Splitting Lizard immediately had a strong desire, and it seemed that drinking the contents would be of great benefit to him.

  Lin Feng opened the bottle cap, and the Golden Cracker Lizard immediately opened its mouth, took all the spring water, and swallowed it.

  After drinking, the cracked gold lizard looked overjoyed.

  It feels that its strength has improved significantly, and it is stronger!

  [System Reminder: Your pet Gold Cracking Lizard is excited, grateful and worships its owner, loyalty +3]

  quack quack!

  The monkey on the side saw this scene, and shouted a few words in annoyance.

  This gold cracking ground lizard is getting stronger and stronger.

  It scanned the yard.

  If you find yourself, you can bully Snowflake Boy, Treasure Mouse, and Moon Stone Statue.

  Lin Feng made several antidote, psionic flying claws, and heaters, and after throwing them in the trading area, he went to prepare dinner.

  "Stone face statue, moon stone statue, what do you two eat?"

  Lin Feng asked the two pets who were recovering from injuries.


  The statue of the moon said that he could eat meat, metal ore, and plants when he was very hungry.

  Stone face is like that too.

  In addition, the two do not move on weekdays and can enter a false sleep state to minimize consumption.

  When the enemy is close, they will wake up and kill the enemy.

  Lin Feng laughed after hearing this. These two guys didn't choose food at all, and they were especially able to fight hunger.

  "Very well, you can have a big meal tonight!"

  Lin Feng made another barbecue grill, and grilled 100 pieces of barbecue at one time.

  In the end it wasn't enough.

  The gargoyle and the moon statue were obviously starving. After eating 10 pieces of barbecued meat each, they were still very hungry.

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