And the most valuable are the evolution blueprints, contract scrolls, pet skill scrolls, and perfect quality manufacturing blueprints!

  "Garlic Turtle Evolution Drawing?"

  Lin Feng had never seen such a beast.

  Directly link to the trading area and acquire 15 random spirit crystals.

  "I didn't expect to open two low-level contract scrolls!"

  [Low-level contract scroll: When the beastmaster captures the pet, dripping blood on the scroll can increase the success rate by 2%]

  The explosion rate of the contract scroll is much lower than that of the evolution blueprint.

  Moreover, the contract scroll is indeed very useful. When Lin Feng subdues some beasts who are not sure of it, it may be a contract scroll.

  A contract scroll may bring you a powerful beast, how high should it be worth?

  Such as powerful pets such as the gold cracker.

  If this is thrown into the trading area, it can shock the world, shock all the beastmasters, and make them go crazy!

  Perhaps at that time, Lin Feng failed to conquer without using the contract scroll.

  on the trading area.

  The price of the contract scroll also reached more than a dozen spirit crystals, and once 963 appeared on it, they were immediately dropped.

  Even if Lin Feng saw it, he would snap it up.

  It's just that he doesn't stare at the trading area very often.

  This time, Lin Feng opened two contract scrolls at once, which is indeed a good luck.

  After closing the contract scroll.

  Lin Feng picked up the [pet skill learning scroll].

  This is also a good treasure, the value is still on the contract scroll.

  At present, Lin Feng has not seen anyone open a skill learning scroll.

  [System reminder: Use this scroll to let any pet learn the skill 'Brave']

  [Brave: In the face of any enemy, it will not retreat, and it has strong resistance to all mental shock skills, and in battle, the longer the battle, the stronger the combat effectiveness, and the combat effectiveness can be increased by up to 50%! 】

  "This is a very strong melee passive skill."

  After Lin Feng read it, he felt that this skill was very good.

  For a powerful melee pet, the improvement is very large, which is equivalent to the skill [Fire] learned by the three-tailed fire fox of the fire department.

  Don't even think about it, this skill is suitable for the Gold Splitting Lizard.

  In fact, it can also be given to the ice crystal monster, because it is a pure tank and is often injured.

  But her combat effectiveness is too low (bcaa), even if she fights more and more bravely, she will not improve her combat effectiveness much.

  Lin Feng looked at the last manufacturing drawing of the same perfect quality.

  [System reminder: Have you learned the perfect psionic mining puppet manufacturing blueprint? 】


  The perfect manufacturing drawing turned into a ray of light and entered Lin Feng's body.

  Open the manufacturing page, Lin Feng found the puppet blueprint.

  【完美的灵能挖矿傀儡:铁块 /30、银块1214/30、金块345/20、水晶309/15、紫金22/8、土灵晶139/30、木灵晶80/10、雷灵晶18/3、风灵晶166/3】

  [Description: It belongs to the daily equipment of psionic energy. It can be mined quickly. The efficiency is more than 3 times that of the general beast master. The ore dug out can also be automatically transported to the home. , it will turn into a metal sphere, protecting all the ores inside.Mining puppets have low intelligence and can only follow simple commands and cannot perform other complex tasks. 】

  "Requires less material than a perfect quality rock training room."

  However, correspondingly, the value of psychic mining puppets is not as great as that of the rock training room.

  The rock training room is helpful for the improvement of pets.

  And Lin Feng happens to have 4 earth pets.

  If you go to the inside to train every day, the benefits you will accumulate over a long period of time will be considerable.

  And the value of psychic mining puppets is mining.

  If Lin Feng is diligent, he can dig by himself, and he doesn't need to dig puppets.


  Lin Feng glanced at Ore Hill.

  This is several meters high, I don't know when to dig it.

  Moreover, when Lin Feng dug up last time, he found that when excavating more rare materials, it was more laborious.

  According to Lin Feng's observation.

  This ore hill in front of me has almost no copper and iron in it, and it is all high-grade materials.

  I'm afraid it will take a day or two to dig.

  Now that the earth is cracked, it is not guaranteed that other metal ore piles will be found later.

  Lin Feng thought about it for a while, but still planned to create a psionic mining puppet!

  Although it will consume a lot of materials, as long as the mining puppet works, can't it be quickly earned back?

  Making psionic mining puppets will also consume purple gold, affecting Lin Feng's progress in making epic equipment.

  But there is purple gold in this ore hill, which should be replenished.

  So Lin Feng directly clicked to make.


  [System Reminder: The perfect mining puppet was successfully manufactured]

  A puppet robot appeared in front of Lin Feng.

  The body is burly and tall, three meters high, wearing a steel helmet with a small light above it, and holding a golden pickaxe in his hand.

  [System reminder: Psionic mining puppet, adding any 1 spiritual crystal, can run for 12 hours. 】

  No wood can be added, only spirit crystals can be added.

  That Lin Feng did not do the same, he threw in a Fire Spirit Crystal to try.

  Immediately, the sound of the parts running in the mining puppet's body was heard, and the two eyes glowed brightly.


  The mining golem made a mechanical sound.

  "Can you still talk?"

  Lin Feng was a little surprised.

  The mining puppet has a single function, and it is not even necessary for the industrious beastmaster.

  But it is an intelligent psionic device, and the craftsmanship is very complicated. It is considered a high-end luxury accessory, and the cost of those materials is also very reasonable.

  Lin Feng tested it and found that the mining puppet only said a few words such as mining, master, and danger.


  Lin Feng gave the order.

  The mining puppet immediately waved the iron pickaxe, chiseled the mine, and dug down a silver nugget.

  Its other hand immediately grabbed the silver nugget and stuffed it into its mouth.

  "Uh, it turns out that the ore is loaded into the body, no wonder it's so big, but it's also safer."

  Lin Feng said lightly.

  Moreover, the mining puppet has a strong defensive power, and can withstand the attack of the beast for a while, waiting for Lin Feng's timely support.

  Dangdang Dangdang!

  The mining puppet tirelessly swings the pickaxe, digs out chunks of ore, and stuffs it all into its mouth.

  "Huh? Xuan Tie!"

  Lin Feng suddenly found out.

  The mining puppet dug out a black iron block, but there was some red on it, which was "profound iron"!

  It is the only missing material for Lin Feng to make epic equipment.

  "I didn't expect there to be black iron in this mine!"

  If there are a little more.

  So today, Lin Feng will be able to manufacture epic equipment. .

Chapter 166

  If there are psychic mining puppets to work, Lin Feng doesn't need to worry about it.

  After the puppets are finished digging, just count the harvest directly.

  "Little Stone, kill all those little demon stones."

  Lin Fengdao.

  Those little demon stones that cannot be aggregated and are frozen on the mine are very weak and easy to deal with.

  Letting Xiaoshi to kill him alone is to let her enjoy the experience alone.

  After all, among the four generals in Lin Feng's hands, Xiao Shitou is currently the lowest level.


  The small stone stood in place, using the skill [Frost Ray], killing one by one, all of them were frozen to death.

  Lin Feng was cleaning up the spoils.

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