And the three explosive stones that were about to pursue, also fell down and fell into the big mouth because of carelessness!

  The rock walls on both sides were shaking, and the gravel kept falling.

  If you are not careful, Lin Feng or pets may fall!

  Lin Feng's body was tense, and he climbed up another ten meters.

  It's really scary!

  The ground suddenly vibrated, and then a huge head of a beast emerged, which directly ate the platinum-qualified hot rock monster, as well as some explosive stones, and the corpses of other beast monsters!

  What kind of beast is this?

  With such a big head, it's hard to imagine how huge its entire body is.

  En en en !Wuwuwu!

  The pets were also shocked, and the ferocious beast that suddenly appeared underground was too big!

  Especially the golden cracker lizard and the ice crystal monster. Fortunately, the owner reminded them to climb up and fly up in time, otherwise they might fall into the big mouth of the mysterious beast.

  But the golden cracking lizard doesn't seem to be afraid, and even has the will to fight.

  This is probably the effect of the skill [Courageous Battle], and it will not retreat in the face of any enemy.

  However, at this time, Lin Feng couldn't let the Gold Splitting Lizard rush up.

  The big head that emerged from the ground slowly chewed a few times.

  The two dark eyeballs on the top turned slightly and looked at Lin Feng and his pet.

  this moment.

  Lin Feng is ready to fight at any time, or the active skill [Earth Shield] that motivates the epic earth guard!

  But that head, instead of attacking Lin Feng and the pets, retreated into the darkness and disappeared.

  The world is at peace again.


  The subterranean beast had no strong malice.

  It's like just going out to eat some food, and then going back when you're full.

  But Lin Feng didn't dare to look into the crack now. If he just passed by and a big head came out, the game would be over.

  In short.

  There are too many accidents and dangers in this world, and everything has to be done carefully.

  If it wasn't for Lin Feng who could see the hidden information, react quickly, and avoid it in time, the consequences would be hard to say.

  "Have you seen it, in this world, there are people outside people, and there are beasts outside of beasts. Don't have any strength, just be arrogant and arrogant. If you're not careful, you may become someone else's food."

  Lin Feng told his pets great truths and raised their vigilance.

  The pets nodded, and they were indeed frightened just now.

  In case the giant beasts in the underground have strong malice towards them, if they fight, the result is really hard to say.

  "Okay, let's continue to clean up the beasts, remember to be careful."

  Lin Feng and his pets did not stay here.

  However, Lin Feng still felt a little pity in his heart.

  The hot stone monster just now was eaten by the mysterious beasts underground before he even shed any blood.

  Just explored a few meters ahead.

  Lin Feng saw a smoky white light group in the big crack in the rock wall.

  Inside is a silver treasure chest.

  Due to the appearance of the mysterious giant beast in the ground, it caused a huge shock, causing many new cracks to appear in all directions, and this silver treasure chest was directly exposed in front of Lin Feng's eyes.

  Lin Feng got into the crack and opened the silver treasure chest.

  [System reminder: Iron +10]

  [System reminder: Silver +10]

  [System Reminder: Cloth +8]

  [System reminder: Earth Spirit Crystal +2]

  [System reminder: Lei Lingjing +1]

  [System Reminder: Blue Beast Evolution Drawing +1]

  [System Reminder: Rare Geotechnical Explosive Manufacturing Drawing +1]

  A series of system reminders sounded.

  "That's right, the silver treasure chest has opened out Lei Lingjing."

  It is very difficult to obtain Lei Lingjing.

  After Lin Feng came to this world for so many days, it was the first time he had opened Lei Lingjing in the silver treasure chest. Although there was only one, it was a good sign.

  [Rare rock and earth blaster manufacturing blueprint: This is a psionic trap device that can make a psychic blaster, which can be buried in any rock and soil. When the enemy steps on it or touches it, it will immediately explode.After the psychic blaster explodes, it takes a period of time to recover energy before it can continue to explode, or consuming any psychic crystal can instantly replenish the energy. 】

  [System reminder: Do you want to learn the manufacturing drawings of rare geotechnical explosives? 】

  "Isn't this a mine?"

  The key mine is gone once it is blasted, and the geotechnical blaster is still there after the explosion, but it takes time to accumulate energy before the second explosion...  

  Overall, this is a very good trap device.


  The rare quality blueprint turned into a ray of light and entered Lin Feng's body.

  "Blue-bred evolution blueprint? I remember that there was a pet with a gold aptitude in the top ten in the previous rankings, which was the green-bred beast."

  As for the beastmaster who owns the green beast, he seems to be anonymous, so Lin Feng doesn't know.

  But it is not important.

  At this stage, in the trading area, the number of evolution blueprints has greatly increased.

  Nearly a hundred of them appeared the day before yesterday, and a few hundred more appeared yesterday, and there will only be more today!

  The era of evolution is coming, and everyone is busy evolving their pets.

  But it happens that those pets with relatively rare and high qualifications, the evolution blueprints are difficult to explode.

  Moreover, many of the top pets of the big guys on the ranking list have been watched a lot, and they have all been written down.

  Once the corresponding evolution blueprint is released, you can start selling it at a higher price than ordinary evolution blueprints.

  In other words.

  Lin Feng's blueprint for the evolution of the green beast can also be sold for a high price.

  He directly opened the trading area and hung up early.

  【Seller: Lin Feng】

  [Item: Blue Species Evolution Blueprint]

  [Requirement: 20 random spirit crystals]

  【Inventory: 1】

  When this evolution blueprint appeared in the trading area, the world chat channel was also discussed.

  "Hey, the evolution blueprint of the green beast was opened by the big boss Lin Feng!"

  "You can cross this out."

  "Well, in the top [-] rankings in the past, there was only one green beast."

  It turns out that many people are staring at the pets of those who used to be the leader of the rankings.

  Once the corresponding evolution blueprint is issued, it will be sold at a high price to earn more benefits than ordinary evolution blueprints.

  This is a way to make money.

  Lu Shan did this from the very beginning. He acquired several pet evolution drawings that were among the top [-] in the rankings, and then sold them at a high price to earn the difference.

  After that, a group of imitators appeared and followed Lushan.


  An hour later, there were not many beasts left in this crack.

  Maybe there were some before, but the huge vibration caused by the giant underground beast just now scared them all into hiding.

  It was impossible for Lin Feng to dig holes, so he went to the door one by one.

  "It's not too early, open another treasure chest and go back home."

  Lin Fengdao.

  But at this moment, he saw the ground not far away.

  From a crack in the earth, a white thing stabbed out.

  Lin Feng remembered that there were no cracks here.

  It was the chain reaction caused by the giant underground beast that led to the appearance of many new cracks, especially many large cracks in the ground.

  "What is this?"

  Lin Feng walked over and touched it. It was neither a plant nor an ore.

  【System Reminder: Keel】.

Chapter 178

  There are two evolutionary routes for the golden fiddler.

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