"I wipe, isn't that the thing?"

  "Day! It's really a set!"

  "The great god who is number one in the dignified home list would actually sell such immoral and unsightly things."

  "Tsk tsk, you're just arrogant. Could it be that you haven't used it? Your parents haven't used it?"

  "I have to say, this is indeed a good thing, but it's a bit expensive, and no one will use it with me?"

  "What time is it, still thinking about people, turn off the lights, aren't other creatures the same?"

  "What the hell? Upstairs, what you said is a little conscientious!!"

  "He won't start with his pets, is he going to create a whole new species?"

  "I can understand him. After so many days, I have seen some fierce beasts, and I also feel good-looking, and I sleep with pets every day... It is inevitable that some ideas will arise. However, as someone who has come here, I have to remind everyone that it is still necessary to Pay more attention to hygiene, it is easy to get sick.”

  "Hey! The amount of information in your words is a bit big!!! My head is a little hard to turn around."

  "I rely... am I being too conservative?"

  "Oh, people just got up, what are you talking about? It's disgusting!"


  The atmosphere of the world chat channel suddenly changed.

  The special tastes of some people were exposed, causing condemnation from many people.

  But at the same time, there are some peeping diving parties. After seeing these comments, there is a fire burning in their bodies.

  Many people also looked at their pets, with some hesitation in their hearts, while others were bold.

  After a few minutes.

  [System reminder: Rare psionic helmet transaction completed, rubber +3, earth spirit crystal +2, water spirit crystal +3]

  Lin Feng was cooking in the kitchen. After hearing the system prompt, he took back the materials, and then made another one and threw it on.

  As he expected, it did not sell quickly.

  Lin Feng took a look at the chat channel by the way.

  Seeing this, he was a little stunned!


  Everyone is so awesome!

  Some people have directly attacked pets or beasts!

  It's so easy to get sick.

  But then Lin Feng saw another talented person who made a helmet with the intestines of a beast and said it was okay.

  I wipe?

  It's really urgent, anything can be done!

  However, this is only limited to a few people, most people are still rational and have their own bottom lines.

  With so many people crossing over, there will always be a few LSPs with strong flavors, so don't be too surprised.


  Xiaohuo went downstairs, came to the kitchen, lay on Lin Feng's body, and made an enchanting sound of getting up...  

  Just after watching some amazing remarks on the world chat channel, Lin Feng suddenly found that Xiaohuo seemed to be more beautiful, showing a little charm in his laziness.

  Soon, breakfast will be ready.

  Hot pot with barbecue, barbecue with potatoes, tomatoes, as well as fruit, peanuts, very rich.

  After eating.

  Lin Feng once again led the three-tailed fire fox, the golden lizard, the golden light monkey and the ice crystal monster.

  Come to the crack where the fossil turtle appeared yesterday.

  There are still keels in the ground that have not been fully excavated.

  After coming to the bottom of the crack.

  Lin Feng found that because the fossil tortoise was drilled out of it yesterday, the underground was damaged a little bit.

  Several dragon valleys were directly exposed.

  Of course, several dragon valleys were accidentally broken and broken by fossil turtles.

  "Large lizard, continue digging bones."

  Lin Fengdao.

  En en en !

  The gold cracking ground lizard did not complain at all, digging the rock and soil with great energy, and digging out the huge dragon valley.

  Little Fire, Monkey, and Ice Monster are responsible for transporting the keel back to their homes.

  About an hour later.

  The Golden Splitter Lizard dug a lot of rock and soil, but no keel was dug out.

  "Looks like that's all there is to it."

  Maybe there are some keels buried in a relatively deep place. Lin Feng doesn't know the specific location, and he can't dig blindly. It may be empty.

  Lin Feng did the math.

  So far, a total of twenty-one keel bones have been dug up by the Gold Splitter Lizard, but not all of them are torso bones.

  Possibly a lot.

  "By the way, you can ask the fossil turtle."

  Lin Feng closed his eyes and gained the vision of his pet fossil turtle.

  It was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

  No, the fossil turtle is sleeping with its eyes closed, so he can't see anything.

  "Fossil turtle, do you know that there are bones of dragon-type creatures in the ground?"

  Lin Feng communicated directly with the fossil turtle.


  The fossil turtle said slowly, saying that he had seen a lot, but he couldn't remember clearly.

  After all, it only wakes up once in a few months, or even a year, and doesn't pay attention to the keel.

  "How much do you remember, just help me find it. The keel you find will be thrown directly at the place where you came out yesterday, and I will come and fetch it myself."

  Lin Feng gave the new pet a task. .

Chapter 193

  Give the task of finding the keel to the Fossil Turtle Queen.

  Lin Feng took the pets to explore further cracks.

  [System Reminder: The transaction of the excellent ground boots is completed, and the Dark Spirit Crystal +1]

  "Finally acquired a Dark Spirit Crystal!"

  Lin Feng sold 10 pairs of grip boots yesterday, bought 1 piece of black iron and 1 piece of dark spirit crystal.

  So far, Xuan Tie has successfully acquired 6 pieces, but only 1 piece of Dark Spirit Crystal has been acquired so far.

  But add this one.

  Lin Feng also has 9 dark spirit crystals.

  The golden amber has already been gathered, the keel is estimated to be no problem, and the black iron will be gathered soon.

  As soon as today, at most tomorrow, we can gather all the evolutionary materials for the Golden Cracking Ground Lizard.

  "Today we will act separately, Lizard, you are with Xiaohuo."

  Lin Fengdao.

  Large lizards and monkeys like to be noisy, and small stones don't like the high temperature emitted by small fires, so it is most suitable to form a team.

  As for why separate actions.

  The number of people in the team is too large, and the efficiency of pet upgrades will be slower.

  Make 12 moves separately, and the combat experience gained by killing the enemy will be divided equally between the two pets, and the level will increase faster.

  Last night, in the rock pet training room, the Gold Splitter Lizard was successfully upgraded to level 19.

  But the second evolution also has a level standard, that is, it must reach level 20.

  1 level away.

  The further back you go, the slower the level rises.

  It will also be slower to reach level 20 if you don't let the Goldcracker get more experience in combat.


  Gold Splitter Lizard and Xiaohuo, one has a strong melee burst, and the other has a long-range burst.

  The two of them are the most efficient.

  "In danger, or in special circumstances, come to me immediately."

  Lin Feng told Xiaohuo and the big lizard.

  Xiaohuo and the big lizard nodded and left, and Lin Feng took the small stone and the monkey to another crack to explore and kill the enemy.


  Although Lin Feng now only brought two pets.

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