The big lizard suddenly trembled, and his eyes glowed.

  When he first excavated bones, the owner told him that these bones were his big chance.

  It is so hard to dig bones.

  Is it finally here?

  "follow me."

  Lin Feng brought the big lizard to the side of the more than [-] bones.

  Then, he took out 20 pieces of golden amber, 50 pieces of black iron, 30 pieces of earth spirit crystals, and 10 pieces of dark spirit crystals, and placed them in front of the gold cracking ground lizard.

  These materials can make the Gold-Shattering Ground Lizard evolve into the [Shattering Ground Armor Beast]!

  The first evolutionary route has neither the golden scale fruit nor the light spirit crystal Lin Feng, so naturally there is no need to consider it.

  Looking at the pile of materials on the ground, the gold cracking lizard suddenly had a strange reaction, wanting to eat all of these materials.

  It seems that eating these things is very good for it.

  You must know that the golden cracked lizard is not particular about food, it is just something full, and the taste is not important.

  The food that can make it want to eat is very rare.

  However, whether it is golden amber, black iron, or dark spirit crystal, they are indeed very rare and rare materials. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for the golden cracking ground lizard to find these foods.

  "Eat what you want, these are all yours!"

  Lin Fengdao.

  Hearing this, the Gold Splitting Lizard immediately grabbed a piece of golden amber and threw it into his mouth.

  It seemed that it was too small, and it threw all the remaining 19 into its mouth at once.

  bang bang bang!

  With the sharp teeth and bite force of the golden-splitting lizard, no matter how hard or hard it is, it can bite anything, and eating golden amber is like eating candy.

  A faint light shone in the mouth of the Gold Splitting Lizard.


  After careful observation, Lin Feng found that the golden pattern on the cracked golden ground lizard was more vivid and obvious, emitting a faint shimmer.

  Next, the Gold Splitting Lizard began to eat Dark Spirit Crystals again!

  After eating the Dark Spirit Crystal, a layer of gloomy mist shrouded the Gold-Splitting Earth Lizard.

  Looking from the outside, the piece of the Gold Splitting Lizard was particularly dim, as if a layer of night shrouded it.

  after that.

  The cracked gold lizard began to eat earth spirit crystals and black iron again.

  After eating, the body once again produces some small changes.

  And the biggest change is that every time the golden cracked lizard opens its mouth, a flickering light flickers in the big mouth of the blood basin, as if there is something miraculous in its belly.

  With the appetite of the cracked golden lizard, he usually eats fifty or sixty pieces of meat for a meal.

  After eating so much now, the Gold Splitting Lizard is already full, and feels very tired, and really wants to sleep and rest.

  It's ready to go back to the kennel to rest.

  But suddenly stopped, from the more than 20 bones, I picked out [-] bones that I thought were good, put them in the pet kennel, and then lay on the bones and fell asleep!


  After falling asleep, the Golden Cracker Lizard bit a bone unconsciously, chewed it, and swallowed it.

  After a while, another bite, chewed, swallowed.

  Lin Feng opened the personal information panel to view the pet information.

  In the information of the golden crack lizard, the evolution route column shows "in the process of secondary evolution".

  "It shouldn't be a problem, I hope it works."

  Lin Feng turned around and went to the kitchen to make dinner.

  "None of you should disturb the big lizard, and don't come close to it within a radius of five meters!"

  Lin Feng told all pets.

  The pets looked at each other in dismay. Did the owner let them isolate the big lizard and make the big lizard have no friends?

  The big lizards are too pitiful.

  Even Snowflake has some sympathy for the tuatara.

  There are also monkeys who often conflict with the tuatara, looking into the pet den, covered with scars and blood, sleeping alone, and eating only bones. The tuatara is pitiful.

  Lin Feng naturally saw all of this in his eyes.

  You poor lizards?

  After it evolves successfully, see if you still pity it.

  [System reminder: Rare helmet transaction completed, rubber +3, earth spirit crystal +2, water spirit crystal +2, fire spirit crystal +1]

  The hard hat is sold again.

  Lin Feng made an on-the-shelf trading area, and then went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. .

Chapter 199

  After dinner.

  Lin Feng suddenly stood up and said with a smile: "It's time to share good things, you all have a share."

  Eeeeeeeee?Meow meow meow?Squeak?

  Snowflake Boy, Music Meow, and Treasure Mouse looked at Lin Feng with puzzled and curious expressions. They didn't know what Lin Feng was talking about, but they were looking forward to it.

  Little Fire, Monkey, and Little Stone are very clear and a little excited.

  Lin Feng opened the space bag and took out many crystal vials, which contained low-level power spring water!

  Lin Feng first gave Snowflake Boy, Music Meow, and Treasure Mouse a bottle each.

  They don't know what the red liquid inside is, but their intuition tells them that drinking it is good for them.

  So, the three little ones opened the bottle cap and drank the power spring water.

  Immediately, they felt the obvious changes in their bodies, and their strength was even greater!

  in fact.

  Snowflake Boy, Music Meow, and Treasure Mouse are all staying at home. They don't have to follow Lin Feng to take risks and fight outside, and they don't need to drink the power spring water.

  But Lin Feng has so many springs, it doesn't matter.

  All your pets must drink it all!

  Next, Lin Feng distributed monkeys, small stones and small fires.

  Monkey and Xiao Shi have both drank the power spring water before, but the effect of drinking it the second time is only [-]%, which can be said to be very weak.

  But the explanation is that Lin Feng has a lot of power springs, it doesn't matter.

  A [-]% increase in strength is also an increase.

  It was the first time for Xiaohuo to drink the power spring water. She has always been a long-range magic attack. The power spring water has little effect on her. At most, it can make her limbs stronger, run faster, and jump farther.


  Lin Feng came to the door of his home again and said, "You two have it too!"

  The two stone statues suddenly came alive, stretched out their arms, and took over the spring of power with a smile.

  Although they are stone statues, the situation in the yard just now, but I heard clearly, I already know that the liquid in this crystal bottle has a miraculous effect and can enhance the power!

  The Moonstone Statue is fine, and the increase in power has no effect on it.

  But after the evolution of the three-headed stone face, it already has powerful melee skills.

  If the strength is increased, the lethality of its melee skills is also stronger.

  Lin Feng also wanted to drink a bottle of the Gold Splitting Lizard.

  Among all pets, the Gold Splitting Lizard has the most terrifying power and relies the most on power.

  Lin Feng glanced at the gold-splitting lizard in the pet den.

  The scales on his body are of a strange black-gray color, and the golden patterns on it are extraordinarily bright, and the whole body is shrouded in a layer of darkness.

  And in its mouth, there is still flickering light flickering.

  After a while, the golden cracked lizard in his sleep unconsciously bit a bone beside him.

  The Gold Splitting Lizard was in the process of evolution, so Lin Feng didn't bother to bother him. It would be the same after drinking it after it had completed its evolution.


  Lin Feng is going to plant the watermelon seeds and pineapple seeds that were opened today.

  But the two greenhouses are already full.

  Lin Feng opened the manufacturing page and once again built an excellent greenhouse.


  【System Reminder: Excellent Greenhouse Manufacturing is Successful】

  Then, Lin Feng renovated the soil and planted excellent watermelon seeds and excellent pineapple seeds.

  A little more rare fertilizer was applied to the seeds to speed up the growth.

  Lin Feng also produced sunflower seeds today, as well as excellent flower frame manufacturing drawings.

  Therefore, Lin Feng bought several large flower pots in the trading area and planted sunflower seeds.

  Then, he opens the fabrication page and makes an excellent flower stand.

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