An additional skill is [Toughness and Immortality], which looks like a defensive skill on the surface.

  [Toughness and immortality: The defense of the shattering ground beast has been greatly improved, and it has a certain indestructible characteristic. After the scale armor is destroyed or torn by the enemy, it can grow rapidly in a short period of time. 】

  "This skill can do it!"

  The Shattered Earth Armor was originally capable of melee combat, and now it has an additional defensive skill, so it can fight more recklessly and boldly in battle.

  Moreover, this defensive skill also comes with a trace of indestructible characteristics. As long as the injury is not too serious, it can quickly recover in a short time, which is very suitable for the large lizards who are often injured.

  Afterwards, Lin Feng checked the other two skills of the Shattered Earth Armor Beast that had changed.

  [Cracked Teeth: A set of indestructible teeth, combined with a strong bite force, can easily bite through anything, with a powerful armor-piercing effect, even in the face of powerful defensive monsters, it can also cause strong damage. 】

  [Smashing Cannon: Condensing the energy of the whole body, the energy cannon attack has terrible lethality, and a powerful armor-piercing effect. In the face of fierce beasts and monsters with strong defenses, it is easier to break the armor and cause a lot of damage.However, the use of the skill is slightly slower, and it cannot flexibly change the direction. After using it, it will fall into a short-term weakness. 】

  After reading it, Lin Feng found that these two skills have not changed much, but they have both added an "armor breaking" effect!

  The shattering ground beast has amazing melee ability, but now both skills have added armor-piercing effect, the damage is higher, and hitting people is more painful.

  Even if it is a fierce beast with a strong defense, it is difficult to resist the mad attack of the shattering earth armor beast.

  no doubt.

  This evolution of the tuatara has improved its strength in all directions, with stronger attack, stronger defense, tall and mighty physique, and even more handsome as a mount.

  Although Lin Feng has not ridden very much until now.

  The main thing is that I have been exploring the cracks in the ground these days, and I have no chance to ride.

  "."Large lizard, come, eat first, pamper your stomach, we'll have breakfast right away!"

  Lin Feng took out more than a dozen rock and soil crystals and gave them to the broken ground beast.

  With several previous experiences, Lin Feng already knew that after pets evolved, they would consume a lot of energy and would be very hungry.


  What Lin Feng did is very simple, he simmered directly in a large pot.

  Add meat and potatoes.

  Cook on high heat for ten minutes.

  After the shattered earth armored beast ate a dozen pieces of rock and soil crystals, it was naturally not enough, and it ate another fifty pieces of meat all at once.

  But paying (promised money) is not enough!

  So, Lin Feng took out some silver nuggets, gold nuggets, and crystals for the shattering ground beasts to eat.


  Lin Feng can now add more meat and cook it for the big lizards. There is no need to give these precious metal ores.

  On the one hand, it is because there are many forest winds of these things, and there is no shortage of them now.

  And the second reason!

  Lin Feng did not want to continue to waste time.

  The tuatara has successfully evolved, its strength has risen sharply, and its melee capabilities are unparalleled!

  Lin Feng decided.

  Now, launch a counteroffensive against the Canine tribe!

  So he just ate a little to replenish his energy, and Lin Feng didn't go to make barbecue or fish for Music Meow.

  After the pets are full.

  Lin Feng stood up, looked into the distance, and said indifferently and resolutely: "Those guys have come to our homeland again and again, we can't forgive them lightly!"

  After listening to Lin Feng's words, the pets immediately ignited their fighting spirit and their blood boiled!faint.

Chapter 205

  The grievances between Lin Feng and the Canine Race will not end unless one party completely suppresses the other.


  Lin Feng intends to rely on a solid level 4 home to take advantage of the geographical advantage to meet the power of the dog people!

  At the same time, he also arranged for the fossil turtles to go to the Canine tribe from the ground to give them a big surprise.

  Attack my homeland, then I will destroy your tribe too!

  But now.

  Lin Feng changed his mind.

  He has to change from passive defense to active offense!

  and act immediately.

  So there is no time to eat well.

  Hey!quack quack!

  The pets were all ignited with fighting spirit and their blood boiled.

  The canine people have made bad plans several times, wanting to destroy and occupy their homes, and the pets are also resentful, and they attacked the enemy with great force just now.

  Now it's finally their turn to get their revenge, which is fantastic.


  The Shattered Earth Armor roared excitedly!

  It's temperament can be much more grumpy than other pets.

  Although it was in the process of evolution just now, it was actually half asleep and half awake, and it had a certain understanding of what was happening outside.

  It knew that the canine race was going to attack itself, and it was the master who stopped them in time!

  In this regard, the earth-shattering beast is naturally extremely annoyed!

  Coupled with its successful evolution, I can't wait to rush to the canine tribe to kill and kill!

  "You two, continue to stay at home."

  Lin Feng walked towards the two stone statues.

  Then he looked at Music Miao again and said, "Miao Miao, you are with us too!"

  After all, it is to attack the enemy's nest, and it is convenient to bring all the combat power.

  Music Meow still has a certain strength, as long as her [singing] skills are properly used.

  Just like when Lin Feng met Miaomiao for the first time, under her singing, the irritable yak herd collapsed directly.

  Meow meow?

  Music Meow said that people will not fight.

  Music Meow generally will not take the initiative to attack the enemy, unless the enemy offends her, in addition, Music Meow's frontal combat ability is indeed relatively weak.

  She is now level 17, but if she encounters a level 15 earth-type subterranean beast, if they fight head on, Music Meow may also lose.

  "I didn't ask you to fight, I gave you a concert!"

  Lin Feng said with a smile.

  Meow meow!

  Music Meow's pink crystal-like eyes suddenly flickered with starlight, and said with excitement and joy, really?

  "Come on!"

  Lin Feng led five pets out of the house.

  Target, canine tribe!


  There are dozens of cracks of various sizes in the middle (bcaa) from the homeland to the Canine tribe.

  All bridges are now built over it.

  As a result, it is very convenient for Lin Feng to travel.

  puff hoo!

  And every time Lin Feng passed a bridge, he would release a [fireball] with his backhand, igniting the wooden bridge and burning it down!

  Hearing from the dead dog people just now, there is still a large army to come, so Lin Feng must not let the enemy go smoothly.

  along the way.

  All the bridges were burned down by Lin Feng!

  Finally, after half the journey.

  The monkey found the enemy first and quacked to remind Lin Feng.

  Through the monkey's vision, Lin Feng saw some scenes blurry.

  The total number of the enemy is probably more than eighty-nine, close to one hundred.

  This is indeed quite a powerful force.

  "Don't take the bridges, take a detour from the ground, bypass them, our goal is the enemy's hometown!"

  Lin Feng said to the pets.

  With Lin Feng's current team strength, there is no solid level 4 castle to rely on, and he can't beat this team of dog people.

  Maybe you can win by luck, but you will have to pay a heavy price, and your pets will probably die.

  So no need to hit hard.


  The canine race was led by a one-eyed man, a level 20 powerhouse named Cologne.

  "Hurry up. At this point, the idiots in the old castle are probably still sleeping, so they caught them off guard and caught them all as slaves!"

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