The patriarch still has some knowledge, and at a glance, he can see that all the pets around Lin Feng are extraordinary!

  Also, there are a lot of evolution pets.

  Especially the shattering ground armor beast, you can tell at a glance that this beast is extraordinary, and its growth potential is amazing.

  The patriarch frowned slightly.

  He couldn't figure it out, how did Lin Feng, a weak and lowly human race, conquer so many powerful and rare beasts?

  While the patriarch observed.

  Lin Feng is also observing.

  【The Canine Patriarch】

  [Attribute: Beast type]

  【Level: 20】

  [Qualification: Platinum]

  [Skills: acceleration, claw attack, madness, keen sense of smell, black light bomb, ghost dog...]

  [Status: angry, doubtful]

  [Weakness: too strong sense of smell, often inhaling things that should not be inhaled, too old]

  [Description: This is a powerful dog-human patriarch.The dog people are arrogant and lazy, but they advocate strength and like to fight, but they also bully the soft and fear the hard. In the face of powerful creatures or races, they will also bow down, climb the flames, and lick each other very comfortably. 】

  [As one of the wise races on this land, they can use various tools to enslave beasts or monsters, and perhaps also hold some mysterious powers. 】

  "Level 20, platinum qualification?"

  This is the first time that Lin Feng has seen such a highly qualified canine race. Could it be that they have evolved once?

  However, Lin Feng didn't know whether the dog people could evolve.

  He felt that the dog people he had seen had similar appearances, and there was no obvious difference.


  The canine patriarch put the skeleton stick in his hand to the ground, and an invisible powerful airflow swept away...

  "Kill that human race, and all the other beasts will be kept alive!"

  The canine patriarch gave the order.

  Originally, he wanted to enslave Lin Feng, but now he values ​​those rare beasts more.

  Then the only way to get rid of Lin Feng, the master, is to control those rare beasts more easily.

  Lin Feng felt a little uncomfortable after hearing this.

  Why only kill me?

  "I'm different, I'll kill you all and leave no one alive!"

  Lin Feng sneered.

  "Hahaha, is it just you and these pets? They are indeed rare, but they haven't fully grown up, so they don't pose a threat to us."

  The canine patriarch couldn't help laughing.

  "Actually, I have a pet."

  Lin Feng said lightly.

  The canine patriarch's eyes flickered, and there are pets?There is no surrounding, no sky, could it be underground?

  Even if there is, it is just a pet, and it has no impact on the overall situation.

  Suddenly, the ground shook.

  The canine patriarch and the other canine people noticed it, but didn't take it to heart.

  The earth is cracked like this, isn't it normal to shake once in a while?

  But then, the ground shook again, more violently, and it didn't seem to stop at all.


  Under the ground, there was a clear rumbling sound, and at the feet of the canine people, all the stones trembled and rolled, and small cracks appeared on the ground.

  "This is……"

  The canine patriarch looked shocked.

  He didn't feel anything after the earthquake, but with what Lin Feng just said, he was a little surprised!

  Moreover, the earthquake was just below the Canine tribe, and in other places, nothing happened.


  The ground cracked open, opened several huge cracks, and arched upwards.

  The houses in the Canine tribe were directly collapsed, and the buildings were overturned and fell into cracks!

  "Is there an earthquake? Why did the earthquake happen to our tribe?"

  "My house is destroyed, trough!"

  "Be careful, the ground is cracked!"

  "Ah, save me!"

  At the entrance of the village, a large number of Canine people gathered, and instantly more than a dozen people accidentally fell into the cracks below, and many others were knocked to the ground by the violent shaking of the ground.


  Canines grow up drinking.


  The ground quickly arched upward, and the earth seemed to be opened to both sides.

  A large number of Canine people gathered, but it was inconvenient to evacuate, and many people were buried or crushed to death by the open earth!

  On the ground where a large opening was opened, a huge blue-gray rock turtle climbed out from the ground like a hill. .

Chapter 208

  When the fossil turtle came out of the ground.

  The nearby dog ​​people were dumbfounded, including the dog people's patriarch!

  They seemed to see a mountain, rushing out from the ground, tearing open a big crack in the earth, overturning and burying many dog ​​people and kobolds who had no time to escape!

  "What kind of beast is this...?"

  The well-informed canine patriarch also looked at the fossil turtle in shock.

  It has lived for so long, and it is the first time that it has seen such a huge beast. It is really frightened.

  Combined with what Lin Feng just said, he still has a pet.

  Hard to do.

  This huge mountain tortoise is also Lin Feng's pet?

  The canine patriarch couldn't help taking a breath, but he couldn't calm down the shock in his heart!

  This is just too exaggerated, isn't it?

  He is a weak and lowly human race, even if he subdues so many rare evolution pets, how did he subdue this giant beast?

  "My mother, this beast is too huge, isn't it?"

  "Has this huge beast been tamed by that human as well? How did he do it?"

  "Run away, this beast is too terrifying!"


  The other dog people nearby were shocked, exclaimed, and fled in all directions.

  At this time, the fossil turtle activates the skill [Stomp]!

  It was just a simple skill, but when the huge and stout rock feet of the fossil turtle landed on the ground, the ground shook violently again in an instant.

  It directly smashed out a huge pit 12, and several dog people were crushed to death.

  And some of the dog people and kobolds nearby were all shaken off the ground.

  Huge openings were torn open around the giant pit, and many of those who were shaken fell directly into the openings.

  This terrifying blow made all the nearby enemies stunned, and their legs trembled uncontrollably.

  I wanted to run away, but found that my legs were a little out of order!

  "Damn, run!"

  "It's terrifying. Could this beast be the Demon King on the Dark Mountain?"

  "Impossible, those monsters on the dark mountain will never succumb to a human being!"


  The Fossil Turtle activates the skill [Crash] again!

  Its huge body, like a mountain, suddenly slammed into the right side for more than ten meters.

  Every step of it made the surrounding ground vibrate violently, not to mention the violent impact of this level.

  Everything along the way was leveled.

  Dog people, kobolds, directly pressed into cakes!

  Fences, houses, all razed to the ground!


  The enemy can only run away frantically, try to stay away from the fossil turtle.


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