
  The world chat channel caused a lot of discussion.

  At this stage, only psionic weapons have a market. Ordinary weapons are considered useless by many people.

  However, Lin Feng's price is low.

  Relatively speaking, wood and stone are the easiest materials to obtain, and the extreme cold disaster has passed, and the consumption of wood has been greatly reduced.

  The weapons that can be exchanged with only wood have attracted some weak beastmasters, or those with other special needs.

  at the same time.

12 On the other side, a rock gopher just crawled out of the ground when he saw a living person.

  So delicious, I want to eat!

  The rock rat was about to launch an attack, but before taking a few steps, it saw that it was not one person, but four people.

  And beside these four people, there are a large number of beasts!

  The rock gopher was immediately frightened, and stepped back lightly, preparing to return to the ground.

  But suddenly, a dangerous breath after all.

  The rock gopher didn't see anything, and was bitten and entangled by a black-green snake!


  The rock gopher screamed and was killed by the black-green snake in the next second.

  "A rock gopher also wants to sneak attack on me, courting death!"

  A blond foreigner turned his head and sneered.

  "Big Boss Jerak's pet is too strong, he killed this rock gopher in one second!"

  "It really deserves to be a pet with golden aptitude. After evolution, the aptitude has reached diamond!"

  "Big Jackie is invincible!"

  The other three foreigners laughed and touted.

  Jerak's pet is the Green Vine Snake, which has now evolved into [Crazy Vine Snake].

  In addition, the wood-type restrains most earth-type beasts.

  Therefore, in this earth fissure disaster, Jacques lived fairly comfortably.

  "My goal is to be number one. You can follow me to at least the top fifty. In the future, I will build a kingdom of beasts, and then you will all be kings!"

  Jack laughed.

  One of them has excellent drawings of wooden bridges, and the four share the construction resources.

  One person builds the bridge and four people pass.

  In addition to the four pets, there are 20 pets in total, and the team combat ability is extremely strong!

  "Boss, look at that?"

  A man pointed into the distance and exclaimed.

  "What a big castle!"

  "Is it a powerful force in this world?"

  "Or ancient ruins? What treasures are hidden inside?"

  Several others exclaimed.

  "Hey, I finally found it!"

  Jackie smiled.

  "Is this a level 4 home? It's really extraordinary!"

  Jack continued.

  "Level 4 home?"

  "Boss, how do you know this is a level 4 home?"

  "I remember that there is only one person who owns a level 4 home, Lin Feng!"

  "That's Lin Feng's home? Boss, let's evacuate."

  The other three were puzzled and surprised.

  For Lin Feng, they are still a little afraid, the other party is a real boss, and they dare not provoke.

  And on the world chat channel, there have been many incidents where the beastmasters met, the strong killed the weak, and plundered all resources.

  In fact, the four of them have also done this kind of thing, killing two Xia Kingdom beastmasters.

  "What are you afraid of? He is only one person! There are four of us, how many pets do we have?"

  Jackie sneered.

  In fact, he was looking for Lin Feng's home with a purpose, but he did not inform his subordinates.

  As for how he knew Lin Feng's location, he got it from Ma Xiaoteng.

  He was close to Ma Xiaoteng, but Ma Xiaoteng seemed to realize that Jerak's purpose was impure, and refused to tell the location of Lin Feng's home, for fear that the big boss Lin Feng would find him in trouble.

  So Jerak changed another way and set out the location of Ma Xiaoteng's home, so Lin Feng's home should also be nearby.

  Coincidentally, he found that he was not far from Ma Xiaoteng's home.

  After a period of searching, he finally found Lin Feng's level 4 home!

  "Don't you want the Power Fountain?"

  Last night, Lin Feng sold a total of 53 bottles of power spring water, which shocked countless people and made many people jealous.

  Jacques is naturally very envious.

  "He should still have a spring of power on him. As long as we get it and all pets drink a bottle, how much can our overall strength improve?"

  "Only when the strength is strong can the kingdom of beasts be established as soon as possible."

  Jackie said emotionally.

  The three younger brothers were persuaded by Jacques.


  After Lin Feng scoured the spoils, he came to the village for a stroll.

  The appearance of the fossil tortoise and two skills have damaged more than half of the village.

  This is the powerful destructive power of the fossil turtle, which can be called a small mobile disaster, unstoppable and unavoidable.

  But it is this small disaster, it will not last long, and it will die after a few moves.

  "You also take action, find other enemies such as dog people or kobolds, and kill them all!"

  At the same time, Lin Feng ordered the pets.

  The pets acted immediately.

  Lin Feng walked into a house with all kinds of furniture and some trophies that the owner of the house had gone hunting. Lin Feng couldn't even look down on it.

  As for spirit crystals, no.

  It seems that most dog people carry their precious spirit crystals with them, probably because they are worried that they will be stolen when they go out.

  Didn't take a few steps.

  Lin Feng found another silver treasure chest and opened it directly.

  [System reminder: Silver +10]

  [System Reminder: Cloth +6]

  [System Reminder: Black Iron +3]

  [System reminder: Year wood +3]

  [System reminder: Wood Spirit Crystal +2]

  [System reminder: Lei Lingjing +2]

  [System Reminder: Big-Headed Dog Evolution Drawing +1]

  In this silver treasure chest, there is no manufacturing blueprint, but it can be considered as a black iron, year wood, and 2 thunder spirit crystals.

  Lin Feng continued to wander around the village, and he would go in and search for every house.

  Ordinary things of low value, he despises.

  He will take the high value ones.

  Not to mention, Lin Feng really found something.

  For example, silver mines, gold mines, crystals, and jade stones are found in the homes of many dog ​​people. It may be that the earth has recently cracked, and they have dug them when they are exploring the cracks.

  Moreover, Lin Feng searched many houses, and actually found Xuantie, Zijin, and Nianmu!

  This is very good.

  Not long after, Lin Feng came to the middle of the village, a tall four-story stone house with many decorations outside.

  "This house is the best in the surrounding area. It should be the residence of the patriarch."

  Lin Feng suddenly became interested.

  In the entire dog-human village, the family of the patriarch must be the richest, and there may be some good treasures. .

Chapter 214

  Lin Feng pushed open the door and entered.

  The inside is very spacious, and there are many decorations. The walls are full of decorations made of the teeth, bones, and eyeballs of various beasts.

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