He once learned from the mouths of other dog people that the dark mountain is very dangerous, and there are very powerful beasts in it.

  "Why didn't you go to Dark Mountain?"

  Lam Fung asked.

  "Dark Mountain is too dangerous. There is a devil in it. We are afraid of death and dare not go..."

  The canines answered.

  "What did Cologne go to Dark Mountain?"

  "I don't know either, but I guess Cologne is the devil who went to the Dark Mountain to seek revenge..."

  The canine answered shiveringly.

  "Want to use more power?"

  Lin Feng remembered it in his heart, but he didn't panic.

  Not to mention that he has a catastrophic beast like a fossil turtle, the combat effectiveness of the fragmented earth armor beast is also very terrifying.

  In addition, I have received a new pet Crazy Vine Snake.

  And the strength of pets is improving every day.

  Lin Feng's own strength is also improving, especially after obtaining the epic Earth Epee, the attack and defense are integrated, and the combat power is extremely strong!

  And soon, his moonstone statue can evolve, and Xiaohuo's secondary evolution is not far away.

  The overall strength of his team has been improving rapidly!

  This is the source of Lin Feng's confidence!

  "Do you know of a place where Yin and Yang meet?"

  Lin Feng then interrogated.

  The secondary evolution of Xiaohuo needs to be completed in the place where yin and yang meet, and Lin Feng currently has no clue.

  After all, the dog people are a race that has lived here for hundreds of years, and they must know more about the neighborhood than themselves.

  "What is the place where Yin and Yang meet?"

  The canine man asked confused.

  "That's right, it's hot and cold."

  Lin Feng changed it into simple and popular language.

  "On the Dark Mountain... I heard from the seniors in the clan that my clan once sent a team to explore the Dark Mountain, but only one died in the end. The surviving old senior often told everyone about the horrors of the Dark Mountain. He mentioned this kind of hot and cold place..."

  The canine man answered honestly.

  "Is it the Dark Mountain again?"

  Lin Feng is no longer a problem, a fireball hit the dog man's head, killing him!

  On the other hand, pets have also won over other canines and kobolds.


  At this time, Lu Shan sent a message: "Boss Lin Feng, I have already bought 10 of the flame grass you asked me to buy!".

Chapter 229

  "Is the flame grass gathered so quickly?"

  Lin Feng was a little surprised.

  It's comfortable to let others buy it on your behalf.

  If Lin Feng bought the flame grass by himself, as soon as the transaction demand was released, it is estimated that the price of the flame grass would soar rapidly, at least several times larger!

  "I have 5 in my hand, and there are 5 flame grass left. The seller wants 10 spirit crystals, and I don't have enough spirit crystals."

  Lu Shan sent another message.

  "Give me the total price."

  Lin Feng directly inquired about the total price of 10 blaze grasses, and paid in one lump sum.

  After a while, Lu Shan presented Lin Feng with 10 flame grasses.

  Since then.

  The second evolution of Xiaohuo is only a matter of jade essence, and there is also a place where Yin and Yang meet!

  No, you still need to reach level 20.

  The current level of the fire is 18. According to Lin Feng's estimation, it should be almost 19.

  [System reminder: Your pet three-tailed Firefox, defeat the Steel Rock Snake, gain a little experience, and level up to level 19! 】

  At this moment, the small fire escalated!

  "Very good, there is still one level left to reach level 1."

  But now, Lin Feng needs to solve the problem of jade essence.

  A total of 40 Jade Essences are required to evolve a small fire.

  Lam Fung is now only 11.

  It is estimated that it will take a long time to accumulate by opening treasure chests.

  It is also difficult to obtain through mining.

  Lin Feng also didn't know where the jade essence was in the ground.

  Still have to start from the trading area.

  at this time.

  The leader of the leaderboard, Lucy, suddenly spoke: "I just made a drawing. Jade essence is an advanced manufacturing material."

  When this statement came out, it caused a lot of discussion.

  Everyone thought that jade essence was a precious evolutionary material with high value, and they wanted to make a fortune from Lin Feng.

  The result is actually advanced manufacturing materials, then the price will drop.

  No matter how high the price of manufacturing materials is, it cannot be so high.

  For example, crystal, jade, purple gold, and black iron are all manufacturing materials. There has never been a raw material worth more than the finished product. How can anyone make a loss-making business?

  If no one wants something, the value will quickly depreciate, and it will be worthless in the end.

  "It's time for this Lucy to appear. She speaks, and the effect is much better than me' ' ."

  Lin Feng secretly said.

  On the other hand, he was also a little curious, what kind of manufacturing drawings Lucy made, and the material jade essence needed to be used.

  Lin Feng has only level 5 home upgrade blueprints so far, and he needs to use jade essence.

  It seems that everyone has their own opportunities.

  "What do you want in return?"

  Lin Feng sent a message to ask Lu Shan.

  Originally, if Lin Feng wanted to successfully acquire 10 flame grasses, he might have to pay several times the price, but Lu Shan helped himself to buy it and got it at a very cheap price.

  Moreover, Lushan should not have "middlemen make the difference".

  For example, after acquiring the blaze grass at a low price, sell it to Lin Feng at a higher price.

  Lushan often wanders in the trading area, earning the difference by buying high and selling low, and has lived better than many beastmasters.

  But he didn't make fun of Lin Feng because it wasn't necessary.

  Lin Feng has already promised to give him a reward, so he can just ask for it boldly, there is no need to pit Lin Feng.

  Secondly, Lu Shan believes that as long as he maintains a long-term trading relationship with Lin Feng, he can get more benefits.

  He is a second-order dealer with a long-term vision.

  "I want a level 4 home upgrade blueprint, can you sell me cheap after the boss opens it?"

  Lu Shan boldly stated his needs.

  At present, only Lin Feng's home is level 4 on the home list.

  Others either had no drawings or lacked materials.


  Level 4 home upgrade blueprint is definitely a high-value item.

  So Lu Shan didn't ask for it directly, but wanted Lin Feng to sell him cheaper.

  "You can buy another thing for me, and if I issue a level 4 home upgrade blueprint, I'll give it to you directly."

  Lin Feng sent a message.

  "No problem, what does Mr. Lin Feng want to acquire?"

  Lu Shan responded excitedly.

  As expected, he was right. He would definitely not be stingy with the reward for helping the big boss Lin Feng.

  "Jade essence, find a way to buy it at a lower price!"

  Lin Fengdao.

  The price of jade essence is still high, and a piece of jade essence is several spirit crystals larger.

  Lin Feng is still 29 yuan away. If he buys all of them at this price, he will have to pay about [-] spiritual crystals, which is obviously a huge loss.

  "Well, I'll try."

  Lushan also felt the difficulty, so he couldn't guarantee it, he just tried.

  After closing the chat interface.

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